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21. GOVERNMENT OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE operational research or Management Science specialists in government departments. Details of work, skills and recruitment. http://www.operational-research.gov.uk/ | |
22. CORS-SCRO English Home Page Traveling Speaker s Program. CORS Administration. Canadian Educational Programs in operational research. Membership Services. MailIn Application Form (PDF Format). http://www.cors.ca/corse1.htm | |
23. Department Of Statistics And Operational Research Department of Statistics and operational research. http://www-eio.upc.es/ | |
24. Welcome To ASOR nationwide. ASOR, like other national societies is affiliated to the International Federation of operational research Societies (IFORS). http://www.asor.ms.unimelb.edu.au/ | |
25. Www.baltzer.nl/anor/anor.asp OPERATIONS RESEARCHOPERATIONS RESEARCH. Operations research (operational research in Britain) as understood today is essentially identical to systems analysis. http://www.baltzer.nl/anor/anor.asp |
26. Applied Mathematics 8th WSEAS International Conference. Sessions on Linear Algebra and Applications, Numerical Analysis and Applications, Differential Equations and Applications, Probabilities, Statistics, operational research, Optimization, Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, Systems, Communications, Control, Computers, Education. Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands; 1618 December 2005. http://www.worldses.org/conferences/2005/tenerife/math/ |
27. Netherlands Society For Statistics And Operational Research VVS Vereniging voor Statistiek en Operationele Research / Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research. http://www.vvs-or.nl/english/indexenglish.htm | |
28. ORSS Website Membership, meetings, jobs, resources. http://sunsite.nus.edu.sg/ORSS/ | |
29. Probability, Operational Research And Statistics Department of Probability, operational research and Statistics. http://www.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/fmi/statist/ | |
30. NYU Stern | Statistics And Operational Research Department The faculty conducts research at the frontier of knowledge while simultaneously teaching and working in a milieu that requires quick answers to complex http://www.stern.nyu.edu/sor/ | |
31. Operational Research Department operational research Department. Information regarding courses offered, members of staff, research interests and events. http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/op-research/ | |
32. OR-Notes - Contents Stochastic programming conversions. Tutorials. OR on the Web. Notes on the UG operational research examination. Past UG examination papers. http://mscmga.ms.ic.ac.uk/jeb/or/contents.html | |
33. Mathstore | Newsletter: MSOR Connections Newsletter of the LTSN Maths, Stats and OR Network, covering topics in Mathematics, Statistics and operational research, published qarterly in print and online. http://ltsn.mathstore.ac.uk/newsletter/ | |
34. OR-LIBRARY ORLibrary was originally descibed in JE.Beasley, OR-Library distributing test problems by electronic mail , Journal of the operational research Society 41(11 http://mscmga.ms.ic.ac.uk/info.html | |
35. Edinburgh Operational Research MSc Designed to give a broad foundation in operational research (OR), and an understanding of how OR is used within the management decision process. The program has EPSRC support. http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/ormsc/ | |
36. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Operational Research AsiaPacific Journal of operational research. Management Science/Operations Research Society of Malaysia; operational research Society of New Zealand (Inc.); http://sunsite.nus.edu.sg/ORSS/apjor.html | |
37. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Computational Economics Integrates computer science with economic and management science, including symbolic information processing, numerical procedures, computational aspects of mathematical programming, hardware developments, operational research, artificial intelligence, user interfaces, database interfaces, and software research. Provides tables of contents and abstract archive. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0927-7099 | |
38. Ingenta: All Issues -- International Transactions In Operational Research International Transactions in operational research, Publisher Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the International Federation of operational research Societies. http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/bpl/itor | |
39. The OR Society, The Operational Research Society (Operational Research, OR, Data Provides training, conferences, publications and information to those working in operational research. Features study groups, regional societies, training, publications, conferences and news. http://www.theorsociety.com/ | |
40. Operational Research Consultants, Inc. operational research Consultants, Inc., is a Systems Integrator and Value Added Reseller (VAR) focused on medium to high levels of information assurance http://www.orc.com/ | |
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