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121. Dynamical Systems And Numerical Analysis NZIMA logo, Thematic programme on Dynamical Systems and numerical analysis. Auckland, July December, 2004. http://www.math.waikato.ac.nz/~rua/dsna.html | |
122. L-BFGS-B Nonlinear Optimization Code Bounded optimisation code (FORTRAN) for numerical analysis, from Northwestern University. http://www.ece.nwu.edu/~nocedal/lbfgsb.html | |
123. Conference Announcement ETNA Following the Flows of numerical analysis Kent, OH, May 2931, 2003, On the occasion of ETNA s tenth birthday, a conference will be held in Kent, OH, May http://lanczos.cwru.edu/~etna10/ | |
124. Index.html numerical analysis Team. Describes research, publications and teaching. Research areas Differential equations, variational methods, variational numerical techniques. http://www.umh.ac.be/math/an/en/ | |
125. Wiley-VCH - Applied Numerical Analysis & Computational Mathematics ANACM is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to all fields of numerical analysis and computational mathematics with a special focus on their applications in http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/newJournals/2135/?sID=d05b |
126. Bette Byrne numerical analysis staff and students at the Universities of Oxford and Reading with joint research programmes in computational fluid dynamics. http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/bette.byrne/index.html | |
127. Numerical Analysis At Portsmouth numerical analysis at Portsmouth. Department of Mathematics 1st Floor Buckingham What is numerical analysis. numerical analysis is the area of http://www.tech.port.ac.uk/staffweb/makrogla/numerical_analysis.html | |
128. Homepage Von Martin Hermann numerical analysis Group. Research fields, Teaching, Applications in the applied sciences and industry. http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/~hermann/ | |
129. Computer Science Department of Computer Science. Research areas include computer networks and communications, computer vision, distributed systems, logic and knowledge representation, numerical analysis and numerical linear algebra, parallel and functional programming, persistent object systems, and programming languages. http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/ | |
130. Manchester Center For Computational Mathematics Formed by the numerical analysis groups at the Department of Mathematics in the University of Manchester and at UMIST, with University College Chester. Activities, publications, resources. http://www.ma.man.ac.uk/MCCM/MCCM.html | |
131. Massachusetts Group For Numerical Analysis Of Semiconductor (MAGNUMS) Modeling the behavior of highspeed and highpower semiconductor devices. http://www.ecs.umass.edu/ece/labs/magnums.html | |
132. Subfaculty Of Mathematics Subfaculty of Mathematics, Department of numerical analysis. http://www-math.sci.kun.nl/math/onderzoek/dep_numanalysis/dep_numanalysis.html | |
133. Welcome To CLRC's Computational Science And Engineering Department numerical analysis Group. Large software base. http://www.cse.clrc.ac.uk/Group/CSENAG | |
134. Centre For Mathematical Sciences, Lund University Research and education in mathematics, mathematical statistics, and numerical analysis. http://www.maths.lth.se/ | |
135. Numerical Analysis At Portsmouth numerical analysis Sector. Members, publications, courses, events, resources. http://sun1.sms.port.ac.uk/cosmos/users/athena/numerical_analysis.html | |
136. IRC Swansea Home Page For research into the properties of high performance materials, with laboratories covering many of the materials disciplines including fatigue, creep, corrosion, forging, casting and numerical analysis. http://irc.swan.ac.uk/ | |
137. LMS-EPSRC Short Instructional Course On Computational Mathematics And Scientific An LMSEPSRC Short Instructional Course. University of Durham, UK; 719 July 2002. http://www.maths.dur.ac.uk/nass/ | |
138. Rockfield Software - World Leaders In Advanced Finite Element - Developers and suppliers of Finite Element Discrete Element software systems with a numerical analysis consultancy service. Includes a description of products and applications. http://www.rockfield.co.uk/ | |
139. QuantumSoft And Pro Fit: Plotting, Data Analysis And Curve Fitting For Mac OS Software for the analysis and visualization of numerical data. http://www.quansoft.com | |
140. Index sets out to meet the challenge to merge theoretical aspects, new field observations, laboratory measurements, and computergenerated data sets with computational and numerical considerations with the ultimate goal of significantly improving second-moment closure models. http://www.ifm.uni-hamburg.de/~wwwto/ResearchTopics/CARTUM/carthome.htm | |
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