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Nonassociative Rings: more detail | |||||||
61. PUBLICATION LIST OF WALLACE S. MARTINDALE, 3rd [1] 1958 The Baxter). 26 1979 Central closure of semiprime nonassociative rings, Communications in Algebra, 7, 11031132 (with WE Baxter). 27 http://www.math.umass.edu/Fac_Staff_Students/Faculty/Martindale/publ | |
62. MSC91 Universitätsbibliothek Marburg. Mathematics Subject Classification 1991. 17Axx General nonassociative rings ( 0 Dok. ). 17A01 General theory ( 0 Dok. http://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/opus/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=17A&anzahl=0 |
63. MSC91 Translate this page Universitätsbibliothek Marburg. Mathematics Subject Classification 1991. 17Dxx Other nonassociative rings and algebras ( 0 Dok. ). http://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/opus/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=17D&anzahl=0 |
64. MSC91 Translate this page Mathematics Subject Classification 1991. 16Yxx Generalizations, {For nonassociative rings, See 17-xx} ( 0 Dok. ). 16Y30 Near-rings, See also {12K05} ( 0 Dok. http://bieson.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/opus/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=16Y&anzahl=0 |
65. Failures On Equality Theorems 6-10 Theorems EQ9 and EQ-10. On Moufang identities in nonassociative rings (EQ-9), and on right alternative nonassociative rings (EQ-10). http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/~lusk/papers/contest/node7.html |
66. 213.htm 17 nonassociative rings and algebras. 18 Category theory, homological algebra. 17 nonassociative rings and algebras. 18 Category theory, homo logical algebra. http://www.srlst.com/213.htm |
67. Ring Theory From Linkspider UK Science Directory Lady, University of Hawaii. nonassociative rings and Algebras Section 17 in Dave Rusin s Mathematical Atlas. The Commutative Ring http://linkspider.co.uk/Science/Math/Algebra/RingTheory/ | |
68. Kalhoff, Frank : On Projective... lattices 51A45 Geometry, Linear incidence geometry, Incidence structures imbeddable into projective geometries 17A35 nonassociative rings and algebras http://www-lit.ma.tum.de/veroeff/html/941.05015.html | |
69. Systematik In Der Ehemaligen LARS-Datenbank 14 Algebraic Geometry 15 Linear and Multilinear Algebra; Matrix Theory 16 Associative Rings and Algebras 17 nonassociative rings and Algebras 18 Category Theory http://mathlars.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/systematik.html | |
70. MSRI Workshops By MSC Classification geometry expand 15 Linear and multilinear algebra, matrix theory expand 16 Associative rings and algebras 17 nonassociative rings and algebras 18 Category http://www.msri.org/calendar/msc_index?msc=01&treestate=expanded |
71. Talks semifields; Wiegandt, R. Math.Inst. of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary Title Supplementing radicals of nonassociative rings. http://www.ime.usp.br/~ivnonalg/talks.html | |
72. QA Subject List Monte Carlo method, 65, QA 298. Multilinear algebra, 15, QA 184. Nonassociative algebra, 17, QA 252. nonassociative rings, 17, QA 252. Number Theory, 11, QA 241 QA 255. http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/bioag/math/qaclass.html | |
73. Bibliothek Des Mathematischen Seminars - MSC 2000 (Grobstruktur) and multilinear algebra; matrix theory 16 Associative rings and algebras {For the commutative case, see 13} 17 nonassociative rings and algebras 18 Category http://www.math.uni-frankfurt.de/lib/msc2000grob.html | |
74. Browse The 2000 MSC theory. 16xx, Associative rings and algebras {For the commutative case, see 13-xx}. 17-xx, nonassociative rings and algebras. 18-xx, http://mlarsen.math.indiana.edu/~larsen/php/list1.php | |
75. MSC2000 16Wxx, Rings and algebras with additional structure, 16Yxx, Generalizations, For nonassociative rings, see 17XX. 16Z05, Computational aspects of associative rings, http://euler.lub.lu.se/msccgi/msc2000.cgi?seealso=16Exx&formname=aform&fieldname |
76. MSC2000 matrix theory, 16XX, Associative rings and algebras, For the commutative case, see 13-XX. 17-XX, nonassociative rings and algebras, 18-XX, http://euler.lub.lu.se/msccgi/msc2000.cgi?formname=aform&fieldname=entry1 |
77. MSC91 Veröffentlichen. 17XX nonassociative rings and algebras ( 0 Dok.). ( 0 Dok.); 17-08 Computational methods ( 0 Dok.); 17Axx General nonassociative rings ( 0 Dok. http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene2.php?zahl=17&anzahl= |
78. MSC91 Mathematics Subject Classification 1991. Veröffentlichen. 17Axx General nonassociative rings ( 0 Dok. ). 17A01 General theory ( 0 Dok. http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=17A&anzahl |
79. 17-XX nonassociative rings and algebras. 1700, General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.). 17Axx, General nonassociative rings. http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~d19/msc/17.htm |
80. MSC91 Translate this page Mathematics Subject Classification 1991. 17Dxx Other nonassociative rings and algebras ( 0 Dok. ). 17D05 Alternative rings ( 0 Dok. http://www.bsz-bw.de/swop/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=17D&anzahl=0 |
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