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101. Atlas Mathematical Conference Abstracts Calendar of conferences in mathematics, statistics, computer science and related areas; abstracts of talks presented at such conferences; helps organizers of conferences to simplify conference management. http://at.yorku.ca/amca/ | |
102. CQF.info - Mathematical Finance Forum A bulletin board dedicated to financial mathematics, mathematical finance, quantitative finance, and related fields including probability, statistics, econometrics, and optimisation. http://www.cqf.info/ | |
103. CSIRO Mathematical And Information Sciences Involved in solving problems across a wide range of industries using the skills base and the results of research in information technology, mathematics and statistics. http://www.cmis.csiro.au/ | |
104. UPLB MASS Online An organization for mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science, and statistics students of UPLB. http://uplbmass.stormpages.com | |
105. International Academy Of Noosphere (Sustainable Development Supports sustainable world development through mathematical modeling and programming. Offers for sale, Maple software and books in the fields of mathematics, statistics, computer science, cybernetics, and computer algebra systems. Page includes mission statement, list of staff, history, and list of publications. http://www.geocities.com/intl_academy_noosphere/ | |
106. AARMS - Atlantic Association For Research In The Mathematical Sciences An association to encourage and further research in all mathematical sciences, statistics and computer science, in the Atlantic region. Lists board of directors, programs past, present and future and email contacts list. http://www.math.mun.ca/~aarms/ | |
107. HoDoMS Home Page Heads of Departments of mathematical Sciences, the body that represents UK departments of Mathematics and statistics by coordinating senior members of these departments. http://www.mis.coventry.ac.uk/HODOMS/ | |
108. Association For Women In Mathematics (AWM) A nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging and promoting women and girls in the mathematical sciences including pure and applied mathematics and statistics. Site has newsletters, events and resources including job adverts. http://www.awm-math.org/ | |
109. School Of Computing And Mathematical Sciences Offering courses and research in Computer Science, Mathematics and statistics. http://www.scms.waikato.ac.nz/ | |
110. School Of Communications Technology And Mathematical Sciences Programmes in Electronic and Communications Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, Business Systems Modelling, and Applied statistics. http://www.unl.ac.uk/sctms/index.shtml | |
111. Department Of Biological Statistics And Computational Biology A department of seven fulltime faculty with expertise in the mathematical sciences applied to biology, including statistics, probability, biomathematics, and computing. http://www.bscb.cornell.edu/ | |
112. MathTools V2.4.3 mathematical routines by Bhuvanesh Bhatt for the TI89/92+/V200 in Algebra, Number Theory, statistics and applications. http://triton.towson.edu/users/bbhatt1/ti/MathTools.htm | |
113. Statistics Div UON School Of Maths School of mathematical Sciences; statistics Division. http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/statsdiv/ | |
114. Dr. Karen Kafadar, University Of Colorado At Denver University of Colorado at Denver. Department of statistics and Probability. Specializes in the use of mathematical modeling to improve public health. Page includes curriculum vitae, research projects and links. http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~kk/ | |
115. Statistics Group Department of mathematical Sciences, statistics Group. http://www.maths.soton.ac.uk/stats/ | |
116. School Of Maths UON Has mathematical Physics, Pure Mathematics, statistics, and Theoretical Mechanics divisions. http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/ | |
117. Education.ti.com - Home Compact, easy to use, reliable computer algebra software. It intelligently applies the rules of algebra, trigonometry, calculus and matrix algebra to solve a wide range of mathematical problems. This nonnumeric approach goes far beyond the capabilities of dedicated statistics packages and equation solvers that use only approximate numerical techniques. http://www.ti.com/calc/docs/derive.htm | |
118. The University Of Greenwich : School Of Computing And Mathematical Sciences School of Computing and mathematical Sciences Centre for Applied statistics and Systems Modelling (CASSM). http://www.cms.gre.ac.uk/web/Research/centre-appliedstatistics.asp | |
119. CCSU: Department Of Mathematical Sciences Offers BA and MA degrees in mathematics and mathematics with specialization in actuarial science, computer systems and software engineering, operations research, and statistics. Concentrations are also offered in mathematics, statistics, and mathematics for physics majors. http://www.math.ccsu.edu/ | |
120. UIC/Math/Research/Pure Mathematics UIC's Department of Mathematics, statistics, and Computer Science is a strong department ranked in group I by the American mathematical Society and among the top thirtyfive research mathematics departments by the National Research Council. http://www.math.uic.edu/Research/ | |
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