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161. Lattice '99 Please go to the true lattice 99 Web page. lattice 99. Contact Information; Sponsors;First Announcement (New November 5, 1998); lattice 2000 Conference. http://lattice99.df.unipi.it/ | |
162. Richard E. Borcherds (Berkeley Home Page) Berkeley. Quantum algebra and number theory. Preprints, lecture notes, tables of lattices and modular forms. Fields medallist, 1998. http://math.berkeley.edu/~reb/ | |
163. LHPC lattice Hadron Physics Collaboration. The only known way to solve ¼ Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD) is a numerical solution on a discrete spacetime lattice. http://www.jlab.org/~dgr/lhpc/ | |
164. Materassi In Lattice - Vendita Diretta Da Produzione Quarrata, PT Produzione e vendita di materassi e guanciali in lattice. http://www.trecresine.com/Vendita/ | |
165. Overview On Lattice Field Theory lattice High Energy Physics. There is some important news about the Overviewon lattice Field Theory pages. A list of shared lattice data. http://www.desy.de/user/projects/Lattice.html | |
166. Kevin Frenette - Hardware Design Engineer (Resume) Portsmouth, New Hampshire hardware design engineer. FPGA, analog, high speed digital, networking, simulation/verification, PCB layout, hardware debug, ViewLogic/WVOffice, Mentor Graphics, Synplify/Synplicity, VCS Verilog Simulator, Xilinx ISE Foundation, Altera Max+PLUS II, lattice ISP Designer, Allegro PCB Layout, Transmission Line Theory Termination, Functional and Timing Simulation / Verification. http://home.comcast.net/~kfrenette/frenette/resume.html | |
167. National Computing Facility For Lattice Gauge Theory, Adelaide, South Australia National Computing Facility for lattice Gauge Theory (NCFLGT) http//www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/ncflgt/Established and supported by the Australian Research http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/ncflgt/ | |
168. Private Page Renaud Coulangeon Bordeaux I University. Euclidean lattices and related areas (quadratic forms , number theory). http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~coulange/index1.html | |
169. Lattice Of Coincidence lattice Of Coincidence. They don t realize that there s this like, lattice ofcoincidence that lays on top of everything. I ll give you an example. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?LatticeOfCoincidence |
170. MSRI Program In Algorithmic Number Theory August December 2000, MSRI Berkeley. Specific areas of active interest are elliptic curves, factoring, lattice basis reduction, discrete logarithms, higher genus curves, and finite fields. http://www.msri.org/calendar/programs/ant.html |
171. Pacific Yurts-Original Modern Yurt Manufacturer Source of recreational living structures. Located in Cottage Grove, Oregon, and established in 1978, the original manufacturer of the modern lattice wall yurt. http://www.yurts.com | |
172. SLM2004 Solvable lattice Models 2004. Last Updated 13/12/2003 Sorry, thispage is under construction. Date. July 20 July 23, 2004. Location. http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~mnishi/slm2004/ |
173. Cross Industries Home Page Fabricates vinyl rails, lattice and fences. http://www.crossvinyl.com/ | |
174. Organic Chemistry Molecular Models: Molymod, Orbit, Minit; DNA Model Plastic molecular models for use in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology (DNA double helix), semiconductors and crystal lattice structures. http://www.molecular-model.com/ | |
175. Modern Fence Technologies Your Number 1 PVC Parts Dealer Products for the vinyl fence industry including, cnc machines, hinges, latches, post caps, lattice, and other vinyl products. http://mftfence.com/ | |
176. Halloween Studio Ascoli Piceno Realizzazione di maschere in lattice di gomma, effetti speciali per cinema e tv, creature di varie dimensioni, scenografie, a cura di Giuseppe Cordivani. http://www.cordivani.com/ | |
177. Liftroll Cookbook How to design a good wing using a vortexlattice spreadsheet by John Hazel. http://www.geocities.com/jebbushell/COOKBOOK.htm | |
178. NGT Group 422.25 GBp 0.25. 14/05/2004 1713 BST. 37.75 USD 0.16. 14/05/2004 1600EST. For detailed Investor Information visit our Investors Section . http://www.ngtgroup.com/ |
179. Mineralogical Society Of America http://www.minsocam.org/AmMin/AmMin.html | |
180. Concentric Dial-Up Internet hyposoft.cnc.net Not Available. The domain hyposoft.cnc.net which youare trying to access is currently unavailable. This may occur http://www.concentric.net/~Hyposoft/ | |
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