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41. Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm For Cluster Identification An algorithm for identifying connected clusters on a lattice where sites may be occupied or nonoccupied. With example C code. http://splorg.org/~tobin/kb/hoshenkopelman.html | |
42. IldgWiki:HomePage International lattice DataGrid. ildg international lattice datagrid. HomePage.Welcome to the International lattice DataGrid community webpages - the ildgWiki. http://www.lqcd.org/ildg/ | |
43. Lattice Windows: A Division Of Mike Honour Windows - Home Page For Includes a description of available styles, window furniture, and examples of recent work. http://www.latticewindows.net | |
44. Info.desy.de/user/projects/Lattice.html lattice 2004lattice 2004 The XXII International Symposium on lattice Field TheoryFermi National Accelerator Laboratory June 2126, 2004 http://info.desy.de/user/projects/Lattice.html |
45. High Energy Physics - Lattice The Geometry Junkyard Geometry of NumbersThe Geometry Junkyard. lattice Theory and Geometry of Numbers. See also Sloane sspherepacking and lattice theory publications. Connect the dots. http://xxx.lanl.gov/archive/hep-lat | |
46. Lattice - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia lattice. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In colloquial usage, a latticeis a structure of crossed laths with open spaces left between them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattice | |
47. Wicked Toast - PlanetSide: After Lattice Preview Preview by Marcin. This forces each side to funnel forces to only a few hotspots on the map, not be forced to react when random bases are attacked on the other side of the continent only to arrive too late time and time again. Includes screen shots. http://www.wickedtoast.com/article.php?id=50 |
48. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math lattice Multiplication. Date 10/19/96 at 214239 From Doctor Mason Subject Relattice Multiplication Dear Susan, You ve asked one of my favorite questions. http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52468.html | |
49. USC, Department Of Mathematics, Ognian Trifonov University of South Carolina. Analytic number theory and approximation theory; lattice points close to a curve or surface; applications to gap problems. http://www.math.sc.edu/people/trifonov.html | |
50. Handbook Of Ocular Disease Management - LATTICE DEGENERATION lattice DEGENERATION WITH AND WITHOUT ATROPHIC HOLES There appears to bea higher incidence of myopia in patients with lattice degeneration. http://www.revoptom.com/handbook/sect5e.htm | |
51. Area, Lattice Points, And Exponential Sums By Martin Huxley Martin Huxley (OUP/LMS, 1996). Author's page with summary and errata. http://www.cf.ac.uk/maths/people/huxley1.html | |
52. Lattice -- From MathWorld lattice. An algebra is called a lattice if L The study of lattices iscalled lattice theory. Note that this type of lattice is distinct http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Lattice.html | |
53. Welcome To Crane's End, Inc. Displays and lists items available for resale to include used mobile and lattice and hydraulic cranes of all manufacturers and related new components. http://www.cranesend.com/ | |
54. Point Lattice -- From MathWorld Point lattice. lattice theory. Formally, a lattice is a discrete subgroupof Euclidean space, assuming it contains the origin. That http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PointLattice.html | |
55. 2D Monte Carlo FORTRAN Code Simulates ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. http://bguy.mse.uiuc.edu/matse390/2D_MC/index.html | |
56. Lattice Gauge Theory & Quantum Chromodynamics: Physics On A 4D Scaffold A brief description of how to construct lattice quantum chromodynamics. http://www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~ywong/poster/articles/latqcd2.html | |
57. Lattice lattice SM (Electronic equity trading system). lattice SM is an electronic trademanagement, order routing and execution system for equities trading. http://www.statestreet.com/capabilities/trading_services/products/ts_071_lattice | |
58. Eli Whitney Museum Short article from the Eli Whitney museum. Includes Town's patent drawing of the lattice truss, 1820, and a present view of the bridge. http://www.eliwhitney.org/mm1.htm#three | |
59. Lattice - Talana Translate this page Bienvenue sur le serveur Web de lattice-Talana. UMR 8094 du. lattice-TalanaUFRL, Université Paris 7 Case 7003 2, Place Jussieu F-75251 Paris cedex 05. http://talana.linguist.jussieu.fr/ | |
60. Untitled Document Corbanese, TV Produzione di materassi e cuscini lattice, lana, piuma e cotone, rivestimenti naturali ed anallergici, reti motorizzate ed ortopediche. Profilo aziendale, presentazione dei prodotti, novit e contatti. http://www.dorsal.it/ | |
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