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41. Motives, K-theory And Arithmetical Geometry Motives, ktheory and Arithmetical Geometry. Summer School Workshop. SESTRI LEVANTE (Genova, Italy) June 28 - July 2, 2004. http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/GVA/MKTAG/ | |
42. K-Theory And Linear Algebraic Groups, Duisburg, Sept. 9 - 15, 2001 Translate this page http://www.uni-duisburg.de/FB11/LAGRS/ |
43. Pietro Cornacchia's Home Page University of Pisa. Algebraic number theory ideal class groups for cyclotomic fields, and ktheory of the rings of integers of an abelian number field. http://www.dm.unipi.it/pages/cornac/public_html/cornacchia.html | |
44. K-Theory -- From MathWorld ktheory. A branch of mathematics In general, there are two main types of k-theory topological and algebraic. Topological k-theory is http://mathworld.wolfram.com/K-Theory.html | |
45. K-theory Days ktheory Days. Programmes of past k-theory Days. 11th November 1996 (Oxford); 27 February 1997 (Manchester); 15 May 1997 (Exeter); 2 June 1997 (Oxford); http://www.maths.soton.ac.uk/staff/Brodzki/Ktheory/ | |
46. Lectures On Topological K-theory Lectures on Topological ktheory. More recently k-theory has become an important ingredient in the theory of D-branes from theoretical physics. http://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/ktheory/ | |
47. K-THEORY AND ALGEBRAIC CYCLES Translate this page http://www.dm.unibo.it/ktheory/ |
48. GLK8 Great Lakes ktheory Conference, VIII. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; 27 April 2002. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/Calendar/020427-GL8/ | |
49. The Math Forum - Math Library - K-Theory Browse and Search the Library Home Math Topics Algebra Modern Algebra ktheory. KT k-theory and Homology (Front for the Mathematics ArXiv) - Univ. http://mathforum.org/library/topics/k_theory/ | |
50. Advanced Course On Group Actions An introduction to a conjecture due to P. Baum and A. Connes that there is a natural isomorphism between the equivariant Khomology of the classifying space EG for proper G-actions and the topological k-theory of the reduced C*-algebra of the group G. Centre de Recerca Matem tica, Universitat Aut²noma de Barcelona, Spain; 1822 September 2001. http://www.crm.es/PastActivities/Act2001-2002/coursegroupact.htm | |
51. Great Lakes K-theory Conference, X, Final Announcement By Dan Grayson Great Lakes ktheory Conference, X, Final Announcement by Dan Grayson. reply to this message post a message on a new topic Back to sci.math.research http://mathforum.org/epigone/sci.math.research/dwalbleldclom | |
52. K-theory ktheory. 19Axx Grothendieck groups and K_0. 19Bxx Whitehead groups and K_1. 19Dxx Higher algebraic k-theory. 19Exx k-theory in geometry. http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/compalg/gruber/WWW/19-XXmon.html | |
53. Trace Methods In Algebraic K-Theory Workshop on Trace Methods in Algebraic ktheory. MÃNSTER (GERMANY). Monday, September 29 to Friday, October 3, 2003. Program. You may http://www.math.uni-muenster.de/u/varisco/tmakt/ | |
54. Dublin 2004 Workshop On K-Theory, Algebraic Groups And Related Structures Dublin 2004 Workshop on. ktheory, Algebraic Groups and Related Structures. k-theory and Arithmetic, M. Kolster, (McMaster University, Canada). http://maths.ucd.ie/~workshop2004/ | |
55. Algebraic Cycles, K-Theory, And Modular Representation Theory Algebraic Cycles, ktheory, and. Modular Representation Theory. in Honor of the 60th birthday of. Eric Friedlander. Northwestern University. September 16-19, 2004. http://www.math.northwestern.edu/conferences/friedlander/ | |
56. An Introduction To K-theory Prifysgol Cymru Abertawe/University of Wales Swansea, An Introduction to ktheory. Adran Fathemateg/Department of Mathematics. IKT, An Introduction to k-theory. Top. http://www-maths.swan.ac.uk/staff/fwc/IKT.html | |
57. MathGuide: K-theory MathGuide ktheory (4 records). 1. Hopf Topology Archive. Subject Class, Algebraic topology; General topology; k-theory. Source http://www.mathguide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/anzeige.pl?db=math&sc=19 |
58. K-theory - Encyclopedia Article About K-theory. Free Access, No Registration Nee ktheory. Word Cambridge. He was one of the founders, with Friedrich Hirzebruch, of topological k-theory, a branch of algebraic topology. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/K-theory | |
59. Vector Bundles & K-Theory Book Vector Bundles ktheory. Here is a provisional Table of Contents. At present about half of the book is in good enough shape to http://www.math.cornell.edu/~hatcher/VBKT/VBpage.html | |
60. Title Details - Cambridge University Press Home Catalogue ktheory for Operator Algebras. Related Areas Pure Mathematics. k-theory for Operator Algebras. Bruce Blackadar. £23.99. http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521635322 |
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