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41. Title Details - Cambridge University Press Home Catalogue Fourier Series and integral transforms. Related Areas FourierSeries and integral transforms. Allan Pinkus, Samy Zafrany. £16.99. http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521597714 |
42. GAMS (Guide To Available Math Software) UCRL-WEB-201523 GAMS (Guide to Available Math Software). GAMS Subject Headings. J. IntegralTransforms. J. integral transforms. J. integral transforms J1. http://www.llnl.gov/LCdocs/gams/index.jsp?show=s1.10 |
43. Applied & Computational Complex Analysis, Special Functions-Integral Transforms- Applied Computational Complex Analysis, Special Functionsintegral transforms-Asymptotics-Continued Fractions - Search for books at mathematicsbooks.org. http://mathematicsbooks.org/047154289X.html | |
44. Andre Weideman: Integral Transforms integral transforms. http://dip.sun.ac.za/~weideman/research/int.html | |
45. SIAM AG On Orthogonal Polynomials And Special Functions OPSF NET 5.4 - July 15, 1998 ~~~~~ From Vadim Zelenkov SubjectBook on Fractional Order integral transforms of Hypergeometric Type http://math.nist.gov/opsf/books/fract.html | |
46. GAMS : Class J ... Integral Transforms More results from math.nist.gov PDF Option Pricing using integral transforms http://math.nist.gov/cgi-bin/gams-serve/class/J.html | |
47. CFD Books Guide | Integral Transforms In Computational Heat And Fluid Flow CFD Books Guide integral transforms in Computational Heat and Fluid Flow by Cotta,Renato Machado. integral transforms in Computational Heat and Fluid Flow. http://www.cfd-online.com/Books/show_book.php?book_id=144 |
48. Multiple Integrals And Integral Transforms Multiple Integrals and integral transforms. Abbreviation IDR. Ac.year 2002/2003.Term Winter. Language czech. Credits 7. Completion examination (written). http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/study/course-l.php.en?id=4547 |
49. Multiple Integrals And Integral Transforms Multiple Integrals and integral transforms. Abbreviation ID1. Ac.year 2002/2003.Term Winter. Language english. Credits 6. Completion examination (written). http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/study/course-l.php.en?id=4715 |
50. 5 Integral Transforms 5 integral transforms. A useful application of the definite integrationpackage is in the calculation of various integral transforms. http://www.uni-koeln.de/REDUCE/3.6/doc/defint/node6.html | |
51. Integral Transforms For Engineers (SPIE PRESS Monograph Vol. PM66) integral transforms for Engineers (SPIE PRESS Monograph Vol. PM66).integral transforms for Engineers (SPIE PRESS Monograph Vol. http://www.engineering-shop.com/Integral_Transforms_for_Engineers_SPIE_PRESS_Mon | |
52. Ingenta: Table Of Contents -- Integral Transforms And Special Functions, April 2 integral transforms and Special Functions. 2. A generalized polygamma function EspinosaO.; Moll V. integral transforms and Special Functions, April 2004, vol. http://www.ingenta.com/isis/browsing/TOC/ingenta?issue=pubinfobike://tandf/gitr/ |
53. Integral Transforms And Hecke Correspondence integral transforms and Hecke correspondence. July 37, 2000, CIRM (Marseille,France). Organizers Andrea D Agnolo, Masaki Kashiwara, Pierre Schapira. http://www.math.unipd.it/~dagnolo/CIRM2000/CIRM.html | |
54. Integral Transforms And Hecke Correspondence integral transforms and Hecke correspondence. July 3, 1230, Lunch. July3, 1600 1700, Mike Eastwood, Twistor methods for integral transforms. http://www.math.unipd.it/~dagnolo/CIRM2000/CIRMtimetable.html | |
55. MAT3901 - Integral Transforms Component Statistics and integral transforms for Engineering (MAT3901) IntegralTransforms Component. Notices. A clean copy of the book Laplace http://www.maths.monash.edu.au/~cally/MAT3901/index.shtml | |
56. Serials And Journals Database integral transforms Spec. Funct. (ISSN 10652469 1476-8291 (electronic)),integral transforms and Special Functions. An International Journal. http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/serials/hits?no=1065-2469&max_size=10&m |
57. PHI Logo New Delhi; Kolkata. integral transforms FOR ENGINEERS. This book familiarizes thereader with integral transforms as applied to solving problems in engineering. http://www.phindia.com/bookdetail.php?isbn=81-203-2404-8 |
58. Gorilla.it: Product: 'Integral Transforms And Their Applications' Scheda dell articolo integral transforms And Their Applications. di Davies/ Davies B. / SPRINGERVERLAG, 367 pagine, 2002, ISBN 0387953140 INGLESE http://www.gorilla.it/gorilla/product.asp?sku=0387953140 |
59. BIBSYS-Søkeresultat More results from wgate.bibsys.no PDF MULTILEVEL EVALUATION OF integral transforms WITH ASYMPTOTICALLY http://wgate.bibsys.no/gate1/FIND?base=BIBSYS&ms=65R10? |
60. Multilevel Evaluation Of Integral Transforms With Asymptotically Smooth Kernels Multilevel Evaluation of integral transforms with Asymptotically SmoothKernels. A. Brandt, CH Venner. Abstract. Multilevel algorithms http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/28555 | |
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