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         Homological Algebra:     more books (100)
  1. Lectures in homological algebra, (Regional conference series in mathematics) by Peter John Hilton, 1971
  2. Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial and Computational Aspects (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
  3. Homological Questions in Local Algebra (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) by Jan R. Strooker, 1990-09-28
  4. Non-Abelian Homological Algebra and Its Applications (Mathematics and Its Applications) by Hvedri Inassaridze, 1997-10-31
  5. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1965 No. 55Foundations of Relative Homological Algebra by Samuel Eilenberg, J. C. Moore, 1965-01-31
  6. Abelian Groups, Rings, Modules and Homological Algebra by Pat Goeters, 2006
  7. Foundations of relative homological algebra, (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society) by Samuel Eilenberg, 1965
  8. K-Theory and Homological Algebra: A Seminar Held at the Razmadze Mathematical Institute in Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR 1987-88 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
  9. Foundations of Relative Homological Algebra by Samuel and J.C. Moore Eilenberg, 1966
  10. Introduction to Categories, Homological Algebra and Sheaf Cohomology by J. R. Strooker, 1978-07-28
  11. Reviews of Papers in Algebraic and Differential Topology, Topological Groups, and Homological Algebra by N. E. Steenrod, 1968-06
  12. Trivial extensions of Abelian categories: Homological algebra of trivial extensions of Abelian categories with applications to ring theory (Lecture notes in mathematics ; 456) by Robert M Fossum, 1975
  13. An Elementary Approach to Homological Algebra (Chapman & Hall/Crc Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics.) by L.R. Vermani, 2003-05-28
  14. Algebras and Modules II: Eighth International Conference on Representations of Algebras, August 4-10, 1996, Geiranger, Norway (Conference Proceedings (Canadian Mathematical Society)) by International Conference on Representations of Algebras 1996 geirange, Idun Reiten, et all 1998-05

21. Homological Algebra
homological algebra. Some basic facts from homological algebra 12, 4 are needed to understand the purpose of the algorithms presented in this section.
Next: Chain Complexes and Homology Up: Notes on Symbolic Computation Previous: The Free Algebra as
Homological Algebra
Some basic facts from homological algebra [ ] are needed to understand the purpose of the algorithms presented in this section. Throughout this section, R will denote a commutative ring with unit.
Larry A. Lambe 2003-03-08

22. The Math Forum - Math Library - Cat. Theory/Homolgcl Alg.
sites and Web pages relating to the study of mathematics. This page contains sites relating to Category Theory/homological algebra.
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  • Category Theory, Homological Algebra - Dave Rusin; The Mathematical Atlas
    A short article designed to provide an introduction to category theory, a comparatively new field of mathematics that provides a universal framework for discussing fields of algebra and geometry. While the general theory and certain types of categories have attracted considerable interest, the area of homological algebra has proved most fruitful in areas of ring theory, group theory, and algebraic topology. History; applications and related fields and subfields; textbooks, reference works, and tutorials; software and tables; other web sites with this focus. more>>
    All Sites - 19 items found, showing 1 to 19
  • Applied and Computational Category Theory - RISC-Linz, Austria
    A brief history and description of category theory, and some related links. From the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation. ...more>>
  • Categories, Quantization, and Much More - John Baez
  • 23. About "Category Theory, Homological Algebra"
    Category Theory, homological algebra. Levels College. Languages English. Resource Types Articles. Math Topics Category Theory/homological algebra.
    Category Theory, Homological Algebra
    Library Home
    Full Table of Contents Suggest a Link Library Help
    Visit this site: Author: Dave Rusin; The Mathematical Atlas Description: A short article designed to provide an introduction to category theory, a comparatively new field of mathematics that provides a universal framework for discussing fields of algebra and geometry. While the general theory and certain types of categories have attracted considerable interest, the area of homological algebra has proved most fruitful in areas of ring theory, group theory, and algebraic topology. History; applications and related fields and subfields; textbooks, reference works, and tutorials; software and tables; other web sites with this focus. Levels: College Languages: English Resource Types: Articles Math Topics: Category Theory/Homological Algebra
    The Math Library Quick Reference ... Contact Us

    24. Homological Algebra
    homological algebra. homological algebra is that branch of mathematics which studies the methods of homology and cohomology in a general setting.
    Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
    Homological algebra
    Homological algebra is that branch of mathematics which studies the methods of homology and cohomology in a general setting. These concepts originated in algebraic topology Cohomology theories have been described for topological spaces, sheaves , and groupss ; also for Lie algebras, C-star algebras. The study of modern algebraic geometry would be almost unthinkable without sheaf cohomology. There are also other homological functors that take their place in the theory, such as Ext and Tor. There have been attempts at 'non-commutative' theories, which extend first cohomology as torsors (which is important in Galois cohomology).
    Foundational aspects
    The methods of homological algebra start with use of the exact sequence to perform actual calculations. With a diverse set of applications in mind, it was natural to try to put the whole subject on a uniform basis. There were several attempts, before the subject settled down. An approximate history can be stated as follows:
    • Cartan-Eilenberg: as in their eponymous book, used projective and injective module resolutions.

    25. Homological Algebra - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    homological algebra. homological algebra is that branch of mathematics which studies the methods of homology and cohomology in a general setting.
    Homological algebra
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Homological algebra is that branch of mathematics which studies the methods of homology and cohomology in a general setting. These concepts originated in algebraic topology Cohomology theories have been described for topological spaces sheaves , and groups ; also for Lie algebras C-star algebras . The study of modern algebraic geometry would be almost unthinkable without sheaf cohomology. There are also other homological functors that take their place in the theory, such as Ext and Tor. There have been attempts at 'non-commutative' theories, which extend first cohomology as torsors (which is important in Galois cohomology). edit
    Foundational aspects
    The methods of homological algebra start with use of the exact sequence to perform actual calculations. With a diverse set of applications in mind, it was natural to try to put the whole subject on a uniform basis. There were several attempts, before the subject settled down. An approximate history can be stated as follows:
    • Cartan-Eilenberg: as in their eponymous book, used projective and injective module resolutions.

    26. Charles A. Weibel: Home Page
    Students. Corrections to my textbook ``An introduction to homological algebra ; Chapters in my bookin-progress ``Algebraic K-theory ;
    Charles Weibel's Home Page
  • The 2004 Almgren "Mayday" Race was held on Sunday May 2. This is an annual relay race between Princeton and Rutgers. Teaching Stuff (for more information, see Rutgers University , the Rutgers Math Department , and its Graduate Math Program
  • 27. Homological Algebra - Encyclopedia Article About Homological Algebra. Free Acces
    encyclopedia article about homological algebra. homological algebra in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. homological algebra. algebra
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Homological algebra
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Homological algebra is that branch of mathematics Mathematics is commonly defined as the study of patterns of structure, change, and space; more informally, one might say it is the study of 'figures and numbers'. In the formalist view, it is the investigation of axiomatically defined abstract structures using logic and mathematical notation; other views are described in Philosophy of mathematics. Mathematics might be seen as a simple extension of spoken and written languages, with an extremely precisely defined vocabulary and grammar, for the purpose of describing and exploring physical and conceptual relationships.
    Click the link for more information. which studies the methods of homology A separate article treats homology in biology. In mathematics (especially algebraic topology and abstract algebra), homology is a certain general procedure to associate a sequence of abelian groups or modules to a given mathematical object. See homology theory for more background.
    Construction of homology groups
    The procedure works as follows: Given the object
    Click the link for more information.

    28. Homological Algebra - Encyclopedia Article About Homological Algebra. Free Acces
    homological algebra. algebra
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Homological algebra
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Homological algebra is that branch of mathematics Mathematics is commonly defined as the study of patterns of structure, change, and space; more informally, one might say it is the study of 'figures and numbers'. In the formalist view, it is the investigation of axiomatically defined abstract structures using logic and mathematical notation; other views are described in Philosophy of mathematics. Mathematics might be seen as a simple extension of spoken and written languages, with an extremely precisely defined vocabulary and grammar, for the purpose of describing and exploring physical and conceptual relationships.
    Click the link for more information. which studies the methods of homology A separate article treats homology in biology. In mathematics (especially algebraic topology and abstract algebra), homology is a certain general procedure to associate a sequence of abelian groups or modules to a given mathematical object. See homology theory for more background.
    Construction of homology groups
    The procedure works as follows: Given the object
    Click the link for more information.

    29. Homological Algebra
    homological algebra. Certain results in homological algebra regarding spectral sequences have been repeatedly used in various contexts.
    Next: Motives Up: Current Mathematical Research Previous: Rationality and Unirationality
    Homological Algebra
    Certain results in homological algebra regarding spectral sequences have been repeatedly used in various contexts. The usual reference has been to unpublished work of Deligne for a proof. The general applicability of these results has been a matter of some interest due to the interest in ``motives'' (see below). The author has generalised and clarified the existence and properties of the constructions used; roughly speaking this is a theory of spectral sequences of spectral sequences. Recent discussions with B. Kahn (CNRS) have led to a further generalisation of the results to unbounded complexes. A paper based on this work has appeared in the Journal of Algebra. A talk based on this work was also presented at the ICM Satellite conference at Essen.
    Kapil H. Paranjape 2000-04-26

    30. Homological Algebra Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    homological algebra definition, meaning and explanation and more about homological algebra. FreeDefinition homological algebra. - definition, meaning
    A B C D ...

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    Google News about your search term
    Homological algebra
    Homological algebra is that branch of mathematics which studies the methods of homology and cohomology in a general setting. These concepts originated in algebraic topology Cohomology theories have been described for topological space s, sheaves , and group s; also for Lie algebra s, C-star algebra s. The study of modern algebraic geometry would be almost unthinkable without sheaf cohomology. There are also other homological functor s that take their place in the theory, such as Ext and Tor. There have been attempts at 'non-commutative' theories, which extend first cohomology as torsors (which is important in Galois cohomology).
    Foundational aspects
    The methods of homological algebra start with use of the exact sequence to perform actual calculations. With a diverse set of applications in mind, it was natural to try to put the whole subject on a uniform basis. There were several attempts, before the subject settled down. An approximate history can be stated as follows:
    • Cartan-Eilenberg: as in their eponymous book, used projective and injective module resolutions.

    31. Algebraic Topology: Homological Algebra
    Next Previous Contents 9. homological algebra. Above we used the undefined product *. It is defined by A*B = Tor_1(A,B), the torsion
    Previous Contents
    9. Homological algebra
    Above we used the undefined product . It is defined by A*B = Tor_1(A,B) , the torsion product of A and B . It is zero when either A or B is free, and we have A*B = B*A Just for completeness the definitions. A resolution of A is an exact sequence ...-> C_i -> ... -> C_0 -> A -> . It is called free when all are free. Free resolutions exist, and any two free resolutions are chain homotopic. Now Tor_i(A,B) = H_i(C tensor B) is independent of the choice of free resolution C (And dually, Ext^i(A,B) = H^i(Hom(A,B)) Over a principal ideal domain one finds Tor_i(A,B) = Ext^i(A,B) = for i > 1 . Also, Tor_0(A,B) = A tensor B , so the only torsion module of interest here is A*B Next Previous Contents

    32. Homological Algebra - InformationBlast
    homological algebra Information Blast. homological algebra. homological algebra is that branch of mathematics which studies the
    Homological algebra
    Categories: Homological algebra Algebra Abstract algebra Algebraic topology ... Algebraic geometry
    Homological algebra is that branch of mathematics which studies the methods of homology and cohomology in a general setting. These concepts originated in algebraic topology Cohomology theories have been described for topological spaces sheaves , and groups ; also for Lie algebras C-star algebras . The study of modern algebraic geometry would be almost unthinkable without sheaf cohomology. There are also other homological functors that take their place in the theory, such as Ext and Tor. There have been attempts at 'non-commutative' theories, which extend first cohomology as torsors (which is important in Galois cohomology). The methods of homological algebra start with use of the exact sequence to perform actual calculations. With a diverse set of applications in mind, it was natural to try to put the whole subject on a uniform basis. There were several attempts, before the subject settled down. An approximate history can be stated as follows:
    • Cartan-Eilenberg: as in their eponymous book, used projective and injective module resolutions.

    33. Title Details - Cambridge University Press
    Home Catalogue An Introduction to homological algebra. Related Areas Pure Mathematics. An Introduction to homological algebra. Charles A. Weibel. £24.99.

    34. UWM Math: Homological Algebra
    homological algebra. algebra was modelled after). All members of the algebra group have done work involving homological algebra.
    Homological Algebra
    Algebra Group
    Mathematical Sciences

    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

    Virtually every algebraist today uses homological algebra, and the same is true of many other mathematicians, particularly topologists (who invented the topological theory that homological algebra was modelled after). All members of the algebra group have done work involving homological algebra.
    Send feedback to the Math Web team at
    Last Updated October 6, 1999

    35. Homological Algebra Winter 2004
    Math 677 homological algebra, Winter 2004. Basic info. Text C. Weibel, An Introduction to homological algebra, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Math., vol.
    Math 677: Homological Algebra, Winter 2004
    Basic info
    • Meets MWF 2-3 in 323 TMCB.
    • Text: C. Weibel, An Introduction to Homological Algebra , Cambridge Studies in Advanced Math., vol. 38, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002, ISBN 0521559871
    Class helps (mostly in PDF)
    Return to my home

    36. Math 677. Homological Algebra
    Math 677. homological algebra terms offered, credit hours, prerequisites, and course description. Math 677. homological algebra. Offered W even years.
    Math 677. Homological Algebra
    Offered: W even years Credit Hours: Prerequisites: Math 671, 672 Description: Chain complexes, derived functors, cohomology of groups, ext and tor, spectral sequences, etc. Application to algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory. Course List
    Brigham Young University
    Department of Mathematics
    Send Comments to

    37. Homological Algebra 1,2
    Introduction to homological algebra 1, 2. Prerequisites Group Theory, Topology SI Gelfand, Yu.I. Manin. Methods of homological algebra. Springer, Berlin, 1996.
    Introduction to Homological Algebra 1, 2
    Group Theory, Topology
    Time and place
    Wednesday 9 - 12, Schreiber 006
    Program of the Course
    Fall semester - Simplicial Sets and Category Theory
    I. Simplicial Sets.
  • Triangulated spaces
  • Simplicial sets
  • Simplicial topological spaces and the Eilenberg-Zilber theorem
  • Homology and cohomology
  • Sheaves
  • The exact sequence
  • Complexes
    II. Main Notions of the Category Theory
  • The language of categories and functors
  • Categories and structures, equivalence of categories
  • Structures and categories, representable functors
  • Category approach to the construction of geometrical objects
  • Additive and abelian categories
  • Functors in abelian categories.
    Spring Semester - Derived Categories and Triangulated Categories
    III. Derived Categories and Derived Functors
  • Complexes as generalized objects
  • Derived categories and localization
  • Triangles as generalized exact triples
  • Derived category as the localization of homotopic category
  • The structure of derived category
  • Derived functors
  • Derived functor of the composition. Spectral sequence.
  • 38. An Introduction To Homological Algebra
    An Introduction to homological algebra. List price $37.00 Our price $34.78 (You save $2.22). Book An Introduction to homological algebra Customer Reviews
    An Introduction to Homological Algebra
    An Introduction to Homological Algebra

    by Authors: Charles A. Weibel
    Released: 27 October, 1995
    ISBN: 0521559871
    Sales Rank:
    List price:
    Our price: You save: Book > An Introduction to Homological Algebra > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
    An Introduction to Homological Algebra > Customer Review #1: Great homological algebra book!

    This book was absolutely priceless for me while I was doing my qualifying exams and dissertation. Excellently written, with modern notation and applications and a clearly-exposited writing style. I wish all "hard" math books were written like this. Thanks Prof. Weibel
    An Introduction to Homological Algebra > Related Products A Users Guide to Spectral Sequences Algebraic Topology Representation Theory: A First Course (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No. 129) A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series(Paper)) ... science book reviews

    39. Homological Algebra (PMS-19)
    homological algebra (PMS19). Homological List price $35.00 Our price $35.00. Book homological algebra (PMS-19) Customer Reviews Average
    Homological Algebra (PMS-19)
    Homological Algebra (PMS-19)

    by Authors: Henry Cartan , Samuel Eilenberg
    Released: 29 November, 1999
    ISBN: 0691049912
    Sales Rank:
    List price:
    Our price: Book > Homological Algebra (PMS-19) > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
    Homological Algebra (PMS-19) > Customer Review #1: A landmark, thats it.

    As the title of the series suggests, this is another "landmark" in books of mathematics. In fact, this was the only book on homological algebra for a certain period of time. I dont think this is a fungus, but with other modern good textbooks available (Weibel, for example) I am not inclined to give it "five stars".
    Homological Algebra (PMS-19) > Customer Review #2: H. Cartan and S. Eilenberg are the authors I believe this is volume #19 of the Princeton Math. Ser. entitled Homological Algebra. The authors are H. Cartan and S. Eilenberg. H. Cartan is one of E. Cartans sons. Homological Algebra (PMS-19) > Related Products Algebraic Topology Introduction to Commutative Algebra Counterexamples in Analysis A Users Guide to Spectral Sequences ... science book reviews

    40. 22M:340: Homological Algebra
    22M340 homological algebra Spring 2004. JJ Rotman An introduction to homological algebra . R. Hartshorne Residues and duality .
    22M:340 - Homological Algebra
    Spring 2004
    Prerequisite: Introduction to Algebra II (22M:206), or consent of instructor.
    WWW tip: Click on the "Reload" button to make sure you are seeing the most up to date version of this (or any) page!
    Instructor: Dr. Frauke M. Bleher
    Office: 225K MLH
    Office hours: M 3:30-4:20, W 2:30-3:20, F 4:30-5:20
    Telephone: 335-1514
    Email address:
    Lectures: MWF 11:30, 217 MLH
    Late work will NOT be accepted. Exception: illness or other serious and verifiable reasons.
    • Package 1:
    • Package 2: Homework counts 50% of your grade.
      Lecture Schedule
      Topics covered in the lectures.
      Course Guide
      Introduction to Algebra II (22M:206), or consent of instructor.
      The following will probably be the two major texts that we will use. In case this changes, I will let you know.
      J.J. Rotman An introduction to homological algebra
      R. Hartshorne Residues and duality
      (These books are put on reserve in the math library.)

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