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         Grothendieck Topology:     more detail
  1. Grothendieck Topologies [Notes on a Seminar] by M. Artin, 1962
  2. Grothendieck topologies,: Notes on a seminar by Michael Artin, 1962
  3. Counterexamples to "probleme des topologies" of Grothendieck (Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ) by Jari Taskinen, 1986
  4. The Grothendieck Festschrift Volume I: A Collection of Articles Written in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck
  5. Virtual Topology and Functor Geometry (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics) by Fred Van Oystaeyen, 2007-11-15
  6. Motivic Homotopy Theory: Lectures at a Summer School in Nordfjordeid, Norway, August 2002 (Universitext) by B.I. Dundas, M. Levine, et all 2006-12-28
  7. The Grothendieck Theory of Dessins d'Enfants (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) by Leila Schneps, 1994-09-30
  8. A general theory of fibre spaces with structure sheaf by A Grothendieck, 1958
  9. Produits Tensoriels Topologiques Et Espaces Nucleaires (Memoirs : No.16) by Alexander Grothendieck, 1979-06
  10. Local Cohomology: A Seminar Given by A. Groethendieck, Harvard University. Fall, 1961 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) by Robin Hartshorne, 1967-01-01
  11. Algebraic Geometry for Associative Algebras (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
  12. Two Dimensional Tame and Maximal Orders of Finite Representation Type (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society) by Idun Reiten, Michel Van Den Bergh, 1989-07
  13. Classifying Spaces and Classifying Topoi (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) by Izak Moerdijk, 1995-11-10

41. Re: Category Theory
the characteristic p case and other such theories For example, instead of justhaving a set theoretic topology, one uses a grothendieck topology defined in
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Re: category theory

42. Rigid Analytic Geometry And Its Applications
15, (7). 2.3 The residue theorem. 22, (3). 2.4 The grothendieck topologyon P. 25, (5). 2.5 Some sheaves on P. 30, (3). 2.6 Analytic subspaces ofP. 33, (4).
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Rigid Analytic Geometry and Its Applications Format Hardcover Subject Mathematics / Geometry / Algebraic ISBN/SKU Author Jean Fresnel Publisher Springer Verlag Publish Date December 2003 Price
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Preface ix 1 Valued Fields and Normed Spaces 1.1 Valued fields 1.2 Banach spaces and Banach algebras 2 The Projective Line 2.1 Some definitions 2.2 Holomorphic functions on an affinoid subset 2.3 The residue theorem 2.4 The Grothendieck topology on P 2.5 Some sheaves on P 2.6 Analytic subspaces of P 2.7 Cohomology on an analytic subspace of P 3 Affinoid Algebras 3.1 Definition of an affinoid algebra 3.2 Consequences of the Weierstrass theorem 3.3 Affinoid spaces, Examples 3.4 Properties of the spectral (semi-)norm 3.5 Integral extensions of affinoid algebras 3.7 Products of affinoid spaces, Picard groups 4 Rigid Spaces 4.1 Rational subsets

43. From Fri Jun 5 124855 1998 Date Fri, 5
can be applied to define a canonical functor from an analytic category to the categoryof locales, which is a special type of grothendieck topology (ie framed
From Fri Jun 5 12:48:55 1998 Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 01:00:33 -0400 From: AMSPPS

44. Re: Replacing Principal And Fiber Bundles With Sheaves?
OK, so maybe this is just for the expository introduction, but the next section,I m hit with schemes, etale topology, grothendieck topology, Gtorsor, etc.
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Re: Replacing principal and fiber bundles with sheaves?

45. Grothendieck's Reconstruction Principle And 2-dimensional Topology
grothendieck's Reconstruction Principle and 2dimensional topology and Geometry This paper attempts to relate some ideas of grothendieck in his Esquisse d'un programme and some of the recent

46. Grothendieck's Séminaire De Géométrie Algébrique - Encyclopedia Article Abou
After completing a doctorate, he worked with Alexander grothendieck at the Institut thefundamental group is one of the basic concepts of algebraic topology.'s Séminaire de géométr
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Grothendieck's Séminaire de géométrie algébrique
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition In mathematics Mathematics is commonly defined as the study of patterns of structure, change, and space; more informally, one might say it is the study of 'figures and numbers'. In the formalist view, it is the investigation of axiomatically defined abstract structures using logic and mathematical notation; other views are described in Philosophy of mathematics. Mathematics might be seen as a simple extension of spoken and written languages, with an extremely precisely defined vocabulary and grammar, for the purpose of describing and exploring physical and conceptual relationships.
Click the link for more information. Alexander Grothendieck Alexander Grothendieck (born March 28 1928 in Berlin), is one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century, with major contributions to algebraic geometry, homological algebra, and functional analysis. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 1966 and coawarded the Crafoord Prize with Pierre Deligne in 1988. He declined the latter prize on ethical grounds. Because of his mastery of abstract approaches to mathematics, but also because of the many stories told about his retirement and his alleged mental disorders, he is one of the most intriguing scientific personalities of the 20th century.

47. Wikipedia Grothendieck's Galois Theory
Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'grothendieck's Galois theory' In mathematics, grothendieck's Galois theory is a highly abstract approach to the Galois theory of the fundamental group of algebraic topology in the setting of algebraic geometry's_Gal

48. Grothendieck
During this period grothendieck s work provided unifying themes in geometry,number theory, topology and complex analysis. He introduced
Alexander Grothendieck
Born: 28 March 1928 in Berlin, Germany
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Alexander Grothendieck In 1949 Grothendieck moved to the University of Nancy where he worked on functional analysis with . He became one of the Bourbaki group of mathematicians which included Weil Henri Cartan and . He presented his doctoral thesis
Grothendieck spent the years 1953-55 at the University of Sao Paulo and then he spent the following year at the University of Kansas. However it was during this period that his research interests changed and they moved towards topology and geometry. In fact during this period Grothendieck had been supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the support beginning in 1950. After leaving Kansas in 1956 he therefore returned to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. However in 1959 he was offered a chair in the newly formed Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques which he accepted. In [2] the next period in Grothendieck's career is described as follows:- It is no exaggeration to speak of Grothendieck's years algebraic geometry , and him as its driving force. He received the

49. Grothendieck Topology
Alexander grothendieck InformationBlast Motives and the motivic Galois group (and grothendieck categories); Crystals andcrystalline cohomology, yoga of De Rham and Hodge coefficients. Tame topology.
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Grothendieck topology
Grothendieck topology in the news In mathematics , a Grothendieck topology is a structure defined on an arbitrary category C which allows the definition of sheaves on C , and with that the definition of general cohomology theories. A category together with a Grothendieck topology on it is called a site . This tool is used in algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry scheme s, but also for flat cohomology and crystalline cohomology. Note that a Grothendieck topology is not a topology in the classical sense.
History and idea
At a time when cohomology for sheaves on topological spaces was well established, Alexander Grothendieck wanted to define cohomology theories for other structures, his scheme s. He thought of a sheaf on a topological space as a "measuring rod" for that space, and the cohomology of such a measuring rod as a rough measure for the underlying space. His goal was thus to produce a structure which would allow the definition of more general sheaves or "measuring rods"; once that was done, the model of topological cohomology theories could be followed almost verbatim.
Motivating example
Start with a topological space X and consider the sheaf of all continuous real-valued functions defined on X . This associates to every open set U in X the set F U ) of real-valued continuous functions defined on U . Whenver U is a subset of V , we have a "restriction map" from F V ) to F U ). If we interpret the topological space

50. Alexander Grothendieck :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
Motivess and the motivic Galois group (and grothendieck categories); Crystalss andcrystalline cohomology, yoga of De Rham and Hodge coefficients Tame topology.
Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Alexander Grothendieck
Online Encyclopedia

Alexander Grothendieck (born March 28 in Berlin ), is one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century, with major contributions to algebraic geometry homological algebra , and functional analysis . He was awarded the Fields Medal in and Crafoord Prize in Table of contents 1 Mathematical achievements
1.1 Major mathematical topics (from Récoltes et Semailles)

2 Life

2.2 Childhood and studies
3 External links
Mathematical achievements
Homological methods and sheaf theory had already been introduced in algebraic geometry by Jean-Pierre Serre , after sheaves had be invented by Jean Leray . Grothendieck took them to a higher level, changing the tools and the level of abstraction. Amongst his insights, he shifted attention from the study of individual varieties to the relative point of view (pairs of varieties related by a morphism ), allowing a broad generalization of many classical theorems. This he applied first to the Riemann-Roch theorem , around 1954, which had already recently been generalized to any dimension by Hirzebruch).

51. 2 The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem
If K 0 (X) is the grothendieck ring of vector bundles on X, the Chern character(defined using Chern classes by the same formula as in topology) gives a ring
Next: 3 Divisors on varieties Up: Algebraic Cycles Previous: 1 Model case of
2 The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem
Let X be a non-singular variety over k . An algebraic cycle of codimension p is an element of the free Abelian group on irreducible subvarieties of X of codimension p ; the group of these cycles is denoted Z p X ). As in the case of curves one can introduce the effective cycles Z p X which is the sub-semigroup of Z p X ) consisting of non-negative linear combinations. There is a subgroup R p X Z p X ), defined to be the subgroup generated by all the cycles div f W where W ranges over irreducible subvarieties of codimension p - 1 in X , and f k W . The quotient X Z p X R p X ) is called the Chow group of codimension p cycles on X modulo rational equivalence; if n = dim X then we use the notation X X ). For p = 1 and X a smooth projective curve the Chow group X ) is precisely the class group X ) introduced above. The generalisation of Schubert calculus on the Grassmannians is the intersection product X X X making X X ) into an associative, commutative, graded ring, where X Z , and X ) = for p X . The Chow ring is thus an algebraic analogue for the even cohomology ring X Z ) in topology. A refined version of this analogy is examined in Section 6. In any case we note the following `cohomology-like' properties.

52. Grothendieck
land. During this period grothendieck s work provided unifying themesin geometry, number theory, topology and complex analysis. He
Alexander Grothendieck
Born: 28 March 1928 in Berlin, Germany
Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Alexander Grothendieck In 1949 Grothendieck moved to the University of Nancy where he worked on functional analysis with . He became one of the Bourbaki group of mathematicians which included Weil Henri Cartan and . He presented his doctoral thesis Grothendieck spent the years 1953-55 at the University of San Paulo and then he spent the following year at the University of Kansas. However it was during this period that his research interests changed and they moved towards topology and geometry. In fact during this period Grothendieck had been supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the support beginning in 1950. After leaving Kansas in 1956 he therefore returned to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. However in 1959 he was offered a chair in the newly formed Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifique which he accepted. In [1] the next period in Grothendieck's career is described as follows:- It is no exaggeration to speak of Grothendieck's years Fields Medal in . In looking back at this period, one marvels at the generosity with which Grothendieck shared his ideas with colleagues and students, the energy he and his collaborators devoted to meticulous redaction, the excitement with which they set out to explore a new land.

53. Alexander Grothendieck / © Gruppe EM
Translate this page topology editor, topology navigator, topological visualisation, euch3, eM, gruppeeM, Leibniz, Leibnizianer, AG, Alexander grothendieck, NWDKS, NDKS, NWEKS
g ruppe eM
A lexander G rothendieck
A G . tells you how to solve every problem ...
last teaching at Montpellier
again leaving ..., it's said towards the Pyrenees, ...
His wish: "please let me alone".

Quote of one of the last correspondences with Alexander (translated by rdb):
A.G. "La Clef des Songes" ("The Key to Dreams"):
abstract / Zusammenfassung / Kurztext

cat top
elegant math
More info on Grothendieck Jean Malgoire (la longue marche) Grothendieck Circle Winfried Scharlau, biographical texts in english in french in english in english in english SGA web pages

54. Zeittafel/Übersicht
advises grothendieck to do his doctorate in Nancy with Laurent Schwartz. He goesthere and finishes his doctorate within two years, finding a new topology on
A brief timeline for the life of Alexander Grothendieck (which has the advantage of accuracy) Sascha Schapiro and Hanka Grothendieck, together with Hanka's daughter Frode (called Maidi, born 1924 from an earlier marriage) and Alexander (called Schurik), live together in Berlin. Schapiro works as a street photographer, one of the only jobs his anarchist beliefs allow him, Hanka works irregularly as a journalist. In May 1933, Sascha leaves Berlin for Paris, where he waits for Hanka to join him. In December, Hanka Grothendieck leaves Schurik with a foster family, the Heydorns, in Hamburg, and joins Sascha in France. Schurik's foster mother, Dagmar Heydorn, decides that given the political situation and her own family's dangerous involvement with the Resistance, it would be safer for Schurik to be sent to join his parents in France. She locates the parents and sends him away by train. He first joins his father, then spends the summer with his mother in N^icirc;mes. Hanka Grothendieck is interned, as an ``undesirable'' (German), in the Rieucros Camp near Mende, together with Alexander. From there, he goes to school in the village four or five kilometers distant. During this time Sascha is interned in the camp of Le Vernet, from which he is deported to Auschwitz in 1942. Grothendieck and his mother move to a small village near Montpellier; he works irregularly on a farm while studying mathematics at the university of Montpellier.

55. Steve Vickers's WWW Home Page
pour les vraiment nuls is a further introduction to grothendieck s idea of toposesas generalized topological spaces, using geometric logic to hide topology.
Steven Vickers
Department of Pure Maths The Open University , Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, England. Tel: 01908 653144 I work in the area of Theoretical Computer Science, with particular interests in geometric logic, topology and topos theory. I have recently moved from the Department of Computing at Imperial College , where I worked in the Theory and Formal Methods group. You can download many of my papers , and also theses of some of my PhD students You can view the talk " Schemas as Toposes " that I gave at the OU on 2nd July 2002.
Geometric Logic
Most of my work is in investigating "geometric logic" (so-called from its origins in algebraic geometry). This has some unusual properties. First, it makes a hard distinction between formulae and axioms: a logical formula is restricted in the connectives it can use, to conjunction, disjunction, equality and existential quantification, and an axiom (for a geometric theory) expresses relationships between formulae in the form "for all x, y, z, ... (formula1 - formula2)". Hence the missing connectives can be introduced in just one layer - no nesting - in axioms. Second, it allows infinite disjunctions in formulae. Though these features may look weird, they have some conceptual justification in the idea of observation: formulae correspond to observable facts (and infinite disjunction is not a problem observationally) while the axioms correspond to background assumptions or scientific hypotheses.

56. Topology - Technology Services
You learn methods of constructing algebraic objects on your basic topological space(X,T I always liked the sound of AtiyahSinger and grothendieck (a great name
Physics Help and Math Help - Physics Forums Mathematics General Math Archives View Thread : Topology
Lonewolf What are the main differences in approach between standard? topology and algebraic topology?
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marcus [i]Originally posted by Lonewolf [/i]
[B]What are the main differences in approach between standard? topology and algebraic topology? [/B]
Lonewolf here is something amazing:
It is a map of maths.
It is multilevel clickable. You click on topology and it gives you
a list of different branches of topology, including algebraic, then you click on algebraic and it tells you what it is
it also tells some history in some cases, or what it might be good for (always a problem)
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Lonewolf Great link, Marcus. Thanks. It's much better than mathworld's superficial explanations.
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marcus That site is called "The Mathematical Atlasa clickable index map of mathematics"
the actual answer to your question might be less fun than using this map to find it
I will try to answer for my own moral and spiritual improvement
(since you can get the answer by yourself without my help) what you call "standard? topology" is ordinarily called

57. ANU - Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) - Research Groups - Algebra And Topo
Algebra and topology Seminar. 1pm Tuesday 14 January 2002 Theatre 4 Manning ClarkCentre Mark Kisin University of Muenster grothendieck s pcurvature Conjecture
Skip Navigation ANU Home Search ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) Research Groups - Algebra and Topology MSI Home People Research Study ... Jobs Algebra and Topology Home People Research Seminars ... Software MSI Intranet Internal pages Quick Links Search MSI Contact us
Algebra and Topology Seminar
1pm Tuesday 14 January 2002
Theatre 4 Manning Clark Centre
Mark Kisin
University of Muenster
Grothendieck's p -curvature Conjecture and Generic curves
Let X be a complex curve, and let r be a finite dimensional complex representation of its fundamental group. Grothendieck's conjecture gives an arithmetic criterion which predicts when the image of r is finite. I will explain this conjecture, give some simple examples, and present some joint work with Matthew Emerton which gives an approach to the conjecture when X is sufficiently generic. Privacy Contact ANU Page last updated: 2 February, 2004
Please direct all enquiries to: MSI webmaster
Page authorised by: Dean, MSI The Australian National University - CRICOS Provider Number 00120C

58. Topology Of Singular Spaces And Constructible Sheaves
Email a friend about this book, topology of Singular Spaces and ConstructibleSheaves. 3.3 Localization results for grothendieck groups and trace formulae.
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Topology of Singular Spaces and Constructible Sheaves Format Hardcover Subject Mathematics / Reference ISBN/SKU Author Jorg Schurmann Publisher Springer Verlag Publish Date February 2004 Price
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Table of Contents
Introduction 1 Thom-Sebastian Theorem for constructible sheaves Introduction 1.1 Milnor fibration 1.1.1 Cohomological version of a Milnor fibration 1.1.2 Examples 1.2 Thom-Sebastian Theorem 1.2.1 Preliminaries and Thom-Sebastiani for additive functions 1.2.2 Thom-Sebastiani Theorem for sheaves 1.3 The Thom-Sebastiani Isomorphism in the derived category 1.4 Appendix: Kunneth formula 2 Constructible sheaves in geometric categories Introduction 2.0.1 The basic results 2.0.2 Definable spaces 2.1 Geometric categories 2.2 Constructible sheaves 2.3 Constructible functions 3 Localization results for equivariant constructible sheaves Introduction 3.1 Equivariant sheaves

59. Partners: Functional Analysis And Topology By Lawrence Narici
6 N. Bourbaki, General topology, Part 2, Hermann, Paris and AddisonWesley, Reading,Mass., 1966. 10 A. grothendieck, Produits tensoriels topologiques et
Topology Atlas Document # taic-42 Topology Atlas Invited Contributions vol. 6 issue 1 (2001) p. 4-6
Partners: Functional Analysis and Topology
Lawrence Narici
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
St. John's University,
Jamaica, NY 11439,
NARICIL@STJOHNS.EDU page for Functional Analysis by G. Bachman and L. Narici, Dover, Mineola, New York, 2000, a reprint of the the 1966 Academic Press book of the same title. See also the invited contribution What is functional analysis? by the same author.
Functional analysis and topology were born in the first two decades of the twentieth century and each has greatly influenced the other. Identifying the dual space-the space of continuous linear functionals-of a normed space played an especially important role in the formative years of functional analysis. To further this endeavor, many new kinds (weak, strong, etc.) of convergence and compactness were introduced . Metric and general topological spaces evolved in order to provide a framework in which to treat these types of convergence. As general topology gestated, many concepts were greatly clarified and simplified. (For example, "continuous" meant transforming convergent sequences into convergent sequences until about 1935.) These clarifications led to the development of general topological vector spaces in the 1930's.
As set theory developed at the end of the nineteenth century, its paradoxes revealed that mathematics had a disturbingly shaky foundation. With the aim of placing set theory in particular and mathematics generally on a firmer logical pedestal, Hilbert and others looked to Euclidean geometry for a model [

60. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Weil Conjectures
Well, maybe more famous are the Weil conjectures, which Weil and Serre and grothendieckunderstood as algebraic topology (perhaps grothendieck had the
[HM] Weil conjectures and algebraic topology
Subject: [HM] Weil conjectures and algebraic topology
From: Volker Eisermann (
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 05:01:13 EST I would like to make a remark on Colin McLartys challanging answer
to my posting: "20th century mathematics and knot theory":
That's very interesting and I would like to hear more about this.
I have never dreamed of considering the Weil conjectures as
algebraic topology. It would be great, if you can give me a reference for
Weil/Serre/Grothendieck having this point of view.
Let me just explain, how I wanted to use the term algebraic topology:
I did not want to make any claims about something like
"the true nature of algebraic topology", or about what algebraic topology should be, but about algebraic topology as a part of reality: There are textbooks on algebraic topology (like Dold, Spanier, Bredon)

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