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161. The Weathervane Archive An online forum designed to provide the news media, legislators, opinion leaders, and the interested public with analysis and commentary on U.S. and global policy initiatives related to climate change. http://www.weathervane.rff.org/ | |
162. Welcome To The PRS Group Provides the data and analysis you need to make sense of global business.Provides information to ease trade worries such as country reports,country risk guides,management reports and seminars/conferences. http://www.prsgroup.com/ | |
163. Home Page The global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is intended to be a permanent global system for observations, modelling and analysis of marine and ocean variables needed to support operational ocean services worldwide. http://ioc.unesco.org/goos/ | |
164. PAGE: Agroecosystems Permissions PowerPoint. Taking Action. Contact Us. Site Index. Pilot analysis of global ecosystems (PAGE) Agroecosystems. December 2000 http://www.wri.org/wr2000/agroecosystems_page.html | |
165. World Bank Development News Daily online news and information site from the World Bank. Includes news and analysis on global debt issues. http://www.worldbank.org/developmentnews/ |
166. Foreign Policy In Focus Home Page | A Think Tank Without Walls International network of policy analysts and advocates that seeks to make the U.S. a more responsible global leader and global partner. Provides information and analysis of policy issues and recommends reforms or alternatives. Reports, position papers, weekly ezine, and commentaries. http://www.foreignpolicy-infocus.org/index.html | |
167. 3rd World News Multimedia, analytical, news service for the 3rd world. A global multimedia based distributor of information and entertainment services, combining new data and analysis with a global emphasis for the financial, business and entertainment markets. Headed by Yaphet Kotto. http://www.3rdworldnews.com/ |
168. GlobalSecurity.org - Innovative Approaches To Emerging Security Challenges A major source of information on modern military techniques and strategies, with a significant part devoted to the analysis of NATO. http://www.globalsecurity.org | |
169. OneWorld.net - OneWorld.net>In Depth Background, analysis and links on global issues from coalition of global organizations with progressive perspective. http://www.oneworld.net/themes/ | |
170. BBC NEWS | In Depth | Climate Change An in depth analysis, including the latest news stories, from BBC News Online. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/sci_tech/2000/climate_change/default.stm | |
171. World Trade Magazine - For U.S. Executives Shipping And Sourcing Worldwide Provides information and analysis on how to navigate today's rapidly changing and highly competitive global marketplace. Includes feature articles, columns, product information, trade resources, and back issues. http://www.worldtrademag.com/ | |
172. Global Insight // Economic Forecasts, Industry Analysis, Financial Data And Cons Provides economic forecasts of over 150 countries, industry analysis of more than 120 sectors, a large repository of data, and advisory services to companies, governments and organizations from around the world. http://www.globalinsight.com/ | |
173. Sand Spring Advisors LLC analysis of global financial trends and advice on alternative investment management. Analytical work includes a strong emphasis on the techniques of R.N. Elliott and Leonardo Fibonacci. http://www.sandspring.com |
174. ECAAR Home NGO offering analysis on global issues relating to peace, security, and the world economy. Includes overview, publications, and events. http://www.ecaar.org/ | |
175. Oceanweather Inc Current Marine Data Select a region on the left or click on the image map above. These pages show current marine data from our own models and observational data worldwide. How is the wave analysis produced? you http://www.oceanweather.com/data |
176. Stratfor Provides strategic intelligence on global business, economic, security and geopolitical affairs. http://www.stratfor.com/ | |
177. Oceanweather Inc: Current Marine Data: Global Waves Copyright 2001 Oceanweather, Inc. Privacy Policy Legal Terms and Conditions. http://www.oceanweather.com/data/NATL-Southern/ | |
178. CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information analysis Center This site is the homepage of the Carbon Dioxide Information analysis Center (CDIAC) which includes the World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/index.html&y=02B3 |
179. The U.S. Legislative Branch United States Legislative Branch. This page has been replaced by http//thomas.loc.gov/home/legbranch/legbranch.html You will be http://www.loc.gov/global/legislative/congress.html | |
180. Country Profiles Home Page global Real Estate Project An additional source for information on nonUS markets is available at the global Real Estate Project, developed by the University http://www.realtor.org/intlprof.nsf | |
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