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121. Strategic Think Tank|SIRIUS.COM Monitors global strategic issues and provides analysis. http://www.siri-us.com/ | |
122. CLUB OF ROME International think tank composed of prominent intellectuals and decisionmakers analyzing global, interlinked, long-term problems challenging the future of humanity and the planet using systems analysis and futures research; site offers reports, upcoming events, a forum, and links to further resources. http://www.clubofrome.org/ | |
123. Project On Defense Alternatives - PDA Homepage Defense and international security policy analysis with a critical perspective; U.S., regional, and global issues. Academic examination and treatment of strategic issues. http://www.comw.org/pda/ | |
124. CPDF Home Page Offers customized onsite training programs for International and global finance, security analysis and investment management. Based in Berkeley, CA. http://www.cpdf.com/ | |
125. Telecom Traffic Online Free telecommunications traffic tools for assisting global network professionals with voice network design and analysis. http://www.erlang.com/ | |
126. Global Telematics: Telecommunications Transportation Travel Telecommuting Transi Policy research and consulting firm established in 1986 that offers analysis, design, planning, presentations, and training. http://www.globaltelematics.com/ | |
127. Opening Page Professional investment adviser offers research on over 4,200 stocks traded in the US and Canada with buy/sell recommendations. http://www.the-gears.com | |
128. THE GLOBAL BEAT-RESOURCES FOR THE GLOBAL JOURNALIST Resource service for journalists covering international issues. Includes links to directory of experts, events, publications, and indepth analysis of current conflicts. http://www.nyu.edu/globalbeat/ | |
129. GLOBAL ENERGY SECURITY ANALYSIS (GESA) Subscription newsletter risks related to oil and power industries worldwide, especially Middle East, Africa, Caspian, CIS and Asia. http://www.gasandoil.com/gesa/ | |
130. Management Consulting, IT Solutions, And Placement Services From India Offering ISO 9000 consulting, training, software and statistical data analysis services. Low cost and reliable services provided by qualified and experienced engineers and statisticians. http://www.globalqualityvillage.com | |
131. Health Care Systems Integration And Data Warehousing Consulting Consulting assistance in creating data warehouses to facilitate clinical, financial, operational analysis, decision support, and regulatory reporting requirements for health care organizations. http://www.cwglobalconsult.com | |
132. Forex Trading And Analysis Including Currency Trading & Foreign Exchange Trading globalVIEW INTERACTIVE Â (GVI), by subscription, offers an approach to forex trading integrating technical and fundamental currency trading analysis with http://www.global-view.com/ | |
133. The Paleobiology Database Project A global, collectionbased occurrence and taxonomic database for marine and terrestrial animals and plants of any geological age, as well as web-based software for statistical analysis of the data. http://paleodb.org/ | |
134. Increased Security Builds Confidence For Close Protection Of You And Loved Ones We supply security consulting, specialized swat police training, close protection to executives as well as threat analysis, disaster planning and bodyguards http://www.closeprotection.ws | |
135. SWEATSHOP WATCH Globalization The Apparel Industry Nathan Associates Inc., Changes in global Trade Rules for Textiles and on the World Economy An Intertemporal, globalgeneral Equilibrium analysis, by Xinshen http://www.sweatshopwatch.org/global/analysis.html | |
136. Global Drug Testing Services Drug testing services which include hair, urine, saliva, blood, and fingernail analysis. Also provides consultation, seminars, and training. http://www.gdtsrv.com/ | |
137. World Conservation Monitoring Centre - Freshwater This document provides information on inland waters and their biodiversity, and includes the first global assessment of areas of special importance for freshwater biodiversity, based on expert opinion and data. It also includes a first comparative analysis of major river basins, using indicators of biodiversity, the condition of catchment basins and pressures on water resources, in order to generate indices of importance and risk. (FTP site). http://www.unep-wcmc.org/information_services/publications/freshwater/toc.htm | |
138. Institute For The Analysis Of Global Security (IAGS) The Institute for the analysis of global Security (IAGS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to setting America free from the oil dependence that threatens http://www.iags.org/home.htm | |
139. Global Fund Analysis - Fund Research And Investment Consultancy global Fund analysis provide objective and independent investment advice and information on offshore funds, including hedge funds. http://www.globalfundanalysis.com/ | |
140. PAGE: Freshwater Systems The World Resources Institute reports that the world's freshwater ecosystems are dangerously degraded. Provided as HTML and PDF. http://biodiv.wri.org/pubs_content.cfm?PubID=3056 |
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