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         Geophysics:     more books (100)
  1. Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data, sixth ed. (Aapg Memoir / Seg Investigations in Geophysics) by Alistair R. Brown, 2004-12-31
  2. Earth System Science From Biogeochemical Cycles to Global Changes (International Geophysics) by Michael Jacobson, Robert J. Charlson, et all 2000-02-15
  3. Geophysical Inverse Theory and Regularization Problems (Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics) by Michael S. Zhdanov, 2002-04-01
  4. Seismic Data Analysis (2 Volumes) (Investigations in Geophysics, No. 10) by Oz Yilmaz, 2001-01-01
  5. Time Sequence Analysis in Geophysics: Third Edition by E. R. Kanasewich, 1974-01-01
  6. Treatise on Geophysics, 11-Volume Set, Volume 1-11
  7. Reservoir Seismology: Geophysics in Nontechnical Language (Pennwell Nontechnical Series) by Mamdouh R. Gadallah, 1994-01
  8. Principles of Geophysics by Norman H. Sleep, Kazuya Fujita, 1997-01
  9. Exploration Geophysics of the Shallow Subsurface by Henry Robert Burger, Douglas C. Burger, 1992-01-24
  10. Near-Surface Geophysics (Investigations in Geophysics, No. 13.)
  11. Satellite Altimetry and Earth Sciences: A Handbook of Techniques and Applications (International Geophysics)
  12. Middle Atmosphere Dynamics, Volume 40 (International Geophysics) (International Geophysics) by David G. Andrews, Conway B. Leovy, et all 1987-09-28
  13. Looking into the Earth: An Introduction to Geological Geophysics by Alan E. Mussett, M. Aftab Khan, 2000-10-23
  14. Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory Revised Edition (International Geophysics Series) (International Geophysics) by William Menke, 1989-08-28

41. NASA ADS Custom Query Form Sun Jun 6 01:12:23 2004
NASA ADS Physics/geophysics Query Form for Sun May 23 231132 2004. Databases to query Astronomy/Planetary Instrumentation Physics/geophysics ArXiv Preprints.
NASA ADS Physics/Geophysics Query Form for Sun Jun 6 01:12:23 2004
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42. Elliott Geophysics International
Memberi layanan jasa geofisika untuk perminyakan dan pertambangan.
Welcome! to the Elliott Geophysics Home Page. Elliott Geophysics specializes in geology and geophysics for mining and mineral exploration. It provides, management of minerals projects, geological surveys, GIS bureau services, Image Processing of satellite and geophysical data, contract geophysical surveys, geophysical airborne surveys, and geophysical consulting services. For the mining, coal, oil, and groundwater industries, any where in the world. INTERNATIONAL OFFICES AUSTRALIA (Perth): 32 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA, 6005. Australia. or P.O.Box 43, West Perth,WA, 6872. Australia. Ph: +618-9214 3925 Fax: +618-9214 3931. INDONESIA (Jakarta): Jl. Haji Syahrin, 27A, Gandaria Utara, Jakarta Selatan, 12140. Indonesia. Ph: +6221-7279 2737 or 7279 2738 Fax: +6221-7279 2737 PHILIPPINES (Manila): Suite1402, 1st e-Bank Tower, 8737 Paseo de Roxas, Salcedo Village, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Ph: +632-816 1643; 817 0706; 812 1972 Fax: +632-817 0709; 750 5636

43. TRX Earth Sciences
geophysics, geochemistry, geology and GIS DTM studies in environmental, groundwater, engineering and geotechnical studies. Mining and Oils exploration. No dig - NDT and GPR technologies.
Main Office Caracas - Venezuela Email: Associated Offices Georgetown - Guyana Cuiabá MT- Brazil Vitória ES - Brazil English Português Italiano Español Geology Geophysics Geochemistry GIS - CAD Environment Urban Geology Water Resources Geotechnics Engineering Mining Oil Geothermal Exploration Geologia Geofisica Geoquimica GIS - CAD Ambiente Geologia Urbana Recursos Hídricos Geotecnia Ingenieria Exploração Minas Petróleo Geotermia Geologia Geofisica Geochimica GIS - CAD Ambiente Geologia Urbana Risorse Idriche Geotecnica Ingegneria Esplorazione Mineraria Petrolifera Geotermica Geología Geofísica Geoquímica GIS - CAD Ambiente Geología Urbana Recursos Hídricos Geotécnia Ingeniería Exploración Minas Petróleo Geotermia

44. IUGG: English Index Page, Introduction
The International Union of Geodesy and geophysics (IUGG) is a scientific organisation dedicated to promoting and coordinating studies of the Earth and its
Perugia 2007

Sapporo 2003

Birmingham 1999

Boulder 1995
How to join IUGG
2003 Council Agenda Book

2004 Yearbook


Jo Ann Joselyn CIRES Campus Box 216 Univ. of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 USA Ph (1)303-497-5147 Fax (1)303-497-3645 TO IUGG HOME Welcome to the website for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is a scientific organisation dedicated to promoting and co-ordinating studies of the Earth and its environment in space. LAST UPDATE: June 1, 2004

45. Northern Environmental Technologies, Inc.
Specialists in hydrology, environmental engineering, geology and geophysics. Based in Milwaukee, with branch offices in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and Iowa. Describes capabilities and past projects.
Last updated: 08-02-02 Press Releases Custom H-Flumes Rush Lake
Sturgeon Bay
What is a wetland and how might it affect how I use or develop my property? Welcome to Northern Environmental's home on the internet! Northern Environmental is one of the largest environmental engineering and consulting firms in the Midwest. With over 13 years of experience we are equipped to meet all your environmental needs. Enjoy your visit to our site and if you don't find what you need please feel free to contact us. Hope to see you back again soon! *PDF files are used throughout this website, please use Acrobat Reader to view them. © 1998 - 2002 Northern Environmental Technologies, Incorporated

46. University Of Hawaii - Geology & Geophysics
The Department of Geology and geophysics
The Department of Geology and Geophysics
Academic Programs
Seminar Series Course Offerings People course schedules: About GG Dept. S 2004
F 2004
Contact Us ...

-or- More Extensive Search Fire Underwater: Scientists discover volcanic vents in the sea where a Mauna Loa eruption could occur ... and Observatory retrieved from Loihi (Honolulu Star Bulletin, Nov 2002)
UH geologist predicts that Haleakala will erupt again
(Maui News, Jun 2002)
Undersea seismometer ‘going strong,’ scientist says
(Honolulu Star Bulletin, Mar 2002)
Landslide likely key to ocean mystery
UH scientists are trying to find the source of deep-sea deposits off Oahu (Honolulu Star Bulletin, Mar 2002)
Project measures stability of earth's core
(Honolulu Advertiser, Jan. 2002)
Lecture series kicks off with discussion on planetary life
(Honolulu Star Bulletin, Nov 2001) Kuhio Beach project hits wall of criticism (Honolulu Advertiser, Jul. 2001) Giant tsunami theory disputed (Honolulu Advertiser, Dec. 2000)     and... Scientists debate theory of huge ancient wave (Honolulu Advertiser, Dec. 2000) Kahana Bay ground water study checks pollution (Honolulu Star Bulletin, July 2000)

47. Ask An Earth-Scientist:Geophysics
AskAn-Earth-Scientist © geophysics and Marine Instrumentation. Please fill in the information below. UH Geology and geophysics home page.
Please fill in the information below. When you have entered everything you want to, click on the "Submit comments" button at the bottom. To submit more than one question, click on "Erase comments" after submitting the first query and then enter the next question and click on the "Submit comments" button again. Please enter your name: IMPORTANT: You must give your FULL email address in the requested area for us to reply directly to you. Please enter your e-mail address: Please enter your query in the space below: UH Geology and Geophysics home page. Page Last Modified: 14 August 1995

48. Australian School Of Petroleum
As of the 30th of June 2003 the National Centre for Petroleum Geology and geophysics and the School of Petroleum Engineering and Management will merge to form
The University of Adelaide Home Departments Search
The Australian School of Petroleum is Australia's pre-eminent centre of excellence for petroleum geoscience and engineering research, education and training. The School and its staff have very strong links with industry. ASP is pursuing these broad technical goals:
  • To provide high quality training for undergraduate, Honours, Masters, PhD and industry professionals. To carry out research in petroleum geoscience, engineering and management, with the aim of helping to reduce uncertainty so as to better understand risk. To foster cooperation, through research and training, between the petroleum industry, academia and government. To maintain expertise and excellence of performance in petroleum education, research and technology.
The latest major event in the ASP's development is the official opening of the South Australian Virtual Reality Centre on Tuesday 4 May 2004 by the Chancellor of The University of Adelaide, Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny, AC. More...

49. IUGG2003
International Union of geophysics and Geodesy general assembly to be held June 30 through July 22, 2002 in Sapporo, Japan. This meeting is held every four years.

50. USDOC/NOAA/NESDIS/National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Home Page
Manages environmental data in the fields of marine geology and geophysics, paleoclimatology, solarterrestrial physics, solid earth geophysics, and glaciology (snow and ice).
Educational Resources Search NGDC NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) provides scientific stewardship, products , and services for geophysical data describing the sea floor solid earth , and solar-terrestrial environment, including Earth observations from space about NGDC...
In the Spotlight: Multibeam bathymetry and custom bathymetric grids are now available for free download....
International Programs Site Map ... Send Comments
updated May 11, 2004

51. Institute Of Geophysics And Planetary Physics
Sunday, May 23, 2004. Dr. John Vidale welcomes you to IGPP. Information for the 15 year review. IGPP Seminar Series Speaker Dr. Rudolph
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Dr. John Vidale welcomes you to IGPP. Information for the 15 year review
IGPP Seminar Series Speaker
- Dr. Achi Brandt, Weizmann Institute of Science and UCLA Math Department , willl speak on the topic - "Multiscale Computation: From Fast Solvers to Systematic Upscaling", TUESDAY, June 8, 2004, 3853 Slichter Hall at 4:00 p.m. Past announcements
Links to other IGPP Branches

52. Bureau Of Meteorology And Geophysics
Indonesia. Weather forecasts, climatic data, geophysical observations, especially earthquakes, and air quality. Research topics listed but summaries only on Indonesian pages.

53. North American Database Of Archaeological Geophysics
Database and website that aims to promote use, education, communication, and a knowledge base of the practice of archaeological geophysics in North America. Image library, projects database, bibliography, educational materials, instruments and manufacturer, practioners, and events.

54. G-Cubed - Home
IGPP Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of geophysics and IGPP at UCSD is one of the foremost geophysics research departments in the United States, located in scenic La Jolla close to San Diego, in Southern California.

55. Welcome At IGAM, University Of Graz
Part of the School of Natural Sciences, University of Graz. Information for students and researchers, staff pages.
Sorry, there is no frameless version available.

56. Geo-Marine Technology
Marine geology and geophysics consultancy services to offshore oil and gas industries, offshore survey industries, and governments.
G eo-Marine Technology provides Geological, Geophysical and Hydrographic survey consultancy services to offshore oil and gas industries, offshore survey industries, and governments. Welcome to our website; PDF detail documents can be accessed by clicking on the Service Details button to your left. The remote Client FTP Site is open only for certain designated clients of Geo-Marine Technology; because we value the secrecy of our clients proprietary data, it is switched on only at certain prescribed times. There is no anonymous FTP associated with this site.
O ur Mission
At Geo-Marine Technology, we (few professionals) pride ourselves on the high quality of our data processing and interpretations. We pay close attention to detail and try to let no questions go un-answered. We also meet our clients needs in a fast and efficient manner. This is done by using state of the art software and client-specific processing techniques that we have developed in-house. We intend to maintain a high standard of quality and integrity for years to come. Geo-Marine Technology is not just another interpretation company, we are data analysts dedicated to providing solid facts.
C ompany Profile
Geo-Marine Technology is headed by Mr. John L. Rietman P.G. who has been working with various geological and geophysical service companies and technology-related entities since 1977. Geo-Marine Technology was founded 20 years later in 1997 by Mr. Rietman in order to spread his knowledge to a wider base of organizations and corporations.

57. Oceanography - Faculty
Interests are within the filed of marine geophysics. Publication list.
Atmospheric Science

Biological Oceanography

Chemical Oceanography

Geological Oceanography
Major Research and Collaborative Programs

Keith E. Louden

Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS, B3H 4J1
Room 3616 LSC Phone - (902) 494-3452 Fax - (902) 494-3877 E-mail - Keith.Louden@Dal.Ca Education Background
  • PhD - Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • MEd - Secondary Ed., Temple University
  • BA - Physics, Oberlin College
Awards and Honours
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth (1998-)
Research Interests
  • Marine geophysics
Recent Publications Personal WebSite - Tammy Chouinard Thursday June 06, 2002

58. Department Of Geology And Geophysics
Events for Sunday, May 23, 2004. No events today.
Events for Sunday, June 6, 2004 No events today.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography today is world renowned for its preeminence in scientific disciplines relating to biology, physics, chemistry, climatology, geosciences, and geophysics
Populations of Peruvian Seabirds Plummeted Due to Increased Fishing Activity, Study Says

Authors show guano birds declined because food source was depleted by 85 percent
Scripps Scientists Look Deep Inside Sharks and Their High-Performance Swimming System

Authors of study published in Nature say similarities between shark and tuna 'more than skin deep' Scripps Oceanography Microbiologist Receives Honors
Elected fellow of American Academy of Microbiology and receives honorary degree RECENT HEADLINES

Searching earth and beyond for molecular clues. NATURE'S BLUEPRINT
Mimicking Nature's Cleverest Designs

60. Department Of Geophysics Welcomes You
CSM has one of North America s oldest geophysics programs and one of the world s foremost departments in applied geophysics.
Welcome to the Web site of the CSM Department of Geophysics. The Geophysics Department is located on the second floor of the Cecil H. and Ida Green Graduate and Professional Center on the Colorado School of Mines Campus in Golden, Colorado.
New Summer School Offering

Check out the new CSM Summer School offering for graduate students, post-docs and senior researchers in
mathematics and the geosciences.
by Warren B. Hamilton
in GSA Today, November 2003
Join us for the weekly Heiland Lecture!
Click here to see the current schedule.

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