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         General Relativity:     more books (100)
  1. Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity (Oxford Mathematical Monographs) by J. B. Griffiths, 1991-09-12
  2. Relativity and Common Sense by Herman Bondi, 1980-07-01
  3. Einstein Theory of Relativity: A Trip to the Fourth Dimension by Lillian Rosanoff Lieber, 2008-07
  4. Rotating Fields in General Relativity by Jamal Nazrul Islam, 1985-07-26
  5. Studies in the History of General Relativity (Einstein Studies)
  6. An Introduction to General Relativity (London Mathematical Society Student Texts) by L. P. Hughston, K. P. Tod, 1991-01-25
  7. ABC of Relativity (Bertrand Russell Paperbacks) by Bertrand Russell, 2001-09-01
  8. Relativity Demystified by DavidMcMahon, Paul M. Alsing, 2005-12-02
  9. General Relativity and Gravitation:One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein
  10. Special Relativity (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) by N.M.J. Woodhouse, 2007-04-02
  11. Relativity Simply Explained by Martin Gardner, 1997-03-06
  12. Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity by Crown, 1988-12-12
  13. Relativity, Gravitation, and Cosmology: A Basic Introduction (Oxford Master Series in Physics) by Ta-Pei Cheng, 2005-02-24
  14. General Relativity and Gravitational Waves by J. Weber, 2004-11-10

81. Einstein's Theory Of Relativity
Website for an online relativity class. Covers special relativity in depth and general relativity at a more qualitative level. Contains tutorial material, references, and links.
Theory of Relativity What are black holes? What does E=mc mean? How did the Universe begin? How will it end? How is the twin paradox resolved? Learn about Einstein's Theory of Relativity online and find the answers to these questions about the fundamental nature of matter and energy in the Universe. To find out more about the class, go to the Syllabus
For a list of suggested readings, click here: Readings
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(Hubble Deep Field graphic courtesy of NASA , 1996). For more information about this image, click here

82. Numerical Hydrodynamics In General Relativity

83. Ingenta: All Issues -- General Relativity And Gravitation
general relativity and Gravitation, ISSN 00017701 in our archives Volume 29 (1997) through Volume 36 (2004) Publisher Plenum Publishers,

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General Relativity and Gravitation ISSN 0001-7701
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Volume 29 (1997) through Volume 36 (2004) Publisher: Plenum Publishers LATEST NEXT PREVIOUS EARLIEST Volume 36, Issue 6, June 2004 Volume 36, Issue 5, May 2004 Volume 36, Issue 4, April 2004 Volume 36, Issue 3, March 2004 Volume 36, Issue 2, February 2004 Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2004 Volume 35, Issue 12, December 2003 Volume 35, Issue 11, November 2003 Volume 35, Issue 10, 200310 Volume 35, Issue 9, September 2003 Volume 35, Issue 8, August 2003 Volume 35, Issue 7, July 2003 Volume 35, Issue 6, June 2003 Volume 35, Issue 5, May 2003 Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2003

84. Edwin F. Taylor - General Relativity
general relativity. Exploring Black Holes Introduction to general relativity Edwin F. Taylor and John Archibald Wheeler Addison Wesley Longman.
General Relativity
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Exploring Black Holes
Introduction to General Relativity

Edwin F. Taylor and
John Archibald Wheeler

Addison Wesley Longman Albert Einstein told us that a star or other massive object distorts spacetime in its vicinity. Sufficient distortion makes it impossible to describe matter and motion with the single "inertial reference frame" used in Newton's theory of mechanics and Einstein's theory of special relativity. General relativity describes the distortion of spacetime near a star, white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole and predicts the resulting motion of stones, satellites, and light flashes. Learning general relativity usually requires mastering Einstein's field equations, which are expressed in the complicated mathematics of tensors or differential forms. But big chunks of general relativity require only calculus if one starts with the metric describing spacetime around Earth or black hole. Expressions for energy and angular momentum follow, along with predictions for the motions of particles and light. Students study the Global Positioning system, precession of Mercury's orbit, gravitational red shift, orbits of light and deflection of light by Sun, the gravitational retardation of light, and frame-dragging near a rotating body.

85. Special And General Relativity - New Mathematical Formulations
Presentation of new mathematical formulations for both the Special and General Theories of Relativity.
SPECIAL AND GENERAL RELATIVITY - NEW MATHEMATICAL FORMULATIONS The purpose of this site is the presentation of a new simplified mathematical formulation of Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, and the introduction of a new theory of Gravity. The content is therefore of a technical nature, requiring a good knowledge of mathematics, physics and applied mechanics up to graduate level. Links to Papers etc RELATIVITY GRAVITY COSMOLOGY Links to other web sites of a related nature Links PDF versions of all papers PDF The current literature on these theories primarily works with such techniques as Riemannian Geometry and the Tensor Calculus etc., and while these are extremely powerful mathematical tools, they are also very complex. Therefore, when applied to Einstein's two most well known theories, they result in a formulation quite difficult to follow for even the most accomplished post graduate student. In the presentations here, nothing more complex than first and second order differential equations of functions of a complex variable are used to initially develop the above theories from first principles. This forms the basis from which additional papers are developed extending the technique into further relativistic, gravitational and cosmological matters. The latter includes the development of a mathematically rigorous new theory for the origin and existence of the Universe. Note - In some papers the mathematical nomenclature uses a special font to represent a certain parameter. Within the text this may not display correctly, being replaced by a standard font, (For those who wish to display this parameter correctly, the necessary font is here

86. Hyperspace GR Hypertext
The general relativity News Archives. general relativity and Quantum Cosmology Preprints. These are at the preprint database at LANL.
Welcome to HyperSpace , a set of hypertext based services for general relativity research provided by the UBC general relativity and cosmology group. We have the following:
The UBC GR group
We're part of the theoretical physics group located in the physics department of the beautiful UBC campus in Vancouver, BC, and are working in pretty much all areas of gravity research. Here you can find out who we are, and a little bit about what we're doing:
Address searches
Here we have a nifty forms-based program, GR, that searches a list of e-mail and snail mail addresses important to the GR community. The list and software comes from QMW , but the software was originally developed at UBC . It has many personas that cross-reference each other in an intelligent way so that searching is made easy. It also gives links to various preprint databases. We have the following:
  • GR the full forms-based program
or you can access a simple version of each persona if you do not have forms support:
  • GR/people Finds the e-mail and snail mail addresses of people in the GR community.

87. Redirect
Website for an online relativity class. Covers special relativity in depth and general relativity at a more qualitative level. Contains tutorial material, references, and links.
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88. Concepts Of Special Relativity
HyperPhysics***** Relativity, R Nave. Go Back. Conceptual Framework general relativity. Index. HyperPhysics***** Relativity, R Nave. Go Back.
Conceptual Framework: Relativity
Relativity concepts

Solvay Conference, 1911
HyperPhysics ... Relativity R Nave Go Back
Conceptual Framework: General Relativity
Index HyperPhysics Relativity R Nave Go Back

89. Physics 7 Main Page
undergraduate course notes include both special relativity (e.g., spacetime, Lorentz invariance, various paradoxes ) and general relativity (e.g., equivalence principle, black holes, gravitational waves, experimental tests of gtr). Apparently a survey course for nonmajors, with little math but some very nice graphics.
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90. General Relativity: The Physics Of General Relativity, Black Holes, Neutron Star
Einstein s general relativity is a theory that describes gravity as an effect of the curvature of space time due to mass. Predictions
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Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
Einstein's general relativity is a theory that describes gravity as an effect of the curvature of space time due to mass. Predictions of this theory include black holes, gravitational waves and the expansion of the the universe.
Recent Up a category Frequently Asked Questions about relativity Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about special and general relativity Special Relativity - Time Dilation Explained Special relativity has a number of well known, but poorly understood consequences - one of which is known as "time dilation" - the effect that makes moving clocks run slower than stationary ones. New Upper Limit on the Photon Mass If a photon had mass, it would drastically affect our understanding of the structure of nature. As it stands, we know only that it is very, very light, but a new, even lower, limit on the photon mass has been established.

91. Spacetime 101
some basic background covering how mathematical models of space and time have evolved since ancient times, from the Pythagorean Rule to Newtonian mechanics, Special Relativity and general relativity.
Here's some basic background covering how mathematical models of space and time have evolved since ancient times, from the Pythagorean Rule to Newtonian mechanics, Special Relativity and General Relativity.
What is spacetime?
Why was Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity needed? How does Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity work? What is "causality" and what does it have to do with time travel? ...
Go back to Time Travel in Flatland.

92. Einstein
An introduction to general relativity
Next: Introduction
The Meaning of Einstein's Equation
John C. Baez
Department of Mathematics, University of California
Riverside, California 92521
March 10, 2001
Also available in Postscript.
This is a brief introduction to general relativity, designed for both students and teachers of the subject. While there are many excellent expositions of general relativity, few adequately explain the geometrical meaning of the basic equation of the theory: Einstein's equation. Here we give a simple formulation of this equation in terms of the motion of freely falling test particles. We also sketch some of its consequences, and explain how the formulation given here is equivalent to the usual one in terms of tensors. Finally, we include an annotated bibliography of books, articles and websites suitable for the student of relativity.

93. Riemannian Geometry And General Relativity
Riemannian Geometry and general relativity. (Differential Geometry2, MTH 3412, Winter 1997 ). Professor M.Shubin. 2. General Theory of Relativity, by PAM.Dirac.
Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity
(Differential Geometry-2, MTH 3412, Winter 1997 )
Professor M.Shubin
Course Description:
Riemannian geometry is designed to describe the universe of creatures who live on a curved surface or in a curved space and do not know about the world of higher dimensions or do not have any access to it. One of the main notions of the Riemannian geometry is the notion of connection, which is, in fact, the key notion of the entire geometry, though it is not always explicitly formulated. The connection (or parallel transport) allows to compare what is happening at two distant points of a curved space, in spite of the fact that there is no direct and immediate way to communicate between these points. Recently connections appeared in the theory of gauge fields which is considered a basis of the modern physics of elementary particles. Earlier, in the 1910's, A.Einstein discovered that the Riemannian geometry can be successfully used to describe General Relativity which is in fact a classical theory of gravitation. (Here the word ``classical" stands as opposite to ``quantum", but the quantum theory of gravitation is still terra incognita!) By its intrinsic beauty, as well as by wealth of applications the Riemannian geometry lies at the core of modern mathematics.

94. General Relativity
General Theory of Relativity. Just as moving clocks run slow, general relativity predicts that clocks in gravitational fields run slow.
General Theory of Relativity
Click here to go to the UPSCALE home page. Click here to go to the JPU200Y home page. Click here to go to the Physics Virtual Bookshelf. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity of 1905 concerns itself with observers who are in uniform relative motion. His General Theory of Relativity of 1916 considers observers in any state of relative motion including acceleration. It will turn out that this will also be a theory of gravitation. This document introduces the General Theory of Relativity.
Three "Easy" Pieces
Einstein used three different pieces to built the General Theory of Relativity, which we describe here.
Piece 1 - Geometry is Physics
Consider the figure to the right, which shows a distant star, the Sun, and the Earth. Clearly the figure is not drawn to scale. There is a straight dotted line connecting the star and the Earth. Imagine a light ray that leaves the star along the dotted line: it is headed directly for the Earth. However, we know that E = m c . And since the light that left the star has energy, we now know that it also has a mass. And

95. MAGIC Throught Two MILLENNIA
general relativity a primer. The prediction of general relativity yields a value that is twice as large as the classical calculation.
To the MAGIC Homepage
Gravity and Time.
Consider three clocks. Clocks 1 and 2 are mounted on a rotating disk, with clock 1 exactly at the centre, and clock 2 fixed on the rim, and clock 3 is sitting at rest with respect to the centre of the disk. Note that the disk exerts a force on clock 2 which forces it to follow a circular path; since, without this force, clock 2 would move in a straight line, it is clear that the force and the resultant acceleration are both directed towards the centre of the disk. Clocks 1 and 3 are not moving relative to one another (there is some rotation involved, but their relative position in space does not change with time); thus, as far as Special Relativity is concerned, they keep the same time. However, clock 2 is moving with respect to clock 3; thus clock 2 is running slow as seen by clock 3. Since clocks 1 and 3 keep the same time, this means that clock 2 runs slow compared to clock 1, even though clocks 1 and 2 have no relative translatory motion. (Note that, since clock 2 is not in an inertial frame, Special Relativity does not make any statement about its timekeeping - this is a new effect) . Finally, consider a clock situated on the disk somewhere between clocks 1 and 2; the acceleration of such a clock is less than that of clock 2, and since it is also moving more slowly than clock 2, it is running less slowly.

96. Spacetime Relativity
This is an alternate cosmology not based on general relativity.
Cosmology - The science or theory of the universe as an ordered whole, and of the general laws which govern it. Also, a particular account or system of the universe and its laws. - Oxford English Dictionary Welcome to my web site! This site was developed to share a different cosmology with people who are interested. We are in a golden age of astronomy and cosmology. New observations and data about the universe are coming in at a fast rate. My ideas, are mostly qualitative in nature, and are speculative. The hypothesis is called Spacetime Relativity and is very similar to the Big Bang theory, but uses a different interpretation of the cosmological redshift. I have tried to develop more quantitative ideas to test my hypothesis over the past year, which I have included in the most recent version of spacetime relativity. A new idea has little value to science if it cannot be tested in some way. A few alternate cosmologies have offered very little competition to the Big Bang theory, because any new idea needs to be consistent with current observations. Basically the hypothesis is very similar to the Big Bang with a few key differences. The nature of Time and Space being the biggest differences.* I have been asked a few questions over the past few months so I have added another page (More on Time) concerning time. Hope this will clear up some of the questions.

97. April 20: Gravity, Black Holes, Wormholes
general relativity The second part of relativity is general relativity and lies on two empirical findings that he elevated to the status of basic postulates.
General Relativity The second part of relativity is general relativity and lies on two empirical findings that he elevated to the status of basic postulates. The first postulate is the relativity principle: local physics is governed by the theory of special relativity. The second postulate is the equivalence principle: there is no way for an observer to distinguish locally between gravity and acceleration. The primary result from general relativity is that gravitation is a purely geometric consequence of the properties of spacetime. In this sense, general relativity is a field theory, relating Newton's law of gravity to the field nature of spacetime. Orbit in curved spacetime There were two classical test of general relativity, the first was that light should be deflected by passing close to a massive body. The first opportunity occurred during a total eclipse of the Sun in 1919. Measurements of stellar positions near the darkened solar limb proved Einstein was right. Direct confirmation of gravitational lensing was obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope last year.

98. 8.962 Home Page, MIT, Spring 2002
DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS. 8.962 general relativity. Spring 2002. Please note TA office hours are now Wednesday 23pm in room 37-656.
8.962: General Relativity
Spring 2002
Please note TA office hours are now Wednesday 2-3pm in room 37-656.
Lectures: Tu-Th 9:30-11:00am; Rm 4-163 Recitation: M 3-4pm; Rm 3-343 Instructor: Prof. Edmund Bertschinger
Information: General Information and Syllabus (updated 2/17/02).
Check these pages often for updates:
Send comments, complaints and questions to Edmund Bertschinger, Last modified: Friday, July 25, 2003

99. Exploring New Approaches Within Physics->On The Structure Of Time
A particlebased view of special and general relativity by John K.N. Murphy.
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New Approaches Within Physics
-On The Structure of Time
John K. N. Murphy Last modified: 7th May 2002 Main Page
Background Concepts
Wave/Particle Duality
Twin Slit Experiment
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1.0 Introduction
[More about relativity] Einstein's Special theory of Relativity is fundamental to physics and yet there seems to be a lack of work that addresses the question "What kind of universe would behave like that?".
This article addresses that question and begins to work toward a new interpretation of relativity. The material results from an inquiry into the nature of relativistic phenomena and discusses the feasibility of generating a basic model in which these phenomena can be seen to occur as a natural consequence of the model instead of appearing as paradoxical. 1.1 Rationale

100. Parallel Linear General Relativity
Parallel Linear general relativity and CMB Anisotropies. Authors Paul Bode 1INST1 Dept. of Physics, MIT 1ADD1 Cambridge, MA 02139
Parallel Linear General Relativity and CMB Anisotropies
Paul Bode
Dept. of Physics, M.I.T.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Edmund Bertschinger
Dept. of Physics, M.I.T.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Cosmology, Applications, Parallel algorithms, Performance evaluation
We have developed a code which links the primeval fluctuations in the early universe with those observable at the present time by integrating the coupled, linearized, Einstein, Boltzmann, and fluid equations governing the evolution of metric perturbations and density fluctuations; this is the most accurate treatment to date of both the physics and the numerical integration. The results are useful both for calculations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy and the linear power spectrum of matter fluctuations. The serial code (LINGER) is highly efficient on vector machines. Furthermore, this application is perfectly suited for coarse-grained parallelism. A portable, parallel implementation (PLINGER) using common message-passing libraries (PVM, MPI, MPL, and PVMe) has been completed; it achieves Gflop/sec rates on current parallel supercomputers such as the T3D and SP2. LINGER and PLINGER are publically available as part of the COSMICS software package.

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