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121. PREMIER Biosoft International Developers of software for real time PCR primer design, TaqMan, molecular beacons, DNA microarray analysis, drawing restriction plasmid maps, gateway cloning experiments, protein interaction network and functional genomics. http://www.PremierBiosoft.com | |
122. Genomica Corporation BioPharmaceutical software for functional genomics, gene discovery, and positional cloning; using genetic analysis, physical mapping, and sequence analysis. http://www.genomica.com |
123. PIMA Protein Domain Analysis sequence. Query submission form. This tool allows you to search our library of functional diagnostic profiles with a protein sequence. http://bmerc-www.bu.edu/bioinformatics/profile_request.html | |
124. BrainVoyager - Software For Analysis And Visualization Of FMRI And MRI Data Software system for the analysis and visualization of functional and anatomical magnetic resonance imaging data. http://www.brainvoyager.co.uk/ | |
125. EBI Research - Microarray Home Established in May 2000, provides an introduction to cells, molecules, genes, functional genomics, microarray technology and applications. Projects include a public repository for array based gene expression data, with webbased tools for data submissions and analysis, and research on gene networks, data mining, pattern discovery and standardisation at EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. http://www.ebi.ac.uk/microarray/ | |
126. Center For Strategic & International Studies A public policy research institution dedicated to analysis and policy impact. CSIS is the only institution of its kind that maintains resident experts on all the world's major geographical regions. It also covers key functional areas, such as international finance, U.S. domestic and economic policy, and U.S. foreign policy and national security issues. http://www.csis.org/ | |
127. PREMIER Biosoft International Developers of software for real time PCR primer design, TaqMan, molecular beacons, DNA microarray analysis, draw restriction plasmid maps, Gateway cloning experiments, protein interaction network and functional genomics. http://www.premierbiosoft.com/ | |
128. Skeletal Gene Database Multiinstitute project aimed at understanding the functional genome of bone and other skeletal tissues. Features libraries, data analysis tools, methology, and array data. http://sgd.nia.nih.gov/ | |
129. Isernhagen Work Systems A network of programs to manage and prevent work injury, and providers/specialists trained through IWS. Information re. functional capacity evaluation, work rehabilitation, work hardening, work conditioning, functional job analysis, and prework screening. http://www.isernhagen.com/ |
130. Ariadne Genomics: Tools For Systems Biology Software for biological pathways visualization and analysis, functional interpretation of genetic information. http://www.ariadnegenomics.com | |
131. Germán Vidal Technical University of Valencia, Spain Programming Languages, functional and Logic Programming, Multi-Paradigm Programming, Semantics, Program Transformation, Partial Evaluation, Slicing, Specification, analysis and Verification, Computational Costs. http://www.dsic.upv.es/users/elp/gvidal.html | |
132. Welcome To LIMS Online Institution for the study of movement analysis and the functional and expressive aspects of movement. http://www.limsonline.org | |
133. Moreno Falaschi's Home University of Udine Logic programming, functional logic programming, analysis and transformation of declarative programs. http://www.dimi.uniud.it/~falaschi/ | |
134. Learning Methods For Data Exploration: Research Group analysis of functional genomics data, Construction of datadependent metrics for focusing data analysis on relevant or important aspects of the data. http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/mi/ | |
135. Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc. Manufacturer of omega3 diagnostic care, omega-3 product analysis, omega-3 supplements and clinical trial consulting for the nutraceutical and functional food industry. http://www.nutrasource.ca |
136. C.V.R.VIBORG-CONSULTING, Health Systems And Health Facilities Planning Internati Services include health sector analysis, feasibility studies, functional and operational planning, master planning and hospital management. Located in Austria. http://members.eunet.at/cvcons/ | |
137. Complete Test, When You Need Test And Measurement Done Right Services include manufacturing functional test, board test, diagnostic test sequences, field repair, and failure analysis. Measurement solutions include stress, temperature profiling, digital and analog signal capture and data analysis. http://www.completetest.com/ | |
138. CERL Sound Group analysis/Synthesis and notation software. Fullyfunctional downloadable trial version available. http://www.cerlsoundgroup.org/ |
139. Turbo BPR Software A free Windowsbased business process reengineering support tool developed by the U.S. government to assist users in strategic planning, functional economic analysis, and business process reengineering. http://www.c3i.osd.mil/bpr/bprcd/3007.htm |
140. SpringerLink - Publication Journal emphasizing analysis of the interrelationship between structuralfunctional systems of animals and their general biology, including environmental adaptations and behavior. Accepts original papers based on morphological investigation of invertebrates and vertebrates at the macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural levels, including embryologcial studies. http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00435/index.htm | |
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