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121. Finite Fields And Their Applications Professional Publisher's site advertising a journal on Finite field theory. Well presented and informative. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/1071-5797 | |
122. An Introduction To Topological Field Theory A topological quantum field theory (TQFT) is an, almost, metric independent quantum field theory that gives rise to topological invariants of the background manifold http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~ruthjl/papers/itft.html | |
123. Electrogravity Source for free ebook, Electrogravitation As A Unified field theory, by Jerry E. Bayles. http://www.electrogravity.com/ | |
124. The Valuation Theory Home Page A forum for all mathematicians who work in valuation theory or apply valuation theoretical results in their own field of research. http://math.usask.ca/fvk/Valth.html | |
125. A Novel Theory Of The Terrestrial Magnetic Field And Its Anomalies A new theory of the source of the Earth's magnetic tield which also provides an explanation of its variations in intensity and direction over planetary history. http://users.bigpond.com/ernestmcfarlane/geomagnetism.html | |
126. Preface Provides an introduction to the field. http://william-king.www.drexel.edu/top/eco/game/preface.html | |
127. SIGACT News Theory Calendar --- Home Page Calendar of upcoming theoretical computer science events and a list of recently released books in the field. http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/theoryc/ | |
128. COLT: Computational Learning Theory A research field devoted to studying the design and analysis of algorithms for making predictions about the future based on past experiences. The emphasis in COLT is on rigorous mathematical analysis. COLT is largely concerned with computational and data efficiency. http://www.learningtheory.org/ | |
129. Clinical Psychology: Science And Practice Developments in the science and practice of clinical psychology by publishing scholarly topical reviews of research, theory, and application to diverse areas of the field, including assessment, intervention, service delivery, and professional issues. http://clipsy.oupjournals.org/ | |
130. Electromagnetism General electromagnetic theory, including static field equations, the origins of inductance, and EMR. http://www.mariner.connectfree.co.uk/html/electromagnetism.html | |
131. PWscf Programs for electronic structure calculations within DensityFunctional theory and Density-Functional Perturbation theory, using a Plane-Wave basis set and pseudopotentials. PWscf is released under the GNU General Public License. http://www.pwscf.org/ | |
132. FIELD ARITHMETIC PREPRINT ARCHIVE Galois theory of fields/group theory. (50 articles) http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/research/Fields/ | |
133. SFB 504 Glossary: Game Theory Offers a brief definition of and introduction to the field. By Aner Sela and Jan Vleugels. http://www.sfb504.uni-mannheim.de/glossary/game.htm | |
134. Trans-theory Discussion List A forum for the discussion of topics in the new interdisciplinary field of transgender studies and transgender theory. http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/trans-theory/ |
135. High Energy Physics - Theory A collection of research papers on high energy particle physics, and on quantum field theories. http://arxiv.org/archive/hep-th | |
136. Materials Theory Institute Aims to attract leading talents in the field of condensed matter physics for collaborative work closely related to Argonne's experimental and theoretical projects. http://mti.msd.anl.gov | |
137. Combinatorial Game Theory Elwyn's research in the field, including several papers. http://www.math.berkeley.edu/~berlek/cgt/index.html | |
138. Computability Theory Information on this site includes a Bibliographic Database for Computability theory, a list of Open Questions in Recursion theory as well as links to many researchers working in the field. Maintained by Peter Cholak. http://www.nd.edu/~cholak/computability/computability.html | |
139. American Journal Of Sociology Established in 1895 as the first U.S. scholarly journal in its field, AJS is a voice for analysis and research in the social sciences, presenting work on the theory, methods, practice, and history of sociology. Electronic edition. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/AJS/home.html | |
140. Earth's Magnetic Field A theory on how Earth's magnetic field reverses its magnetic polarity. http://earthsgeomotor.com/ | |
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