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41. Conformal Field Theory - An Introduction Translate this page http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~mp/OA/CFT.html |
42. Applications Of Conformal Field Theory Applications of Conformal field theory. October 15 Â 19, 2001. Directions to IPAM. Conformal field theory and Applications. Schedule. http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/programs/cftapp/ | |
43. Eugene V. Stefanovich A new approach to relativity, quantum mechanics, and field theory which solves many old puzzles, such as ultraviolet infinities and superluminal spreading of wave packets. http://www.geocities.com/meopemuk | |
44. Crystal Field Theory 4. Crystal field theory. where f is a function of the ligand and g is a function of the metal. Applications of Crystal and Ligand field theory. Ionic Radii. http://www.unine.ch/chim/chw/Chapter 4.html | |
45. Electron And SubQuantum Field Theory possible? Subquantum field theory (SubQFT) has been summoned to answer the question  How electron is possible? RUSSIAN, ENGLISH. http://www.ltn.lv/~elefzaze/ | |
46. Quantum Field Theory P621 Home Page P621 Quantum field theory Department of Physics, Indiana University. This course is the first semester of a two semester sequence in Quantum field theory. http://physics.indiana.edu/~sg/p621.html | |
47. TOPOLOGICAL QUANTUM FIELD THEORY CLUB Translate this page A club which holds monthly and yearly meetings in Portugal to discuss topics in quantum field theory. http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~rpicken/tqft/ |
48. [hep-th/0107094] Introduction To String Field Theory Introduction to string field theory. Authors W. Siegel (CN Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics) Comments 247 pages Reportno YITP-SB-01-39 http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0107094 | |
49. [gr-qc/9512024] Introduction To The Effective Field Theory Description Of Gravit of Gravity. Author John F. Donoghue (Univ. of Massachusetts...... 0500 (EST) (19kb) Introduction to the Effective field theory http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9512024 | |
50. ESF - HTTP Error: 404 - Not Found European Science Foundation network. http://www.esf.org/physical/pn/old/TOPDEF/topola.htm | |
51. Info.desy.de/user/projects/Lattice.html Google Directory Science Physics Quantum Mechanics Quantum Quantum field theory, Algebraic Quantum field theory Homepage - http//www.desy.de/uni-th/lqp/ A collection of resources for algebraic quantum field theory. http://info.desy.de/user/projects/Lattice.html |
52. Events: Topology, Geometry And Quantum Field Theory Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK; 2429 June 2002. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/notices/events/special/tgqfts/ | |
53. Quantum Field Theory - Home Page Welcome to the joined homepage of our groups. Quantum field theory (Head Prof. Dr. Dieter Lüst) Phenomenology / Lattice Gauge Theory (Head Prof. http://qft14.physik.hu-berlin.de/ | |
54. Einstein's Unified Field Theory With Teleparallelism Einstein s Unified field theory with Teleparallelism. 27, About the Unified field theory, Zur einheitliche Feldtheorie, rep3.zip (521k). http://www.lrz.de/~aunzicker/ae1930.html | |
55. Physics & Engineering Book Breakthrough! Electromagnetic Field Theory And More. book review Book that challenges fundamental principles of modern electromagnetic field theory and unveils a new model for electromagnetic masses as they move from the point of origin out into space. http://www.physics-books.com | |
56. Quantum Field Theory Quantum field theory. These pages form the core of an introductory course on Quantum field theory. The course aims to guide the student http://theory.ph.man.ac.uk/~forshaw/NorthWest/QFT.html | |
57. W.Y. Velez's Homepage University of Arizona. Algebraic and elementary number theory; Group theory; field theory; Algebraic coding theory; Communication theory; Signal processing. Preprints and articles on educational issues. http://www.math.arizona.edu/~velez/ | |
58. Computational Field Theory At Columbia Table of Contents. Home; Physics; Project Background; People; QCDSP Project; QCDOC Project; Columbia Physics System; Physics Papers; Lattice http://phys.columbia.edu/~cqft/ | |
59. Relativity And Quantum Theory approach to this problem, developed in the early 30 s, begins not with a single relativistic particle, but with a relativistic classical field theory, such as http://phys.columbia.edu/~cqft/physics.htm | |
60. Unified Field Theory With New Model For Gravity New Unified field theory. Steven Weinberg TIME, April 10, 2000; p. 86. Now Available. Overview New Unified field theory (Sept. 16, 2000). http://www.allanstime.com/UnifiedFieldTheory/ | |
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