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101. Discrete Math Home Page eschool homepage. Welcome! This is where you will find many resources for your discrete math online class. Here is what we currently have to offer http://www.k12.hi.us/~discrete/ | |
102. Discrete Math University Of South Carolina Gallery, Research interests include extremal set theory, extremal graph theory, graph coloring, operations research, and applications of discrete math to biology http://www.math.sc.edu/~sumner/discretemath/ | |
103. MATH510 Discrete Math - 16501 (Chris Pinner) discrete math Info. MATH 510. 16501 Chris Pinner. General Information. Course Outline. Homeworks. HW1. 1.8 14,17,18,26,27. (Due Friday Aug 29). HW Questions HW2. http://www.math.ksu.edu/~pinner/math510/ | |
104. Powell's Books - Finite And Discrete Math: A Complete Solution Guide To Any Text Finite and discrete math A Complete Solution Guide to Any Textbook by Rea. Available at Beaverton, Quimby Warehouse, Technical. Free Shipping! http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/product?isbn=0878915591 |
105. Discrete Math Faculty The discrete mathematics Faculty Interests. Please send comments to wcherowi@math.cudenver.edu. Last updated January 23, 2003 http://www-math.cudenver.edu/~wcherowi/dmgfac.html | |
106. Discrete And Statistical Sciences discrete and Statistical Sciences. Auburn University Library. mathSciNet. Online Manuals. Thesis Sample Files. math and Stat Links. Auburn University Graduate School. Alabama SuperComputer Network . http://www.dms.auburn.edu/ | |
107. Graph Theory And Discrete Geometry Manila 2001 A Conference in Honor of Frank Harary on his 80th Year. Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, the Philippines; 1517 October 2001. http://www.math.admu.edu.ph/CGTDG2001/ | |
108. Alex Suciu Northeastern University, Boston. Topology and combinatorics hyperplane arrangements, the topology and geometry of manifolds, the homology of discrete groups, the homotopy theory of highdimensional knots. http://www.math.neu.edu/~suciu/ | |
109. Alternative PK/PD Modelling - Deal Open source package for the technical computing language R, developed by Aalborg University and Novo Nordisk A/S analysis and structure learning of Bayesian networks with discrete and/or continuous variables http://www.math.auc.dk/novo/deal | |
110. Peter Benner - Software SLICOT Subroutine Library in Control Theory, Parallel Library in Control (PLiC) for largescale time-invariant linear control systems in state-space form on parallel distributed computers, eigenvalues of Hamiltonian Matrices, subroutines for compressing a symmetric or triangular matrix to packed storage mode or to unpack a packed array to full storage mode, benchmark examples of discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations, benchmark examples of continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations. http://www.math.uni-bremen.de/~benner/software.html | |
111. CCCG 2001: Canadian Conference On Computational Geometry CCCG focuses on the mathematics of discrete geometry from a computational point of view. Despite its international following, CCCG maintains the informality of a smaller workshop (7085 attendees) and attracts a large number of students. August 13-15, 2001; Waterloo, Canada. http://compgeo.math.uwaterloo.ca/~cccg01/ | |
112. Paul Garrett: Crypto And Number Theory Introduction to cryptology, numbertheory, and algorithms. Protocols. Symmetric versus asymmetric systems. Stream, block ciphers. One-way functions, signatures. Key management. (Pseudo-) random number generation. Permutation groups. Primes, Euclidean algorithm. Finite fields. Quadratic reciprocity. discrete logs, RSA. Pseudoprimes, rho method. Elliptic curve methods. http://www.math.umn.edu/~garrett/crypto/ | |
113. 5TH LATTICE PATH COMBINATORICS AND DISCRETE DISTRIBUTIONS Dedicated to the memory of Istvan Vincze. Athens, Greece; 57 June 2002. http://www.math.uoa.gr/~lattice/ |
114. CADCOM-Applications Hwang, AT T Bell Laboratories, USA. The discrete Logarithm Problem in Cryptography , Alfred J. Menezes, Auburn University, USA. http://www.dms.auburn.edu/~rodgec1/cadcom/applications/ | |
115. Colorful Mathematics/Background Please use electronic mail to laf@math.ucalgary.ca or write to LAF Software 5904 Silver Ridge Dr. NW Calgary, Alberta Canada T3B 3R9. http://www.math.ucalgary.ca/~laf/colorful/backgr.html | |
116. REU: Research Experience For Undergraduates - Summer 2004 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Summer 2004. DIMACS REU, DIMACS/DIMATIA REU. June 7 - July 30, 2004. DIMACS/DIMATIA participants http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/REU/ | |
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