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21. The Discrete Mathematics Project The discrete mathematics Project The discrete mathematics Project University of Colorado at Boulder Dominic Peressini Project Director. http://www.colorado.edu/education/DMP/ | |
22. DMP: Definitions From Discrete Mathematics A page by a student in a University of Oregon discrete math class has its own Terms Index page. The Graph Theory Tutorial has a http://www.colorado.edu/education/DMP/def.html | |
23. Juergen Bierbrauer's Home Page Michigan Technological University. discrete mathematics and its interactions with Geometry, Cryptology and Algorithms. http://www.math.mtu.edu/~jbierbra/ | |
24. Australasian Journal Of Combinatorics Published for the Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia (Inc.) by the Centre for discrete mathematics and Computing, University of Queensland. Contents of all volumes, author and keyword searchable index. http://ajc.math.auckland.ac.nz/ | |
25. Princeton Discrete Mathematics Seminar Princeton discrete mathematics Seminar mchudnov@math.princeton.edu. Talks from Fall 2003. Talks from 2002/2003. Talks from 2001/2002. Talks from 2000/2001. http://www.math.princeton.edu/~bsudakov/seminar.html | |
26. ISETL Interactive SET Language, distant SETL variant widely used in discrete mathematics downloads on lower 2/3 of page, for DOS, Mac OS, Windows; source code available. http://www.math.purdue.edu/~ccc/distribution.html |
27. Galois.uoregon.edu/~discrete/ galois.uoregon.edu/~discrete/Frames/Terms.html DMTCS discrete mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science DMTCS is a high standard peerreviewed electronic journal devoted to rapid publication of innovative research which covers discrete mathematics and theoretical http://galois.uoregon.edu/~discrete/ |
28. ScienceDirect - Discrete Mathematics - List Of Issues HTML 4.0 Lesson 6discrete math in the Classroom. discrete math is a topic that is increasingly becoming important in school mathematics, from primary to graduate levels. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0012365X | |
29. Past Open Problems Columns By Douglas B. West, from the SIAM Activity Group Newsletter in discrete mathematics. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~west/pcol/pcolink.html | |
30. Discrete Math--WV Goals/Objectives discrete math in the Classroom. West Virginia Instructional Goals and Objectives. discrete mathematics, a oneyear course, is an advanced http://bhs.broo.k12.wv.us/discrete/goals.htm | |
31. Krishnaswami Alladi University of Florida. Number theory, combinatorics, discrete mathematics. Contact information and links of interest. http://www.math.ufl.edu/~alladi/ | |
32. Eighth Biannual Bay Area Discrete Math Day The Bay Area discrete math Day, Spring 2004. The Eighth BADMath Day will take place at Stanford University on Saturday 1 May 2004 between 900 and 600. http://badmathday.csuhayward.edu/ | |
33. Seventh Bay Area Discrete Math Day The Bay Area discrete math Day, FALL 2003. The Seventh BADMath Day will take place at San Francisco State University on Saturday http://badmathday.csuhayward.edu/Gsfsu03.html | |
34. Cryptography Theory And Practice Douglas Stinson. Subtitled discrete mathematics and Its Applications . Written with more emphasis on theory than practice, as acknowledged in the preface. http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/~dstinson/CTAP.html | |
35. Discrete Math Glossary discrete mathematics glossary. Below are links to pages containing definitions and examples of many discrete mathematics concepts. http://home.comcast.net/~lcopes/SciMathMN/concepts/concepts.html | |
36. IAMR KarRC RAS. Conference "Probabilistic Methods In Discrete Mathematics" Fifth International Petrozavodsk Conference. Karelia, Russia; 16 June 2000. http://www.krc.karelia.ru/structure/math/conf/probabl/index.shtml | |
37. Discrete Math Applets discrete math Applets. http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~nachumd/discrete.html | |
38. Discrete Math (Spring 2004) Textbooks, Introduction to discrete math, A. Avron, discrete mathematics, S. Dar and S. Gueron, discrete mathematics, N. Linial and M. Parnas, discrete math for http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~odedr/teaching/discrete_math_spring_2004/ | |
39. Finite & Discrete Math Langara College Department of Mathematics and Statistics Internet Resources for the College Math Student. http://www.langara.bc.ca/mathstats/resource/onWeb/finite&discrete/ | |
40. Triangle Discrete Math And Optimization Day Triangle discrete math and Optimization Day. Time March 22, 2004. Place Conference Room 1112, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University Driving directions. http://www.or.unc.edu/~pataki/optday/ | |
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