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         Differential Geometry:     more books (100)
  1. Schaum's Outline of Differential Geometry (Schaum's) by Martin M. Lipschutz, 1969-06-01
  2. Differential Geometry by Erwin Kreyszig, 1991-06-01
  3. Elementary Differential Geometry by Andrew Pressley, 2002-09-18
  4. Elementary Differential Geometry, Revised 2nd Edition, Second Edition by Barrett O'Neill, 2006-03-27
  5. Differential Geometry and Statistics (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability) by M.K. Murray, J.W. Rice, 1993-04-01
  6. Differential Geometry and its Applications (Classroom Resource Materials) (Classroom Resource Materials) by John Oprea, 2007-07-10
  7. Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry: Second Edition by Dirk J. Struik, 1988-04-01
  8. Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Manfredo Do Carmo, 1976-02-01
  9. Elements of Differential Geometry by Richard S. Millman, George D. Parker, 1977-03-29
  10. A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Volume 1, 3rd Edition by Michael Spivak, 1999-01-01
  11. Differential Geometric Structures (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Walter A. Poor, 2007-06-05
  12. Riemannian Geometry by Manfredo Perdigao do Carmo, 1992-01-01
  13. A course of differential geometry and topology by Aleksandr Sergeevich Mishchenko, A. Fomenko, 1988-01-01
  14. Discrete Differential Geometry (Oberwolfach Seminars)

1. Journal Of Differential Geometry Home Page
©Lehigh University ISSN 0022040X.
©Lehigh University
ISSN 0022-040X
International Press
Journal of Differential Geometry
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Journal of Differential Geometry How do I subscribe? Who is involved in the JDG? ... License

2. DG Differential Geometry
differential geometry section of the mathematics eprint arXiv.
Fri 4 Jun 2004 Search Submit Retrieve Subscribe ... iFAQ
DG Differential Geometry
Calendar Search
Authors: All AB CDE FGH ... U-Z
New articles (last 12)
4 Jun math.DG/0406051 Zero entropy and bounded topology. Gabriel P. Paternain , Jimmy Petean DG DS
3 Jun math.DG/0406039 Curvature of Multiply Warped Products. Fernando Dobarro , Bulent Unal . 25 pages. DG MP
3 Jun math.DG/0406029 Bando-Futaki Invariants on Hypersurfaces. Chiung-ju Liu . 23 pages. DG
2 Jun math.DG/0406021 Geometrie affine Geometrie symplectique. Tsemo Aristide DG
4 Jun math.SG/0406069 Connected Components of the Space of Surface Group Representations II. Nan-Kuo Ho , Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu . 8 pages. SG DG
4 Jun math.GT/0406056 Thurston's bending measure conjecture for once punctured torus groups. Caroline Series . 13 pages. GT DG
4 Jun math.FA/0406054 Special Standard Static Space-Times. Fernando Dobarro , Bulent Unal . 16 pages. FA AP DG
3 Jun math.AP/0406028 S.-Y. Alice Chang , Zheng-Chao Han , Paul Yang AP DG
3 Jun math.AP/0406027 Zheng-Chao Han AP DG
3 Jun math-ph/0406006 A Note on Positive Energy Theorem for Spaces with Asymptotic SUSY Compactification. Xianzhe Dai MP DG
3 Jun math.DG/0311098

3. Notes For The Course In Differential Geometry
differential geometry. These notes are from the course given in WIS in 19921993 academic year Hicks, Notes on differential geometry, Van Nostrand. B
Lecture notes
for the course in
Differential Geometry
These notes are from the course given in WIS in 1992-1993 academic year. Mostly they constitute a collection of definitions, formulations of most important theorems and related problems for self-control. Since that time, in 1996, I changed the order of exposition. Therefore the logical structure is not the same. Anyhow, I hope that these notes can still be useful for self-control. The general rule is always the same: if you do understand the problem, try to solve it. If you don't - disregard it The problems for exam are here
First semester
1. Introduction to manifolds.
Topolgical spaces, exotic topologies. Constructions (Cartesian product, quotient space, metric compatible with topology etc). Differentiable mappings of the Euclidean n-space. Diffeomorphisms. Definition of a smooth manifold.
1a. Supplement to Lecture 1.
Matrix manifolds. Partitions of unity. Whitney (weak) embedding theorem.
2. Tangent vectors. Tangent bundle.
Definition via classes of first-order-equivalent curves. Tangent maps (differentials of diffeomorphisms). Vector fields. Action of diffeomorphisms on vector fields.
3. Algebra of vector fields. Lie derivatives.

4. 53: Differential Geometry
53 differential geometry. Introduction. differential geometry is the language of modern physics as well What is differential geometry; how does it differ from differential topology
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53: Differential geometry
Differential geometry is the language of modern physics as well as an area of mathematical delight. Typically, one considers sets which are manifolds (that is, locally resemble Euclidean space) and which come equipped with a measure of distances. In particular, this includes classical studies of the curvature of curves and surfaces. Local questions both apply and help study differential equations; global questions often invoke algebraic topology.
See e.g. Berger, M. "Riemannian geometry during the second half of the twentieth century", Jahresber. Deutsch. Math.-Verein. 100 (1998), no. 2, 45208. CMP1637246
Applications and related fields
For differential topology, See 57RXX. For foundational questions of differentiable manifolds, See 58AXX Geometry of spheres is in the sphere FAQ . There is a separate section for detailed information about 52A55: Spherical Geometry A metric in the sense of differential geometry is only loosely related to the idea of a metric on a metric space
  • Classical differential geometry
  • Local differential geometry
  • Global differential geometry, see also 51H25, 58-XX; for related bundle theory, See 55RXX, 57RXX

5. Mathematics Archives - Topics In Mathematics - Differential Geometry
Topics in Mathematics. differential geometry. AMS's Materials Organized by Mathematical Subject Classification. ADD. KEYWORDS Electronic Journals, Preprints, Web Sites, Databases. The Atlas of Harmonic Morphisms. ADD. surface, surfaces of revolution and canal surfaces. differential geometry and its Applications KEYWORDS Journal. differential geometry and Quantum Physics, SFB 288, TU Berlin
Topics in Mathematics Differential Geometry

6. GANG | Geometry Analysis Numerics Graphics
The Center is an interdisciplinary differential geometry research team in the Dept of Mathematics Statistics at the University of UMass Amherst.
The GANG Gallery of
Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces

The GANG Gallery of
Willmore Surfaces

The GANG Gallery of
Minimal Surfaces

The GANG Gallery of
Pseudospherical Surfaces

Summer REU program at GANG

7. Notes On Differential Geometry By B. Csikós
Notes by Bal¡zs Csik³s. Chapters in PostScript.
Differential Geometry Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Lecture Notes by Balázs Csikós FAQ: How to read these files? Answer: The files below are postscript files compressed with gzip . First decompress them by gunzip , then you can print them on any postscript printer, or you can use ghostview to view them and print selected (or all) pages on any printer. CONTENTS
Unit 1.
Basic Structures on R n , Length of Curves. Addition of vectors and multiplication by scalars, vector spaces over R, linear combinations, linear independence, basis, dimension, linear and affine linear subspaces, tangent space at a point, tangent bundle; dot product, length of vectors, the standard metric on R n ; balls, open subsets, the standard topology on R n , continuous maps and homeomorphisms; simple arcs and parameterized continuous curves, reparameterization, length of curves, integral formula for differentiable curves, parameterization by arc length. Unit 2. Curvatures of a Curve Convergence of k-planes, the osculating k-plane, curves of general type in R n , the osculating flag, vector fields, moving frames and Frenet frames along a curve, orientation of a vector space, the standard orientation of R n , the distinguished Frenet frame, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, Frenet formulas, curvatures, invariance theorems, curves with prescribed curvatures.

8. Natural Operations In Differential Geometry
Natural operations in differential geometry by Ivan Kolar, Jan Slovak and Peter W. Michor published by SpringerVerlag in 1993. DVI, PostScript and PDF.
The Electronic Library of Mathematics
Mathematical Monographs
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Natural operations in differential geometry
by Ivan Kolar, Jan Slovak and Peter W. Michor
Paper version originally published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1993
ISBN 3-540-56235-4 (Germany) Download the whole book as one file:
] (838,207 bytes)
] (1,330,587 bytes)
] (2,945,143 bytes) The aim of this book is threefold: First it should be a monographical work on natural bundles and natural operators in differential geometry. This is a field which every differential geometer has met several times, but which is not treated in detail in one place. Let us explain a little, what we mean by naturality.
Second this book tries to be a rather comprehensive textbook on all basic structures from the theory of jets which appear in different branches of differential geometry. Even though Ehresmann in his original papers from 1951 underlined the conceptual meaning of the notion of an $r$-jet for differential geometry, jets have been mostly used as a purely technical tool in certain problems in the theory of systems of partial differential equations, in singularity theory, in variational calculus and in higher order mechanics. But the theory of natural bundles and natural operators clarifies once again that jets are one of the fundamental concepts in differential geometry, so that a thorough treatment of their basic properties plays an important role in this book. We also demonstrate that the central concepts from the theory of connections can very conveniently be formulated in terms of jets, and that this formulation gives a very clear and geometric picture of their properties.

9. Differential Geometry Page
Contains several figures which are the result of easy codes using Mathematica, including Enneper's surface.
Differential Geometry Page
This page contains a few figures which are the result of easy codes using Mathematica.

10. Differential Gometry And General Relativity
Online introduction to differential geometry and general relativity. Introduction to differential geometry and General Relativity.
Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity
Lecture Notes by Stefan Waner,
Department of Mathematics, Hofstra University
These notes are dedicated to the memory of Hanno Rund.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Preliminaries: Distance, Open Sets, Parametric Surfaces and Smooth Functions 2. Smooth Manifolds and Scalar Fields 3. Tangent Vectors and the Tangent Space 4. Contravariant and Covariant Vector Fields ... Download the latest version of the differential geometry/relativity notes in PDF format References and Suggested Further Reading
(Listed in the rough order reflecting the degree to which they were used) Bernard F. Schutz, A First Course in General Relativity (Cambridge University Press, 1986)
David Lovelock and Hanno Rund, Tensors, Differential Forms, and Variational Principles (Dover, 1989)
Charles E. Weatherburn, An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry and the Tensor Calculus (Cambridge University Press, 1963)
Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne and John A. Wheeler, Gravitation (W.H. Freeman, 1973)
Keith R. Symon

11. Michor, Peter, Publications
F Kolár, Ivan; Slovák, Jan; Michor, Peter W. Natural operations in differential geometry. H Michor, Peter W. Topics in differential geometry.
Publications of Peter W. Michor
Reviews on articles of Peter Michor in Zentralblatt-MATH
Reviews on articles of Peter Michor in MathSciNet
(Mathematical Reviews).
Call and technical advise
to scan and put pre-TeX publications on the web.
Monographs and Lecture Notes
[A] Michor, Peter W.: Functors and categories of Banach spaces. Springer Lecture Notes 651, (1978), vi+99 pp., MR 80h:46116, Z 369.46069. Out of print. Scanned book: pdf-file [B] Cigler, Johann; Losert, Viktor; Michor, Peter W.: Banach modules and functors on categories of Banach spaces. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 46, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Basel, (1979), MR 80j:46112, Z 411.46044. Review in Bull. AMS 3,2 (1980) xv+282 pp.,
Orders to: Marcel Dekker, inc., 270, Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.10016, tel (212)696-9000. Scanned book: pdf-file [C] Michor, Peter W.: Manifolds of differentiable mappings. Shiva Mathematics Series 3, Shiva Publ., Orpington, (1980), iv+158 pp., MR 83g:58009, ZM 433.58001
Out of print. Scanned book:

12. Sfb 288 Preprints Archive
Sfb 288 differential geometry and Quantum Physics.
Home About Us Research People ... Impressum Sfb 288 Differential Geometry and Quantum Physics Preprints Archive Have a look at the description on how to deposit Sfb 288 preprints on the web server. The preprints are arranged in approximate chronological order, and numbered from 1 upwards. Some postscript files are not available, particularly for the early preprints. You can also search in the preprint database. Some recent arrivals: F. Leitner:
A note on twistor spinors with zeros in Lorentzian geometry (64 kB)
F. Leitner:
Normal Conformal Killing Forms (142 kB)
Bogdan Alexandrov:
Hermitian spin surfaces with small eigenvalues of the Dolbeault operator. (154 kB)
A.G. Bytsko, A. Doikou:
Thermodynamics and conformal properties of XXZ chains with alternating spins (246 kB)
B. Alexandrov:
Sp(n)U(1)-connections with parallel totally skew-symmetric torsion. (208 kB)
S.B. Davis: Effectively Closed Infinite-Genus Surfaces and the String Coupling (204 kB)

13. Differential Geometry. Honours 1996
next contents Next Contents Contents differential geometry. Honours 1996. Michael Murray. Contents; Coordinate independent calculus.
Next: Contents Contents
Differential Geometry. Honours 1996
Michael Murray

14. EDGE
EUROPEAN differential geometry ENDEAVOUR. EDGE aims to encourage and facilitate research and training in major areas of differential
information Welcome


Positions available

About this homepage
EDGE aims to encourage and facilitate research and training in major areas of differential geometry, which is a vibrant and central topic in pure mathematics today. A significant theme which unites the areas that are the subject of this endeavour is the interface with other disciplines, both pure (topology, algebraic geometry) and applied (mathematical physics, especially gauge theory and string theory). The members of EDGE are geometers in mathematical centres spreading among most European countries. These centres are grouped into nine geographical nodes which are responsible for the management of joint research projects and for the training of young researchers through exchange between the EDGE groups. The following are some of the common mathematical themes that underlie and unify the tasks to be addressed by EDGE.
  • Another unifying theme is the use of analytical and differential-geometric methods in attacking problems whose origin is not in differential geometry per se. These methods will be used by researchers throughout the network to investigate a wide variety of problems in related areas of mathematics including topology, algebraic geometry, and mathematical physics. In algebraic geometry, for example, there are a number of problems that are best attacked with `transcendental methods'. In some cases, the research concerns correspondences between differential-geometric and algebraic-geometric objects (as in the Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence and its generalizations).

15. Geometry Formulas And Facts
Excerpts from the 30th Edition of the CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulas (1995), namely, the geometry section minus differential geometry.
Next: Part I: Two-Dimensional Geometry
Up: Geometry Reference Archives
Geometry Formulas and Facts
Silvio Levy This document is excerpted from the 30th Edition of the CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulas , published in late 1995 by CRC press This completely rewritten and updated edition of CRC's classical reference work is edited by Dan Zwillinger, and boasts the participation of dozens of distinguished contributors in all fields of mathematics. Ordering information is available here The present excerpt covers the area of Geometry (minus differential geometry). It was written by Silvio Levy and is reproduced here with permission. All the figures were made by the author using Mathematica , except those in Section , which were made using kali This online version was prepared with the help of Nikos Drakos's converter; for compatibility of text and formulas, choose a largish text font with your browser. A button in the text indicates a cross-reference.

16. Journal Of Differential Geometry, Index Of Issues
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17. Differential Geometry
differential geometry. August 11, 2003 to May 14, 2004. at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California differential geometry is a vast subject that has its roots in both the classical theory of curves and surfaces, i.e
Differential Geometry
August 11, 2003 to May 14, 2004
at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California Organized by: Robert Bryant (co-chair), Frances Kirwan, Peter Petersen, Richard Schoen, Isadore Singer, and Gang Tian (co-chair) Differential geometry is a vast subject that has its roots in both the classical theory of curves and surfaces, i.e., the study of properties of objects in physical space that are unchanged by rotation and translation, and in the early attempts by Gauss and Riemann, among others, to understand the features of problems from the calculus of variations that are independent of the coordinates in which they might happen to be described.
As classical as the subject is, it is currently undergoing a very vigorous development, interacting strongly with theoretical physics, mechanics, topology, algebraic geometry, symplectic topology, partial differential equations, the calculus of variations, integrable systems, and many other subjects. The five main topics on which we propose to concentrate the program are areas that have shown considerable growth in the last ten years:
  • Complex geometry, calibrated geometries and special holonomy

18. Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems
differential geometry Dynamical Systems. ISSN 1454-511X. differential geometry is a fully refereed research domain included in all
Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems ISSN 1454-511X Differential Geometry is a fully refereed research domain included in all aspects of mathematics and its applications. The Electronic Journal "Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems" is published in free electronic format by Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press. Mathematics Journals Comments welcome Last update: January 2003.

19. Differential Geometry
Research program at MSRI, Berkeley, CA, USA; 11 August 2003 15 May 2004.
Differential Geometry
August 11, 2003 to May 14, 2004
at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California Organized by: Robert Bryant (co-chair), Frances Kirwan, Peter Petersen, Richard Schoen, Isadore Singer, and Gang Tian (co-chair) Differential geometry is a vast subject that has its roots in both the classical theory of curves and surfaces, i.e., the study of properties of objects in physical space that are unchanged by rotation and translation, and in the early attempts by Gauss and Riemann, among others, to understand the features of problems from the calculus of variations that are independent of the coordinates in which they might happen to be described.
As classical as the subject is, it is currently undergoing a very vigorous development, interacting strongly with theoretical physics, mechanics, topology, algebraic geometry, symplectic topology, partial differential equations, the calculus of variations, integrable systems, and many other subjects. The five main topics on which we propose to concentrate the program are areas that have shown considerable growth in the last ten years:
  • Complex geometry, calibrated geometries and special holonomy

20. ScienceDirect - Differential Geometry And Its Applications - List Of Issues More results from Notes for the course in differential geometryLecture notes for the course in differential geometry. These wisdom). Bibliography. NJ Hicks, Notes on differential geometry, Van Nostrand.
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Articles in Press
Volumes 11 - 20 Volume 20, Issue 3 , Pages 251-379 (May 2004) Volume 20, Issue 2 , Pages 125-249 (March 2004) Volume 20, Issue 1 , Pages 1-124 (January 2004) Volume 19, Issue 3 , Pages 253-379 (November 2003) Volume 19, Issue 2 , Pages 127-251 (September 2003) Volume 19, Issue 1 , Pages 1-126 (July 2003) Volume 18, Issue 3 , Pages 239-382 (May 2003) Volume 18, Issue 2 , Pages 119-238 (March 2003) Volume 18, Issue 1 , Pages 1-117 (January 2003) Volume 17, Issues 2-3 , Pages 111-273 (September 2002) Volume 17, Issue 1 , Pages 1-110 (July 2002) Volume 16, Issue 3 , Pages 199-293 (May 2002) Volume 16, Issue 2 , Pages 95-198 (March 2002) Volume 16, Issue 1 , Pages 1-94 (January 2002) Volume 15, Issue 3 , Pages 203-287 (November 2001) Volume 15, Issue 2 , Pages 107-201 (September 2001) Volume 15, Issue 1 , Pages 1-106 (July 2001) Volume 14, Issue 3

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