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         Differential Equations:     more books (100)
  1. Partial Differential Equations in Classical Mathematical Physics by Isaak Rubinstein, Lev Rubinstein, 1998-04-28
  2. Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations: With R Examples (Springer Series in Statistics) by Stefano M. Iacus, 2008-05-30

141. Sturm
A biography of the Mathematican who worked on differential equations and created the form now call SturmLiouville equations.
Born: 29 Sept 1803 in Geneva, Switzerland
Died: 18 Dec 1855 in Paris, France Click the picture above
to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Sturm came from a Protestant family and, in order to learn German, he attended the local Lutheran church where sermons were preached in that language. When Sturm was sixteen years old his father died and he changed tack in his academic studies, leaving the humanities and taking up the study of mathematics. He was taught mathematics at Geneva Academy by Simon Lhuilier in 1821 and immediately Lhuilier recognised the mathematical genius in Sturm. However, Lhuilier was over seventy years of age and close to retiring at this time so it was his successor Jean-Jacques Schaub who inspired Sturm. Schaub did more than teach Sturm mathematics for he supported him financially at the Academy. Sturm's family had been left in considerable financial difficulties on the death of his father so the financial assistance allowed Sturm to continue with his education. Gergonne 's In Paris he was introduced into the scientific circles by the family. Sturm wrote to his friend Colladon (see [1]):-

142. Differential Equations
Langara College Department of Mathematics and Statistics Internet Resources for differential equations. differential equations.
Langara College - Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Internet Resources for Differential Equations
Here we'll content ourselves with just referring to some big collections and leave it to you to search for specific topics
  • PWS-Calculus Modules Online (Differential Equations) Differential Equations Resource Center Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Mirror site Ordinary Differential Equations ...
    Differential Equations
  • See Web Study Guide for Ordinary Differential Equations from Oregon State University. This site also contains a clickable Roadmap for Solving First-Order ODE Also see Differential Equations , from The Interactive Textbook of PFP 96 , "an inter-
    disciplinary course in chemistry, mathematics and physics." There are several versions of this textbook, from UPenn, one of which is JAVA-enabled. Recommended There is a Mathematica lab involving differential equations at Search for Problem Sets
    Click the Differential Equations link.
    For material related to differential equations and their representation using Mathematica Maple , and the TI-92 calculator, see The Language of Differential Equations , from The Connected Curriculum Project See Separable Equations , and Homogeneous Equations , both from the S.O.S. Mathematics Site


    144. Calculus Resources
    Covers limits, derivatives, integration, infinite series and parametric equations. Includes resource links for multivariable calculus, differential equations and math analysis.
    Langara College - Department of Mathematics and Statistics Internet Resources for the Calculus Student
    Topics in Calculus
    Other Internet Resources for Calculus and Analysis
    Tools Resource Collections, Courses and Programmes,
    If you have come across any good web-based calculus support materials that are not in the above listed collections, please do let us know and we may add them here. Give Feedback Return to Langara College Homepage

    145. Eduscape
    Company that develops computer software for algebra, calculus, and differential equations.
    Eduscape is distance learning at its best.
    Our objective at Eduscape is to provide first-class distance learning opportunities for students by developing the best learning software for business and education. Our distance education courseware begins with careful planning and a focused understanding of course requirements and student needs. Human advisors, PHDs in the field of Education and experts in Distance Learning, create a lesson plan based on these requirements.
    Next, the appropriate technology is selected to deliver the training. Hard work and dedicated efforts by our programming staff create a rich interactive, multi-media learning program that meets the lesson plans and student requirements. Educators and students use and provide continual feedback on our learning programs. You can sample the quality of our work by selecting the Public Demo link at the top of this page. Eduscape's Learning Tools:

    146. Texas A&M Numerical Methods For PDE Group
    Numerical Methods for PDE Group. Primarily concerned with the efficient numerical approximation of solutions of partial differential equations.
    Home People Seminar Projects ... Former Visitors and Students
    Numerical Methods for PDE Group
    The numerical methods group is primarily concerned with the efficient numerical approximation of solutions of partial differential equations. The techniques and expertise include the development and analysis of iterative methods, stability and error analysis for finite element, finite difference and finite volume approximations, and large scale scientific computation with industrial application. The group consists of eight permanent faculties, graduate students and numerous visitors. As well as doing research into theoretical numerical analysis, the group works closely with the Institute for Scientific Computation in the development of large scale scientific simulations for serial and parallel computing architectures. The graduate program in numerical analysis includes courses in basic numerical analysis and analysis of iterative methods. More advanced courses concerning the theory of finite elements, domain decomposition, multigrid, and mixed finite elements are also offered on a regular basis. Numerical Analysis Qualifying Examination Texas Finite Element Rodeo Home People ... Former Visitors and Students Last revised Sept. 29, 2003.

    147. Malaspina University-College
    International Conference on differential equations and Applications in Mathematical Biology. July 1823, 2004 · Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
    International Conference on Differential Equations and Applications in Mathematical Biology Second Announcement Topics:
    Differential equations, Delay differential equations,
    Integro-differential equations, Difference equations,
    Mathematical biology, Mathematical ecology, Population Dynamics,
    Dynamical systems, Control and optimization Abstract submission
    Authors are invited to submit abstracts of at most one page before March 31, 2004.
    The notifications of acceptance are scheduled for April 25, 2004.
    Important Note: Each submitted abstract must be prepared in accordance with AMS-Latex (see Registration Fees Registration fees (for the participants only) will include the following: welcome folder/portfolio, welcome reception (on Sunday, July 18), mini tour to the Pacific Biological Station (Monday July 19), mega tour on Wednesday July 21, every day lunch meals and refreshments, banquet (Thursday July 22), and transportation. Registration fees will be as follows: Official rate is set in Canadian dollars Approximate conversion
    March 2004 rate Students ( Before May 1 2004 )** $100.00 CAN*

    148. Daniel A. Steck: Computer
    Fortran 90 codes to integrate Ito stochastic differential equations, generate random numbers, compute the FFT, and time programs.
    Some code I have written:
    • Here is an integrator for Ito stochastic differential equations, which implements several higher-order methods (with strong convergence) with fixed time steps. A sample driver program is included. Written in Fortran 90, updated 3/11/04. ( .tgz archive or browse source A portable random-number generator, which generates very high-quality random numbers that will be exactly the same on any machine that supports 32-bit integer arithmetic. Three modern algorithms are included and can be combined to give sequences with even longer periods. Written in Fortran 90, updated 9/18/03. ( .tgz archive or browse source A collection of FFT routines for parallel computation of 2D and 3D FFTs. Written in F90-style HPF, updated 7/18/03. ( .tgz archive or browse source A collection (module) of timing routines for Fortran programs, including facilities for printing the current execution time, triggering a checkpoint after some amount of time, and generating a Unix-style date/time stamp from within Fortran, including the day of the week (as well as a facility to calculate the day of the week from a date). Written in Fortran 90. ( .tgz archive or browse source A system to automatically disable AirPort before sleep under OS X, to deal with stupid LANL security rules.

    149. Graphmatica By KSoft
    Is an equation plotter with numerical, and calculus features. It can graph Cartesian functions, relations and inequalities, plus polar, parametric, and ordinary differential equations. Win95/98/Me/NT/2000
    Graphmatica home page
    Click here to view the non-frames version of this page.

    150. GetDP: A General Environment For The Treatment Of Discrete Problems
    A scientific software environment for the numerical solution of integrodifferential equations, open to the coupling of physical problems (electromagnetic, acoustic, thermal, mechanical, ) as well as of numerical methods (finite element methods, boundary element and integral methods, ).
    GetDP: a General Environment for the Treatment of Discrete Problems
    Patrick Dular and Christophe Geuzaine
    Version , 24 April 2004
    Description Documentation Mailing lists Download ... Links
    GetDP is a general finite element solver using mixed elements to discretize de Rham-type complexes in one, two and three dimensions. The main feature of GetDP is the closeness between the input data defining discrete problems (written by the user in ASCII data files) and the symbolic mathematical expressions of these problems. See GetDP's reference manual for a more thorough overview of GetDP's capabilities
    We need your help to build a library of examples all GetDP resources documentation mailing lists archives
    Mailing lists
    • getdp is the public mailing list for GetDP users. You should send all questions, bug reports, requests or pleas for changes related to GetDP to this list. The list is archived here
    • getdp-announce is a moderated (i.e. "read-only") list for announcements about significant GetDP events. You should subscribe to this list to get information about software releases, important bug fixes and other GetDP-specific news. The list is archived

    151. Dominic Donnelly
    University of Oxford. Numerical solution of partial differential equations (particularly problems involving free boundaries); twophase flow problems.
    Dominic Donnelly
    University Lecturer in Numerical Mathematics
    Fellow and Tutor in Mathematics, Exeter College
    Oxford University Computing Laboratory
    Wolfson Building,
    Parks Road,
    Oxford, OX1 3QD,
    Direct: +44 (0)1865 273892
    Department: +44 (0)1865 273838
    Fax: +44 (0)1865 273839
    Work-related information (OUCL)
    oucl people
    Updated February 2003 Home Search SiteMap Feedback ... News

    152. A Matlab Differentiation Matrix Suite
    Functions for solving differential equations by the spectral collocation (a.k.a. pseudospectral) method.
    Important: If you got redirected here from my previous homepage at Oregon State University, please update your bookmarks accordingly, as that page will be terminated in the next few months. JACW
    A Matlab Differentiation Matrix Suite
    This is a MATLAB software suite, created by JAC Weideman and SC Reddy, consisting of seventeen functions for solving differential equations by the spectral collocation (a.k.a. pseudospectral) method. It includes functions for computing differentiation matrices of arbitrary order corresponding to Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre, Fourier, and sinc interpolants. It also includes FFT-based routines for Fourier, Chebyshev and sinc differentiation. Auxiliary functions are included for incorporating boundary conditions, performing interpolation using barycentric formulas, and computing roots of orthogonal polynomials. In the accompanying paper it is demonstrated how to use the package for solving eigenvalue, boundary value, and initial value problems arising in the fields of special functions, quantum mechanics, nonlinear waves, and hydrodynamic stability.
    The paper has been published in ACM TOMS, Vol. 26, pp. 465519 (2000). (

    153. Liouville
    The mathematician who developed SturmLiouville differential equations.
    Joseph Liouville
    Born: 24 March 1809 in Saint-Omer, France
    Died: 8 Sept 1882 in Paris, France
    Click the picture above
    to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Joseph Liouville Gergonne 's Journal he proved some geometrical results which he wrote up as papers although they were never published. 's in session 1825-26. He also attended courses by Arago Cauchy 's courses, it is clear that Cauchy must have had a strong influence on him. Liouville graduated in 1827 with de Prony and Poisson among his examiners. partial differential equations and the theory of heat. In 1831 Liouville was appointed to his first academic post, as assistant to Claude Mathieu In 1836 Liouville founded a mathematics journal . This journal, sometimes known as Journal de Liouville , did much for mathematics in France throughout the 19 th century. Liouville had already gained an international reputation with papers published in Crelle 's Journal but at the same time the quality of Crelle 's Journal made him aware of deficiencies in the avenues for mathematical publications which there were in France. Certainly he was unhappy with the style of the Paris Journals for he wrote in 1836:-

    154. Jim Herod's Home Page
    School of Mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Page includes author's notes of multivariable calculus, differential equations, and mathematics of biology. various applications and linear algebra (pdf format). Also, has family lineage.
    Jim Herod's Home Page
    James V. Herod, Professor Emeritus
    School of Mathematics
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta GA
    USmail: P O Box 1038 Grove Hill AL
    Phone: (251) 275 2244
    First note that I have retired . I no longer maintain an office at Georgia Tech. Look at my address above! I do answer email. This is the best way to contact me when I am at home. When I travel, my email is different. What follows is a collection of things that please me. I list them in no particular order, give a brief description of what they are about, and provide a contact point to access more details. 1. No More Same Old Calculus: Before I retired, Professor George Cain and I made a common observation : most students entering Georgia Tech have already had the calculus. Because they think they already know the calculus, they often fail to note that the college course expects a deeper understanding of the concepts. Or, the students are bored because their high school calculus was such a good course. Cain and I wanted to make the materials fresh and exciting. Our decision was to present the notions of calculus in a multidimensional setting at the outset. This would take more time than typical in a second year calculus course because we would constantly go back to re-look at the one dimensional setting from this multidimensional perspective. Where could we find a text? Can you guess 2. Asynchronous Studies in Undergraduate Partial Differential Equations:

    155. Numerics - Interactive
    In this PDF book by Thomas Risse, basic numerical algorithms are presented and implemented in order to determine the precision of computation, to solve systems of linear equations, to evaluate elementary functions, to find zeros, to integrate and to solve ordinary differential equations numerically. The performance of different algorithms can be compared.

    156. Laurent Berger's Webpage
    Havard University. Padic representations and differential equations. Personal information, papers, lectures, and pictures.
    Your browser does not support frames. If you were looking for something specific, you might want to send me an e-mail at:

    157. Differential Equations In Banach Algebras
    Fuchsian Singularities of Linear Ordinary differential equations in Banach Algebras. By Gerald Albrecht in Wuppertal.
    The page you intended to find has moved to a new location

    158. Mike Giles
    University of Oxford. Development and analysis of numerical methods for partial differential equations, particularly in computational fluid dynamics; parallel and distributed computing.
    Mike Giles
    Professor of Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Director of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre
    Tutorial Fellow in Mathematics, St Hugh's College
    Oxford University Computing Laboratory
    Wolfson Building,
    Parks Road,
    Oxford, OX1 3QD,
    Direct: +44 (0)1865 273862
    Secretary: +44 (0)1865 273883
    Department: +44 (0)1865 273838
    Fax: +44 (0)1865 273839
    Work-related information (OUCL)
    Personal Information
    (Personal page, content is not the responsibility of OUCL) oucl people Updated February 2003 Home Search SiteMap Feedback ... News

    159. New Calculus With Maple V Homepage Address
    The online texts listed serve as supplements for studying Calculus and differential equations.

    160. Professor Weinan E
    Professor of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Princeton University. MultiScale Problems, Complex Energy Landscapes and Rare Events,Stochastic differential equations.
    Professor, Department of Mathematics and
    Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics
    Princeton University
    Princeton, NJ 08544-1000 U.S.A.
    Phone: (609)258-3683 ~ Fax: (609)258-1735
    Research: Multiscale and Stochastic Modeling in Computational Science
    Develop systematic mathematical framework and computational methodologies for stochastic and multiscale modeling in science and engineering. The particular areas of application we are interested in include:
    • Fluid mechanics : complex polymeric and/or liquid crystalline flows, micro-fluidics, surface chemistry and fluid flow interaction. Solid mechanics : material defects such as phase boundaries, dislocations and cracks, crystal plasticity; interaction of microscopic mechanisms and macroscopic deformation. Chemistry : reaction rates and pathways, QM/MM modeling of macromolecules. Biology : multiscale modeling of biopolymers such as lipids, proteins and DNA, membrane deformation and dynamics.
    Teaching: Graduate Curriculum in Applied Mathematics/Computational Science
    This set of courses is designed for graduate students in applied mathematics whose primary interest is in the modeling and analysis of scientific problems. This is a joint project with David Cai and Eric Vanden-Eijnden of the Courant Institute. There are a total of five courses:

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