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161. University Of Pittsburgh Computer Science We are hiring! Prof. Panos Chrysanthis was promoted to the rank of Professor (Jan 1, 2004). computer science Day (Sat, Nov 1, 2003). Recent Talks. 2004 Talks. http://www.cs.pitt.edu/ | |
162. CSE Department Of Computer Science And Engineering | OGI School Of Science & Eng Department of computer science and Engineering 20000 NW Walker Rd Beaverton, OR 970068921 503-748-1151 csedept@cse.ogi.edu Directions Map. http://www.cse.ogi.edu/ | |
163. Homepage Of Evgeniy Gabrilovich Includes contact information, resume, and research interests in the field of computer science. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~gabr/ | |
164. McGill University School Of Computer Science Admissions and Program Information. Undergraduate Program, Graduate Program. Diploma in Information Technology. Content. News and Events, Research and Publications. http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/ | |
165. Pete Wurman's Teaching taught by Dr. Peter Wurman, Department of computer science, at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/faculty/wurman/courses.html | |
166. FORTH - ICS: Welcome Note By The Director Of ICS-FORTH Welcome to the Web site of the Institute of computer science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology  Hellas (FORTH). http://www.ics.forth.gr/ | |
167. Dennis Shasha Biological computing, faulttolerant parallel computing, professor of computer science at New-York University, author of The Puzzling Adventures of Dr. Ecco (Dover, 1998), Code, Puzzles and Conspiracy (W.H. Freeman Co., 1992). http://www.cs.nyu.edu/shasha/ | |
168. Brandeis University CS Web Pages to Brandeis home page , computer science, Jump to Page Content. Michtom School of computer science. Welcome to the computer science department! http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/ | |
169. Army Research Office: Divisions Mathematical and computer sciences Division. Contact information and reports. http://www.aro.army.mil/mcsc/math.htm | |
170. TCD Computer Science Department - Homepages Disclaimer The Department of computer science makes every possible effort to ensure that the information contained in these Web pages is true and accurate http://www.cs.tcd.ie/ | |
171. Conferences Logic-Related In the last few years, ever more events overlapping in technical scope with LICS (Symposium on Logic in computer science) are scheduled with no coordination, often causing conflicts 1995 LICS and FPCA were at the exact same time and place. This page attempts to aid coordination. http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/libkin/lics/logic-confs.html | |
172. Computer Science Department - Technion - Mainpage Copyright © 2002. All rights reserved, computer science Department. Technion Israel Institute of Technology Contact hamo@cs.technion.ac.il with comments. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/ | |
173. Science Libraries Access to the five science libraries DeLaMare (earth sciences, engineering, and computer science), Life and Health Sciences, Mary B. Ansari Map, Physical Sciences, and Savitt Medical. http://www.library.unr.edu/sciencelibs/Default.htm | |
174. UI Department Of Computer Science Welcome to The University of Iowa computer science Department. The department office is located in 14 MacLean Hall. Normal office http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/ | |
175. Christian Siefkes computer science and philosophy student at the Technical University of Berlin. Personal details, activities, software, and links. http://www.siefkes.net/ | |
176. NYU Computer Science Welcome. Welcome to NYU s computer science Department, part of the worldfamous Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Our department http://www.cs.nyu.edu/ |
177. Adventures In Science And Technology - Aventures En Sciences Et Technologie Introduces chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and computer science. In English and French. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/science/ | |
178. MSCS Employment Resources Guides Careers and employment in Mathematics, Statistics and computer science advice at the University of Illinois, Chicago. http://www.math.uic.edu/jobs/guides.html | |
179. Bibliographies On Neural Networks Part of the collection of computer science bibliographies. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Neural/index.html | |
180. Welcome To A BETR World! Offering information on classes and camps for science and computer education in Maryland and Virginia. http://betrworld.com | |
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