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81. Department Of Computer Science Department of computer science. The new Exactum building is under construction (Exactum camera), me@tktl Online magazine me@tktl datABitti http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/ | |
82. DMTCS: Discrete Mathematics And Theoretical Computer Science DMTCS is an electronic journal published by the Maison de l'Informatique et des Math©matiques Discr¨tes http://dmtcs.loria.fr/ | |
83. The Division Of Computer Science The Division of Computer and Information Sciences promotes interdisciplinary links between computer science and other disciplines in the Sciences, Engineering http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/ | |
84. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING Detailed information including early pioneers and companies, archives, languages, and networking from the Department of computer science at Virginia Tech. http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/ | |
85. Computer Science At Rochester The homepage for the University of Rochester computer science Department (URCS). http://www.cs.rochester.edu/ | |
86. Spare-Time Programming Contest This is a casual contest open to any University of California computer science student. http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~becker/Contest/ | |
87. Computer Science & Engineering -- U Of Minn computer science Engineering. News Papanikolopoulos Robots Featured in Space Daily. Kumar s MINDS Project on NSF s News Clips. Undergrad Advising, http://www.cs.umn.edu/ | |
88. Cognitive Science At CUNY Graduate students from a number of disciplines such as computer science, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, educational psychology, and speech and hearing sciences - may tailor their program with this concentration. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/dept/cogit/ | |
89. UCSD Department Of Computer Science And Engineering - CSE Home to the solution of the socalled original synteny problem in biology, said Pevzner, the Ronald R. Taylor Professor of computer science and Engineering. http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/ | |
90. Courant Library's Home Page Mathematics and computer sciences resources including library catalogs and databases, and Web links for computer science, mathematics, jobs, research alerts, and related fields. http://www.nyu.edu/pages/cimslibrary/ | |
91. Duke University Department Of Computer Science Duke University Department of computer science Box 90129 Durham, NC 277080129 (919) 660-6500. Department. Copyright © Duke computer science Department. http://www.cs.duke.edu/ | |
92. Digital Culture - 98.12.09 by Harvey Blume Can robotics shed light on the human mind? On evolution? Daniel Dennett whose work unites neuroscience, computer science, and evolutionary biology has some provocative answers. Is he on to something, or just chasing the zeitgeist? http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/digicult/dc981209.htm | |
93. Department Of Computer Science University of California Santa BarbaraDepartment of computer science currently has 25 fulltime faculty andapproximately 140 graduate students (including http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/ | |
94. Robotics At Manchester University University of Manchester, Department of computer science group specializing in medical robotics, mobile robots, walking robots, sociable robotics, and evolutionary robotics. http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/robotics/ | |
95. TAMU Computer Science DEPARTMENT OF computer science DWIGHT LOOK COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TEXAS A M UNIVERSITY. Image details Contact the webmaster http://www.cs.tamu.edu/ | |
96. Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute Of Science & Technology Nonprofit, publicly and privately funded, independently chartered graduate school of science and technology, offering degrees in computer science. http://www.szabist.edu.pk/ | |
97. Department Of Computer Science - Johns Hopkins University The computer science Department is an active research department that carries on the ideal of research pioneered at Johns Hopkins, the nations first research http://www.cs.jhu.edu/ | |
98. University Of Arizona - Computer Science Founded in 1973, the Department of computer science at the University of Arizona is celebrating its Tricennial in the 20032004 academic year. http://www.cs.arizona.edu/ | |
99. Laurentian University Department of Mathematics and computer science http://www.cs.laurentian.ca/ |
100. UBC - Computer Science UBC Home Page, UBC Home Page, UBC Home Page UBC Home Page, News Events Directories Search UBC myUBC Login. about the department, research activities. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/ | |
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