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181. Computer And Information Science Papers CiteSeer Publications CiteSeer.IST. Home Submit Documents Statistics About Feedback Help. Documents indexed by CiteSeer.IST. Citations made by indexed documents. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cs |
182. Computer And Information Science Papers CiteSeer Publications CiteSeer. Home Submit Documents Statistics About Feedback Help. Documents indexed by CiteSeer.IST. Citations made by indexed documents. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/ |
183. ASPIRE - Home Site dedicated to helping teachers with lessons in physics and astrophysics by giving computer activities that help show how physical models work. http://outreach.physics.utah.edu/ | |
184. Computer & Information Science Department of computer and Information science Levine Hall / 3330 Walnut Street / Philadelphia, PA 191046389 t (215) 898-8560 / f (215) 898-0587 Send http://www.cis.upenn.edu/ | |
185. The Science Of Complexity Intro with computer program samples http://www.ddj.com/documents/s=7570/ddj0210a/0210a.htm |
186. CIPS | Constructing Ideas In Physical Science An inquirybased, year long physical science course that engages middle school students in constructing meaningful understanding of important physical science concepts. Extensive hands-on experiences will be complemented by powerful and innovative computer software. The course consists of six units. http://cpucips.sdsu.edu/web/cips/ | |
187. LeufOrgWiki In LeufOrgWiki Family tree project, science fiction reviews, computer pages, and writings. http://www.leuf.org/ | |
188. Institute Of Technology & Science Details of the college along with news and admission guidelines. Courses offered are computer application, management of information science, MBA, dental studies. http://www.itsgzb.ac.in |
189. Beckman Institute Multidisciplinary research center in biological intelligence, humancomputer intelligent interaction, and molecular and electronic nanostructures. http://www.beckman.uiuc.edu | |
190. PASCO Scientific Home Page Offers a variety of interfaces and sensors (probes) bundled with computerbased activities for chemistry, biology, physics and general science. http://www.pasco.com/ | |
191. LHNCBC: Cognitive Science Branch (CgSB) Research in computer and information technologies involving investigation of linguistic, statistical, and knowledgebased methods, for improving access to biomedical information. Participation in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)project, NLM's Indexing Initiative and use of digital libraries. Collaborating with NLM's History of Medicine Division on profiles in science, a project to digitize collections of prominent biomedical scientists. http://lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/cgsb/ | |
192. Department Of Computer And Information Science And Engineering Department of computer and Information science and Engineering. / Home. http://www.cise.ufl.edu/ | |
193. Opamp Technical Books - Technical Book Catalog Technical books in such diverse fields as engineering, computer, construction, legal, science and mathematics. http://www.opampbooks.com/ | |
194. History Of Computing Science: Computer History From The Past Lecture presented by Michelle A. Hoyle explaining how computers and computing science arose from using sticks with notches for counting, to the massive explosion of personal computers in the 1980s. http://lecture.eingang.org/ | |
195. ED395770 1996-03-00 Computers And Assessment In Science Education. ERIC Digest. Discusses types of software applications used in scientific evaluations, underlying assumptions, issues which relate to validity, gender equity, instructional delivery, mode of user interface, and responsibility to the public. http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed395770.html | |
196. Springer Verlag - Your Publishers Of Books, Journals, And Electronic Media A Community of Knowledge for Scientists, Professionals and Students Worldwide. We´re there for you Please choose your country. You http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/ | |
197. Www.ncstrl.org Indexes online technical reports from 150 institutions archives - open to institutions, or submit http://www.ncstrl.org/ |
198. University Of Utah School Of Computing News and Events About The School People Research Admissions Info For Alan Kay to Receive Turing Award In Memory of Thomas G. Stockham. News. About the School. http://www.cs.utah.edu/ | |
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