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Computer Algebra: more books (100) | ||
141. University Of Bath Department of computer Science. Research themes Computational algebra and geometry; HCI; Multimedia computing; Systems software engineering. http://www.bath.ac.uk/comp-sci/ |
142. Mathematical Structures In Computer Science Focuses on the application of areas such as logic, algebra, geometry and category theory to theoretical computer science. http://uk.cambridge.org/journals/msc/ | |
143. LiveMath Germany Das Programm LiveMath Maker von Theorist Interactive ist ein computeralgebra-System (CAS). http://www.livemath.de/ | |
144. Home Page For The Analytic Topology Research Group Research interests topology of metric spaces, generalised metric spaces, continua, function spaces, hyperspaces, topological algebra, set theoretic methods in topology, and applications of topology to computer science and the theory of differential equations. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/atg/ | |
145. Engr. Allan S. Hugo's Class Web Pages This page is the entry point for several class web pages of Engr. Allan S. Hugo which includes chemistry, mathematics (algebra, analytic geometry, etc.), chemical engineering, and computer programming. http://www.geocities.com/ahugo_classes/index.html | |
146. Mathematik Mit Computer-Algebra-Systemen Translate this page Mathematik mit computer-algebra-Systemen. Der Ist-Zustand. Alltagsprobleme und reizvolle, durchaus komplexe Problemstellungen, die http://www.learn-line.nrw.de/angebote/cas/ | |
147. Internet Distance Education Academies: CXC Math Software, Caribbean Distance Edu Interactive computer program on algebra designed primarily to the needs of the Caribbean and Latin America. http://RichardPClarke.tripod.com/ideas/ | |
148. Practical Foundations Of Mathematics An account of the foundations of mathematics (algebra) and theoretical computer science, from a modern constructive viewpoint by Paul Taylor. Published by Cambridge University Press. HTML approximation. http://www.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/~pt/Practical_Foundations/html/summary.html | |
149. Laboratory For Foundations Of Computer Science School of Informatics. A community of theoretical computer scientists with interests in concurrency, semantics, categories, algebra, types, logic and complexity. http://www.lfcs.informatics.ed.ac.uk/ | |
150. Leipzig, University Institute of computer Science. Areas of interest include automata and formal languages, natural language processing, computer graphics, image processing, visualization, computational algebra, computer systems, databases, formal concepts, intelligent systems, parallel and distributed systems, and technical computer science. http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/cgi-bin/MakeHTML.cgi?EHTML=/ifi/home.ehtml& |
151. Maxima For Symbolic Computation Program Maxima is a Common Lisp implementation of MIT's Macsyma system for computer based algebra, released under the GNU Public License. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/wfs/maxima.html | |
152. Welcome To The Turnbull Server School of computer Science. The home of GAP, a free system for discrete computational algebra, available for FTP download. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/ | |
153. RelMiCS8 8th International Conference on Relational Methods in computer Science; in combination with the COST 274 / TARSKI Workshops and the 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Kleene algebra. Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. 2226 February 2005. http://www.relmics8.org/ | |
154. Mrs. King's Mater Dei Page Teacher at Mater Dei H.S., Santa Ana, CA. Student and parent resources. AP Calculus, Intermediate algebra, AP computer Science. Homework links. Study tips. http://www.thinkspot.net/materdei/ | |
155. Department Of Computer Science Department of computer Science. Research areas include declarative languages and artificial intelligence, distributed systems and computer networks, software development methodology, hypermedia and databases, computer graphics, numerical approximation and linear algebra, scientific computing and , numerical computation. http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/cwis-cs/frames/index-E.shtml | |
156. Ashay Dharwadker's Profile algebra, topology, graph theory and theoretical computer science. http://www.geocities.com/dharwadker/profile.html | |
157. Johanneum Lüneburg Computeralgebra Translate this page computer-algebra-Systeme CAS. Was sind computeralgebrasysteme? Aktualisiert am 05. Oktober 2003 Das sind als Software auf dem computer http://www.fh-lueneburg.de/u1/gym03/homepage/faecher/mathe/cas/cas.htm | |
158. Bioanalytical Chemistry Research At Evergreen Overview and resources from a department which since 1984 has developed spectroscopic instruments, computer interfacing, image processing, applied linear algebra, and organic chemistry synthesis procedures for physiological research and clinical use, at Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA. http://www.evergreen.edu/biophysics/ | |
159. FREELY AVAILABLE SOFTWARE FOR Software for highperformance computers available in source form for problems in numerical linear algebra, specifically dense, sparse direct and iterative systems and sparse iterative eigenvalue problems. http://www.netlib.org/utk/people/JackDongarra/la-sw.html | |
160. Magma Computational Algebra System Home Page The Magma Computational algebra System. for. algebra, Number Theory and Geometry. Magma is a large, wellsupported software package http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/magma/ | |
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