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121. Bibliography On Computational Number Theory Compiled by Kevin McCurley, 1995. Now part of the Computer science Bibliography Collection. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Theory/computational.number.theory.html | |
122. AGU Journals - Computational Seismology And Geodynamics Top/science/Math/Applications/Mathematical_Geosciences/Journals http://earth.agu.org/pubs/agu_jourtransl.html | |
123. About TUCS - TUCS A research centre in Computer science for the three universities in Turku. Research groups covers algorithmics, biomathematics, coding theory, computational intelligence for business, information systems, advanced management systems, probabilistic algorithms, software quality, programming methodology, applied artificial intelligence, strategic information systems planning, and mathematical structures in computer science. http://www.tucs.fi/ | |
124. Faculty Of Sciences - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Division of Mathematics and Computer science. Research interests center around software engineering; parallel and distributed systems, including programming, distributed shared objects, operating systems support, and wide area cluster computing; agent technology; computational intelligence; knowledge representation and reasoning; lambda calculus; programming language semantics; type theory; and proof checking. http://www.cs.vu.nl/ | |
125. Trinity College Dublin Computer science Department. Research groups cover AI, computer architecture, computational linguistics, computer vision, image synthesis, robotics, information systems development, knowledge and data engineering, medical informatics and distributed systems. http://www.cs.tcd.ie/ |
126. Computer Science And Information Systems Department of Computer science and Information Systems. Research areas include computer support for cooperative work , information systems engineering, computational linguistics, computational musicology, intelligent systems, humancomputer interfaces, localisation, multimedia, soft computing, and computational intelligence. http://www.csis.ul.ie/ | |
127. Computational Methods In Molecular Biology Edited by S. Salzberg, D. Searls, and S. Kasif. Elsevier science, 1998. The book is largely devoted to machine learning approaches to molecular biology. The site includes an online appendix. http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~salzberg/compbio-book.html | |
128. School Of Computing Science At SFU School of Computing science. Research labs focus on algorithms and optimization, systems science, computational epidemiology, computer vision, database systems, graphics and multimedia, hardware design, software agents, intelligent software and systems, knowledge representation, logic and functional programming, medical computing, natural language processing, parallel and distributed computing, mathematical sciences, programming languages, simulating and exploring ecosystem dynamics, and distance learning. http://www.cs.sfu.ca/ | |
129. Applied And Computational Harmonic Analysis Contents and abstracts of all volumes. Text to subscribers. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=JournalURL&_cdi=6699&_auth=y&am |
130. The Collection Of Computer Science Bibliographies Home site of the largest bibliographic database in Computer science in the world. The Collection of Computer science Bibliographies. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/ | |
131. Bibliographies On Theory/Foundations Of Computer Science Bibliographies on Theory/Foundations of Computer science, part of the Collection of Computer science Bibliographies. The Collection http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Theory/ | |
132. Welcome To The MIT Laboratory For Computer Science MIT Logo, MIT Laboratory for Computer science (Now Computer science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) The Stata Center, Building 32 32 Vassar Street http://www.lcs.mit.edu/ | |
133. SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/Carnegie Mellon University activities. Press Release. Commencement 2004 Congratulations!! to all our New Graduates from the School of Computer science! Richard http://www.cs.cmu.edu/ | |
134. On-line CS Techreports Manitoba, also Databases; U Mannheim; U Maryland Department of Computer science , or try this , Software Interconnection Lab , Document processing; http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jblythe/cs-reports.html | |
135. SpringerLink Home - Main Computer science Theoretical Computer science on the Web Return to Top. Academic Departments Institutes. Computer science Departments Across the Web http://springerlink.metapress.com/ | |
136. Theoretical Computer Science On The Web Theoretical Computer science On The Web. accesses since Jan 1, 1999. Genealogy of Theoretical Computer Scientists or just view the file. http://robotics.stanford.edu/~suresh/theory/theory-home.html | |
137. Computing In Science & Engineering More results from www.computer.org UWMadison Computer sciences Department Home Page formed in 1963 and led by 33 outstanding tenured and tenure-track faculty, is consistently ranked as one of the top ten computer science departments in the US http://www.computer.org/pubs/cs&e/cs&e.htm | |
138. Columbia University Department Of Computer Science: Welcome Welcome to Computer science at Columbia University Our curriculum places equal emphasis on theoretical and experimental computer science. http://www.cs.columbia.edu/ | |
139. Mathematical And Computational Applications Devoted to original research in the field of engineering, natural sciences or social sciences where mathematical or computational techniques are necessary for solving specific problems. Information for authors. http://www.asr.org.tr/mca.html | |
140. Department Of Computer Science Home. Information, People, Courses, Research, Events, Login . Welcome to the Department of Computer science. Search. Programs of Study; http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/ | |
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