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81. CITE Elsevier Science Online access to Elsevier science publications in computational intelligence, and related resources. http://www.elsevier.com/cite | |
82. Gene Boggess Mississippi State University Cognitive science, neural networks, computational linguistics, genetic algorithms. http://www.cs.msstate.edu/~gboggess | |
83. WSEAS Conferences Promotes the development of new mathematical methods and computational techniques as well as their applications in science and engineering. http://www.worldses.org/announcement.htm | |
84. MS In Bioinformatics And Computational Biology, USF - Start Interdisciplinary program part of the College of Medicine. In cooperation with the math, biomedical engineering, and computer science departments. http://hsc.usf.edu/medicine/biochemistry/msbioinfocompbiol.html | |
85. The Computational Historical Linguistics Project A joint research project of the Computer and Information science Department and the Linguistics Department at the University of Pennsylvania. http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~histling/ | |
86. Pagina Nueva 1 Held in Alicante, Spain. http://www.ua.es/cmmse2002/ | |
87. CVC Home Page Includes faculty from Computer science, Electrical Engineering, Psychology, Neuroscience and the Yale Medical School. http://cvc.yale.edu/ |
88. Department Of Computer Science Department of Computer science. Research Groups computational Biology; Model Based Systems; Intelligent Robotics; Software Engineering; Centre for Intelligent Systems. http://www.aber.ac.uk/compsci/ | |
89. UNM Computer Science have made a good finish, by taking top prize in the group project category for their computational origami project at the Northwestern Regional science Fair of http://www.cs.unm.edu/ | |
90. UC Berkeley Cognitive Science This baccalaureate program was established in 1999. Students may concentrate on cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, computational modeling, linguistics, or philosophy. http://ls.berkeley.edu/ugis/cogsci/index.html | |
91. Home Page Of The CS Algorithms And Complexity Group On Plg.uwaterloo.ca Research areas include design and analysis of algorithms, models of computation, and computational complexity. http://plg2.math.uwaterloo.ca/~cstheory/ | |
92. IWR - University Of Heidelberg Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing. Objectives mathematical modelling and computational simulation of complex systems in science and technology; development and use of computer methods and software for applications in industry and economy; visualization, computer graphics, image processing; education in scientific computing. http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/groups/ | |
93. Alan W. Biermann Duke University. Chair, Department of Computer science. AAAI Fellow. computational linguistics, automatic programming and inference, Author of Great Ideas in Computer science. http://www.cs.duke.edu/~awb | |
94. FSU Jena:Department Of Mathematics And Computer Science Faculty of Mathematics and Computer science. Research areas include algorithms and data structures, computational complexity, database and information systems, software engineering, programming languages, practical and technical computer science, digital image processing, and computer architecture. http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/english/ | |
95. SNePS Research Group Home Page Describes the Semantic Network Processing System and its associated Research Group at SUNY Buffalo. Research in cognitive science, knowledge representation and reasoning, and computational linguistics. http://www.cse.Buffalo.EDU/sneps/ | |
96. Computational Epistemology Lab Home Page A facility for research into cognitive science and related philosophical areas http://cogsci.uwaterloo.ca/ | |
97. Department Of Computer And Information Science (IDA) from computer systems and core computer scienceincluding theory cognitive systems, economic information systems, computational linguistics, information systems http://www.ida.liu.se/ | |
98. Molecular And Electronic Nanostructures The Beckman Institute for Advanced science and Technology molecular and electronic nanostructures; computational electronics; scanning tunneling microscopy, including lithography and fabrication; semiconductor nanostructures and photonics; synthesizing and characterizing new materials. http://www.beckman.uiuc.edu/research/menhome.html | |
99. Computational Methods In Applied Mathematics (CMAM) - International Mathematical Publishes original research articles on numerical methods and their applications to science and engineering. Articles, abstracts, tables of contents. Secure online ordering. http://www.cmam.info/ | |
100. Information And Computation Covers all areas of theoretical computer science and computational aspects of information theory. http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~iandc/ | |
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