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Home - Pure_And_Applied_Math - Computaional Geometry |
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1. 15-451 Spring 2002 Course Schedule 25, Apr 18, Thu, Numbertheoretic algorithms II, GM. 26, Apr 23, Tue, ComputaionalGeometry I, 33, Asst 7 Ready, GM. 27, Apr 25, Thu, computaional geometry II,GM. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15451-s02/www/schedule.htm | |
2. Yusu's Research Interests and S. HarPeled. Eurographics 2001. Also appeared in 10th AnnualFall Workshop on computaional geometry, 2000. Manuscript M1. http://www.cs.duke.edu/~wys/research/ | |
3. Literatura BqDy89 Su Buqing in Liu Ding-yuan. computaional geometry Curve andSurface Modeling. Academic Press, 1989. BW89 Max Born in Emil Wolf. http://www.lecad.uni-lj.si/~leon/distray/node79.html |
4. UOS - LIBRARY Artificial Intelligence. 11. Automation. 12. computaional geometry. 13. ComputaionalIntelligence. 14. Computational Linguistics. 15. Computer IEEE Computer Magazine. http://www.sharjah.ac.ae/library/periodical/art.htm | |
5. UOS - LIBRARY Comparative Literature. Composite Structures. computaional geometry. ComputaionalIntelligence. Computational Linguistics. Computer IEEE Computer Magazine. http://www.sharjah.ac.ae/library/periodical/English_JRNL.htm | |
6. Index A. Assignment1 class klc.Assignment1. This class is used for the Assignment1 of the computaional geometry FOR ENGR DESIGN Class. http://www.ices.utexas.edu/~ckl/all/Comp_Geom/Proj1_Docs/index-all.html | |
7. Class Pipeline public class Pipeline extends java.lang.Object This class is used forthe Project1 of the computaional geometry FOR ENGR DESIGN Class. http://www.ices.utexas.edu/~ckl/all/Comp_Geom/Proj1_Docs/klc/Pipeline.html | |
8. Home - Search Geometry geometry. Pure_and_applied_math convex geometry. Pure_and_applied_math computaional geometry. Pure_and_applied_math analytic http://www.algebraic.net/cgi-bin/988.cgi?q=geometry&show_page=1 |
9. SFU Computing Science 00-1 OBJECTIVE/DESCRIPTION This course is primarily concerned with the applicationsof computaional geometry to areas such as computer graphics, geographic http://www.cs.sfu.ca/undergrad/Outlines/2000-1/CMPT-406-Bhattacharya-00-1.txt | |
10. Matthew DickersonâÂÂs Home Page Links, Tips, Pictures, Stories. Research Interests. computaional geometry,Graph Drawing, Algorithms, Data Structures. OTHER STUFF. http://www.middlebury.edu/~dickerso/ | |
11. Completed Students Of The Lab 20. A.Raman, Studies on Algorithmic Aspects of Special Classes of Perfect Graphs,1993. 21. Vanisri, On Some Problems in Isothetic computaional geometry, 1993. 22. http://www.cs.iitm.ernet.in/theory/comstudent.html | |
12. M.S. Students: Vanisri, On Some Problems in Isothetic computaional geometry, 1993. Vinodchandran,New Characterisations of Some Counting Classes, 1993. http://www.cs.iitm.ernet.in/kamala/kkbio/node13.html |
13. Neural-Logic Belief Networks (NLBN) (ResearchIndex) 1990 2 Perceptrons An Introduction to computaional geometry (context) Minsky,Papert - 1969 2 Programming in neural logic (context) - Reynolds, Teh et al. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/345016.html |
14. Citations Perceptrons An Introduction To Computaional Geometry Perceptrons An Introduction to computaional geometry. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,1969. Perceptrons An Introduction to computaional geometry. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/1346913/0 |
15. PLANE SWEEP AND REGULARIZATION Output Sensitivity. We introduce an algorithmic idea that has widelyapplicable in computaional geometry output sensitive algorithms. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~yap/classes/visual/03s/lect/l4/ | |
16. Subject Distribution.List Date Wed, 28 Feb 2001 165632 +0100 look at my paper Bokowski, J. and Guedes de Oliveira, A., On the generation oforiented matroids, Discrete and computaional geometry 24197208, (2000). http://www.lehigh.edu/~dmd1/jb228.txt | |
17. Citations: Alkavatko Taideteoksetkin Elaa - Makela (ResearchIndex) 9, 11, 12 art cartoons, 32 music, 70 artificial life, 10, 55 CAD, 41, 47 CDROM graphics, 9 chemistry structural, 38 computaional geometry shape modeling http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/1248981/0 | |
18. Jean Ponce 1998); Senior Xerox Award for Faculty Research, College of Engineering , Universityof Illinois (1998); Member, ARO computaional geometry for Intelligent http://www.beckman.uiuc.edu/faculty/ponce.html | |
19. Untitled Document Vertex Distance between Two PolygonsÂ, International Journal of Computational Geometryand Applications, Special Issue Parallel computaional geometry, Vol. http://www.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/~rctlee/publication.html | |
20. Kordervoronoi I am making a thesis about computational geometry. More preciselyprogramming computaional geometry figures in a java applet. I http://valis.cs.uiuc.edu/~sariel/research/CG/compgeom/msg00399.html | |
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