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101. 4.4 Complex Analysis Simon Eveson. 11/12/03 1634. 4.4 complex analysis. Handbook entry, HTML, Course questionnaire, HTML, Why complex analysis? PostScript, http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/teaching/spe/complex/complex.shtml | |
102. CRC Press Online . Contents. complex analysis in Number Theory. CRC Press. Presents a survey of the application of complex analysis in the theory of prime numbers;...... http://www.crcpress.com/us/product.asp?sku=2866 &dept_id=1 |
103. Concept Star - Idea Analysis And Decision Support Tool Software tool for consultants, executives knowledge workers. Relationship modeling is a proven method to analyze numerous ideas of complex situations, in order to generate new insights and create effective solutions. http://www.sorach.com | |
104. FLAMES Simulation Framework - Ternion Corporation FLexible analysis and Mission Effectiveness System (FLAMES) is a framework for behavioral simulations computer programs that simulate the physical and cognitive behavior of complex entities that act and interact in time and space. http://www.ternion.com |
105. CoSCo Software Distribution BAYDA software implements Bayesian predictive discriminant analysis, where the aim is to build a model for predicting the value of one discrete (class, group, category) variable using other variables. http://www.cs.Helsinki.FI/research/cosco/Projects/NONE/SW/ | |
106. ICASA - Institute For Complex Additive Systems Analysis A division of New Mexico Tech, the Institute is a cooperative venture among academia, industry and government, dedicated to studying the behavior, vulnerabilities and predictability of complex systems. News, research and education information. http://www.icasa.nmt.edu/ | |
107. Altus - Well Engineering And Design - Oil And Gas Well Experts Based in London and Houston, TX. Provides elite engineering services to assist our clients worldwide in the design and analysis of critical oil and gas wells and well operations. Specializing in high pressure, high temperature (HPHT), deep wells, deep water, high angle, high flow rate, and other complex well conditions http://altuswellexperts.com | |
108. Mario Medvedovic Home Page Statistician interested in statistical models and analysis of complex biological data, e.g. DNA Arrays, Mutational Spectra. http://homepages.uc.edu/~medvedm | |
109. Lexecon Lexecon Inc, based in the US, provides its lawÃÂ firm and corporate clients with analysis of complex economic issues in connection with legal and regulatory proceedings, strategicplanning decisions, and other business activities. http://www.lexecon.com/ | |
110. Mind Tools - Critical Path Analysis And PERT Critical Path analysis is an extremely effective method of analysing a complex project. It helps you to calculate the minimum length of time in which the project can be completed, and which activities should be prioritised to complete by that date. http://www.mindtools.com/critpath.html | |
111. GeneJohnson, Inc. HIV genomic data storage and analyis sytems. HIVBase allows you to organize your HIV sequence data, perform complex statistical analysis, and collaborate your data all in one program. http://www.genejohnson.net | |
112. Cleaning Up The Nuclear Weapons Complex: Internet Resources Goal is to provide researchers and others internet resources on research, policy analysis, and information about environmental issues at the nation's former nuclear weapons production sites. http://www.rff.org/nuclearcleanup/ | |
113. MODAL ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX CHLADNI PLATES Stetson University http://www.stetson.edu/departments/physics/vholography/theory.htm | |
114. Bellona: Russia - Nuclear Power Plants News, information, and analysis about Russian nuclear power plants, nuclear waste, and reprocessing, from the Bellona Foundation. http://www.bellona.no/e/russia/npp.htm | |
115. Complex Variable Analysis complexVariable analysis. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/tour_cplx.html | |
116. Australian EIA Network Home Page Provides general background on project EIA as part of a more complex system of strategic EIA, offers a format for training needs analysis which can be used regionally, nationally and locally, and draws on a bank of training materials. http://www.environment.gov.au/epg/eianet/unepmanual/index.html | |
117. Arthur Consulting Group, Inc. Specializes in complex issues of economic and financial analysis and taxation. http://www.arthurconsulting.com | |
118. Complex Systems And Artificial Life, Dortmund Department of Computer Science, Chair of System analysis, complex Systems and Artificial Life group. Research and academic activities concerning complex Adaptive Systems, Artificial Life and Emergent Computation. http://ls11-www.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/alife/ | |
119. Think Or Swim Professional option trading tools, realtime position analysis and single-click complex spread routing. http://www.thinkorswim.com |
120. The Prison-Industrial Complex - 98.12 An analysis of the public and private prison systems. Indepth piece on the economics of the prison system, with photos. http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/98dec/prisons.htm | |
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