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         Commutative Algebra:     more books (100)
  1. Linear Algebra over Commutative Rings (Pure and Applied Mathematics) by Mcdonald, 1984-11-30
  2. Lie Algebras and Algebraic Groups (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) by Patrice Tauvel, Rupert W.T. Yu, 2005-06-23
  3. Manis Valuations and Prüfer Extensions I: A New Chapter in Commutative Algebra (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) by Manfred Knebusch, Digen Zhang, 2002-10-03
  4. Conference on Commutative Algebra, Lawrence, Kansas, 1972: [proceedings] (Lecture notes in mathematics, 311)
  5. Trends in Commutative Algebra (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications)
  6. Topics in Commutative Ring Theory by John J. Watkins, 2007-07-02
  7. Conference on Commutative Algebra: Lawrence, Kansas 1972 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
  8. Multiplicative Ideal Theory in Commutative Algebra: A Tribute to the Work of Robert Gilmer
  9. Commutative Algebra: Proceedings, Salvador 1988. by W. and Simis, A. eds. BRUNS, 1990
  10. Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial and Computational Aspects (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
  11. An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projective Geometry: Commutative Algebra (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) by Christian Peskine, 1996-05-31
  12. Commutative Algebras of Toeplitz Operators on the Bergman Space (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications) by Nikolai Vasilevski, 2008-07-01
  13. Commutative Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by David Eisenbud, 1995-04
  14. Commutative Algebra: Syzygies, Multiplicities, and Birational Algebra : Ams-Ims-Siam Summer Research Conference on Commutative Algebra July 4-10, 19 (Contemporary Mathematics) by Ams-Ims-Siam Summer Research Conference on Commutative Algebra, Craig L. Huneke, et all 1994-04

41. Commutative Algebra: Homological And Birational Theory
MITACS. commutative algebra Homological and Birational Theory. September 11 16, 2004. commutative algebra and Exterior Algebra. The
with the participation of
Commutative Algebra: Homological and Birational Theory
September 11 - 16, 2004
Organizers: Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Toronto), Paul Roberts (University of Utah), Bernd Ulrich (Purdue University).
In this part of the proposal we outline the topics listed above and explain in more detail the current state of research and why a workshop in this area would be very useful at the present time. 1. Problems in positive and mixed characteristic. For rings of positive characteristic, the Frobenius map, which sends an element of the ring to its pth power, where p is the characteristic of the ring, is an extremely powerful tool. Many conjectures on the homological theory of Noetherian rings have been proven using this technique, and more recently these ideas have been extended in the theory of tight closure. For rings of mixed characteristic, an important line of research has been to prove these conjectures and to extend these ideas to that case. Positive characteristic and tight closure.

42. Commutative Algebra Seminar
commutative algebra Seminar. Tuesdays, LGRT 1634 University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA. Spring 2004 Schedule, , 20 January, Business meeting. 200300,
Commutative Algebra Seminar
Tuesdays, LGRT 1634
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
Spring 2004 Schedule
20 January
Business meeting
30 January
Informal meeting
6 February
Amit Khetan, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Re-scheduled due to snow.
20 February Amit Khetan, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 26 March Eduardo Cattani, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 23 April David Cox, Amherst College Fall 2003 Schedule: 16 September Jessica Sidman, Mount Holyoke College 23 September David Cox, Amherst College 30 September Amit Khetan, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 7 October Ivan Soprounov, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 14 October Jenya Soprounova, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 21 October Frank Sottile, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 28 October Frank Sottile, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2 December Eduardo Cattani, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 9 December David Cox, Amherst College 16 December Jessica Sidman, Mount Holyoke College Last modified: 26 January, 2004 by Jessica Sidman ( jsidman at mtholyoke dot edu)

43. Welcome To Scott Chapman
Trinity University, San Antonio. commutative algebra, finite abelian groups, combinatorics and number theory especially factorization of elements in integral domains and monoids.
Welcome to Scott Chapman's Web Page Trinity University Department of Mathematics One Trinity Place San Antonio, Texas 78212-7200 Phone: (210) 999-8245 Fax: (210) 999-8264 e-mail: Information on the Trinity REU Program Last Call for Papers for the Proceedings of the Chapel Hill Conference on Commutative Rings and Monoids. Information for Classes for Spring 2004 All course materials are pdf files and require the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Math 1312: Calculus II

44. Commutative Algebra: Local And Birational Theory
MSRI, Berkeley, CA, USA; 26 December 2002.
Commutative Algebra: Local and Birational Theory
December 2, 2002 to December 6, 2002
Organized by: Craig Huneke (chair), Paul Roberts, Karen Smith, and Bernd Ulrich. This workshop will concentrate on several aspects of commutative algebra including birational algebra, tight closure and characteristic p methods, Rees algebra and their applications, intersection theory, multiplicities and mixed characteristic.
The following speakers are expected to participate:
L. Avramov, M. Blickle, S. Cutkosky, L. Ein, H. Flenner, N. Hara,
R. Heitmann, M. Hochster, E. Hyry, T. Kawasaki, K. Kurano,
J. Lipman, C. Polini, C. Rotthaus, A. Singh, N. Srinivas,
I. Swanson, W. Vasconcelos, O. Villamayor, and K. Watanabe.
For titles and abstracts, please see link below.
Additional Information: Commutative Algebra: Local and Birational Theory Schedule
Parent Program: Commutative Algebra Lectures on Streaming Video: This event is now over. Resources from this event, including streaming video , may be available. [Organizer Summary] MSRI Home Page Search the MSRI Website Subject and Title Index ...

45. Aspects Of Algebraic Geometry And Commutative Algebra
Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames.

46. Graduate Studies In Commutative Algebra And Algebraic Geometry
Graduate Studies in commutative algebra and Algebraic Geometry. Some Here is the advanced reading list commutative algebra. Eisenbud
Graduate Studies in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Some time ago, a graduate student interested in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry asked me for input on what to read and how to choose a thesis advisor. For what they are worth, here are some thoughts on the subject.
I. What to study
Here are my top 5 books for a beginning graduate student interested in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.
Cox, Little, O'Shea : "Ideals, varieties, and algorithms".
This is a Springer UTM, and is a nice introduction to the area; I taught an undergraduate class out of it last year. It is full of examples and an easy, fun read.
Atiyah-Macdonald : "Commutative Algebra"
A very approachable introduction to the important ideas of commutative algebra , and a good lead in to the book of Eisenbud (see below).
Miranda : "Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces"
Probably the most comprehensive introduction to curves, it looks at the subject from all angles. Miranda notes in the introduction that the book grew out of a course he has taught 5 times; this shows in the smooth presentation.
Griffiths : "Introduction to Algebraic Curves"
A complex analytic introduction to algebraic curves, and one of my favorite elementary books. You need only a class in one complex variable (or read, say, Churchill and Brown); it is amazing how far one can go with elementary tools.

47. Combinatorial Commutative Algebra
Combinatorial commutative algebra. commutative algebra is an active area of research with thriving connections to other fields of pure and applied mathematics.
Ezra Miller and Bernd Sturmfels
Combinatorial Commutative Algebra
Springer Graduate Texts in Math, to appear in late 2004
16 May 2004
This version has been submitted to Springer Verlag, but we are still able to make minor corrections until the end of June 2004. Please do take a look and email Bernd or me all your comments and corrections by sometime in June. The index and glossary of notation are not done yet.
You can download the whole book in one 2.5MB PDF file , one 4.5MB PostScript file , or one 1.5MB gzipped PostScript file . You can also download just the title page, preface, and contents as a PDF file or a PostScript file . The book is split into three Parts, which you can download as individual files:
Alternatively, you can download each chapter of the book separately:

48. Commutative Algebra Seminar
commutative algebra Seminar. Meetings.
Commutative Algebra Seminar
Spring 2000-2001
Hilbert functions and Blow-up Algebras
Venue : Room 105 : On Mondays at 4.00 pm February 5, 12, 26
Prof. S. R. Ghorpade Hilbert Functions of Determinantal Varieties March 5, 12, 19 Mr. A. V. Jayanthan Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity and Blow-Up Algebras Abstract : The Goto-Shimoda theorem about Cohen-Macaulayness of the Rees algebras was generalized to an arbitrary ideal by a number of researchers. We shall present one of the simplest proofs of the generalized Goto-Shimoda theorem due to Johnston and Katz which appeared in the proceedings of the AMS. Effort will be made to present the proof so that it is accessible to people who know only basic theory of CM rings. April 2, 9, 16 Prof. Balwant Singh Hilbert functions, Lech's Inequality and Blowing Up Abstract : We state three open questions concerning inequailities between Hilbert functions of local rings. One of the questions compares the Hilbert function at a closed point with the one at the generic point. Another one is the Hironaka-Lech Conjecture comparing Hilbert functions under a flat local homomorphism. The third question compares the Hilbert function of a local ring with the Hilbert function of the fiber of a blowing-up with a normally flat center. We shall show that the first two questions are essentially equivalent and that an affirmative answer to the third question implies an affirmative answer to the first two. We shall also describe some cases in which the questions have been settled.

49. Ezra Miller's Homepage
New (or newly updated) preprints. Combinatorial commutative algebra (with Bernd Sturmfels) 16 May 2004 Springer Graduate Texts in Math, to appear in late 2004.
Ezra N. Miller
School of Mathematics
University of Minnesota
451 Vincent Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455
USA E-mail: ezra at Phone: (Where did the background fugue come from?)
(See a hilarious itinerary from United Airlines!)
Research interests
    Combinatorial aspects of geometry and algebra
Curriculum Vitae (February, 2004)
Personal Information
Publications and Preprints
Talks and Presentations
Research Descriptions (October 2002)
Math 5707, Spring 2004
Math 1271, Fall 2003
New (or newly updated) preprints
  • Combinatorial Commutative Algebra (with Bernd Sturmfels) 16 May 2004 Springer Graduate Texts in Math, to appear in late 2004. This is the complete version that we sent to Springer Verlag, but we can still make minor corrections-please send any you may find!
  • 50. - The Center For Commutative Algebra
    Announcements of forthcoming conferences, listed at the Center for commutative algebra.
    @import "/style.css";
    Announcements for Upcoming Conferences
    Cortona, Italy : May 30, 2004
    Chisinau, Moldova
    : June 6, 2004
    Salt Lake City 04
    : June 7, 2004
    Siena, Italy
    : June 8, 2004
    China-Japan-Korea International Symposium IV
    : June 24, 2004
    Summer school at U Chicago
    : July 26, 2004
    MSRI Semester on Hyperplane Arrangements
    : August 16, 2004
    Banff 2004
    : September 11, 2004
    International Symposium on Commutative Rings and Monoids (in honor of F. Halter-Koch)
    : September 29, 2004
    Nashville, AMS 999
    : October 16, 2004
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    : October 16, 2004 "Singularities and Computer Algebra", Kaiserslautern : October 18, 2004 KUMUNU VI : October 30, 2004 Montreal CMS meeting 2004 : December 11, 2004 Atlanta Joint Meetings : January 5, 2005 Texas Tech : April 8, 2005
    Recent Conferences
    International Algebraic Conference, Moscow : May 26, 2004 Trieste 2004 : May 24, 2004 Lafayette, Indiana (in honor of J. Lipman) : May 17, 2004 Joint AMS-SMM, Houston TX : May 13, 2004 Third Duke Mathematical Journal Conference : April 23, 2004 Lawrenceville, NJ

    51. Commutative Algebra
    commutative algebra. In abstract algebra, commutative algebra is the field of study of commutative rings, their ideals, modules and algebras.
    Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
    Commutative algebra
    In abstract algebra commutative algebra is the field of study of commutative rings , their ideals modules and algebras . It is foundational both for algebraic geometry and for algebraic number theory The subject's real founder, in the days when it was called ideal theory , should be considered to be David Hilbert . He seems to have thought of it (around 1900) as an alternate approach that could replace the then-fashionable complex function theory . In line with his thinking, computational aspects were secondary to the structural. The additional module concept, present in some form in Kronecker's work, is technically an improvement on working always directly on the special case of ideals . Its adoption is attributed to Emmy Noether 's influence. Given the scheme concept, commutative algebra is reasonably thought of as either the local theory or the affine theory of algebraic geometry The general study of rings that are not required to be commutative is known as noncommutative algebra ; it is pursued in ring theory representation theory and in other areas such as Banach algebra theory.

    52. Conference : Combinatorial Commutative Algebra
    Conference on Combinatorial commutative algebra. June 27 29, 1997. This page has moved. Please use http//www.exp-math.uni-essen
    Conference on :
    Combinatorial Commutative Algebra
    June 27 - 29, 1997
    This page has moved. Please use :

    53. Research Group Commutative Algebra
    Research Project commutative algebra. Members of the group Jürgen Herzog Email Tel. +49 201 183-2422
    Research Project: Commutative Algebra
    Members of the group:
    Attila Wiebe Xinxian Zheng Ahad Rahimi Yukihide Takayama
    Recent Preprints:
    Xinxian Zheng Attila Wiebe

    54. - Geometric And Combinatorial Aspects Of Commutative Algebra
    Geometric and Combinatorial Aspects of commutative algebra. Series Volume 217 This item is part of the Lecture Notes In Pure and Applied Mathematics series.
    onunload=closeRefPopup Login/Register Forgot your Password? My Workspace Shopping Cart ... FAQs Dekker is a digital publisher that offers accessible at the article level with linked references.
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    To contact Dekker
    customer service by phone,
    please call 1-800-228-1160
    South America) or 0041-61-260-63-00 (Europe, Far East, Geometric and Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra Series Volume: 217 This item is part of the Lecture Notes In Pure and Applied Mathematics series. Purchase Options Print World Price: $175.00 Available eBook Available Edited by: J. Herzog Gaetana Restuccia University of Essen, Germany Essen, Germany University of Messina, Italy Messina, Italy Book / eBook Soft Cover Print ISBN: 0-8247-0567-X Description Based on lectures presented at the International Conference of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry held recently in Messina, Italy, this fascinating reference provides the latest developments and recent advances P n , determinantal and stable ideals, and free resolutions.

    55. - Commutative Algebra
    Far East, Middle East Africa). commutative algebra Proceedings of the Trento Conference. Cover Not Available Series Volume 84
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    South America)
    or 0041-61-260-63-00
    (Europe, Far East,
    Commutative Algebra Proceedings of the Trento Conference Cover Not Available Series Volume: 84 This item is part of the Lecture Notes In Pure and Applied Mathematics series. Purchase Options World Price: $155.00 Out of Stock S. Greco G. Valla Book Soft Cover Print ISBN: About Dekker Author Services Site Map , by Marcel Dekker, Inc.

    56. Commutative Algebra - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    commutative algebra. In abstract algebra, commutative algebra is the field of study of commutative rings, their ideals, modules and algebras.
    Commutative algebra
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    In abstract algebra commutative algebra is the field of study of commutative rings , their ideals modules and algebras . It is foundational both for algebraic geometry and for algebraic number theory . The most prominent example for commutative rings are polynomial rings The subject's real founder, in the days when it was called ideal theory , should be considered to be David Hilbert . He seems to have thought of it (around 1900) as an alternate approach that could replace the then-fashionable complex function theory . In line with his thinking, computational aspects were secondary to the structural. The additional module concept, present in some form in Kronecker's work, is technically an improvement on working always directly on the special case of ideals . Its adoption is attributed to Emmy Noether 's influence. Given the scheme concept, commutative algebra is reasonably thought of as either the local theory or the affine theory of algebraic geometry The general study of rings that are not required to be commutative is known as noncommutative algebra ; it is pursued in ring theory representation theory and in other areas such as Banach algebra theory.

    57. 2003 Joint Summer Research Conference On Commutative Algebra: Presentations By Y
    of 2003 Joint Summer Research Conference on commutative algebra Presentations by Young Researchers.......

    Commutative Algebra: Presentations by Young Researchers Sunday, July 20 - Thursday, July 24
    Craig Huneke
    , University of Kansas
    Roger L. Wiegand
    , University of Nebraska The goal of the conference is to bring together young researchers in several areas of commutative algebra in order to provide a showcase for important new ideas and to encourage collaboration among participants. All
    research talks will be given by mathematically young researchers, primarily those no more than two or three years beyond the Ph.D., and graduate students in their final year of study. The conference will focus on the following topics: (1) homological methods in commutative algebra, (2) characteristic methods and tight closure, (3) combinatorics and commutative algebra, and (4) representation theory of local rings. Each topic will be introduced by an expository talk, and informal discussions will follow the research talks. The following individuals have at least tentatively accepted invitations to give research talks: Holger Brenner C-Y. Jean Chan

    58. School On Commutative Algebra And Interactions With Algebraic
    School on commutative algebra and Interactions with Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorics. Month May 2004 Date May 24June 11. Name

    FUZZY commutative algebra by John N Mordeson DS Malik (Creighton University) This book is the first to be devoted entirely to fuzzy abstract algebra.
    Home Browse by Subject Bestsellers New Titles ... Browse all Subjects Search Keyword Author Concept ISBN Series New Titles Editor's Choice Bestsellers Book Series ... Join Our Mailing List FUZZY COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA
    by (Creighton University)
    This book is the first to be devoted entirely to fuzzy abstract algebra. It presents an up-to-date version of fuzzy commutative algebra, and focuses on the connection between L -subgroups of a group, and L -subfields of a field. In particular, an up-to-date treatment of nonlinear systems of fuzzy intersection equations is given.
    • L -Subsets and L -Subgroups
    • L -Subgroups of Abelian Groups
    • L -Subrings and L -Ideals
    • L -Submodules
    • L -Subfields
    • Structure of L -Subrings and L -Ideals
    • Algebraic L -Varieties and Intersection Equations
    • L -Subspaces
    • Galois Theory and Group L -Subalgebras

    Readership: Pure mathematicians.
    "The book is self-contained ... This will serve as a nice reference book for researchers in the field. It may also be used as a good text for an advanced graduate course. There are a good number of exercises at the end of each chapter of the book." Mathematical Reviews
    Pub. date: Dec 1998

    60. MFO
    Title Combinatorial commutative algebra. Organisers Irena Peeva, Cornell Volkmar Welker, Marburg. Date July 4th July 10th, 2004. ID 0428a.

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