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         Commutative Algebra:     more books (100)
  1. Introduction to Commutative Algebra by Michael Francis Atiyah, I. G. MacDonald, 1994-01
  2. Commutative Algebra: Chapters 1-7 by Nicolas Bourbaki, 2004-03-16
  3. Commutative Algebra: with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by David Eisenbud, 1999-02-11
  4. Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra (Progress in Mathematics) by Richard P. Stanley, 2004-10-15
  5. Steps in Commutative Algebra (London Mathematical Society Student Texts) by Rodney Y. Sharp, 2001-02-15
  6. Undergraduate Commutative Algebra (London Mathematical Society Student Texts) by Miles Reid, 1996-04-26
  7. Commutative Algebra (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) by J. T. Knight, 1972-01-28
  8. An Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Number Theory by Sukumar Das Adhikari, 2001-12-15
  9. Computational Methods in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry by Wolmer Vasconcelos, Wolmer V. Vasconcelos, 2004-07-12
  10. Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry by Ernst Kunz, 1985-01
  11. A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra by Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Pfister, 2007-12-04
  12. Combinatorial Commutative Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Ezra Miller, Bernd Sturmfels, 2005-06-21
  13. Computational Commutative Algebra 2 by Martin Kreuzer, Lorenzo Robbiano, 2005-08-22
  14. Commutative Algebra, Vol 2 by O. Zariski, Pierre Samuel, 1976-03-29

1. - The Center For Commutative Algebra
a website devoted to the collection and dissemination of information relevant to the commutative algebra community. not a bat, just the Fermat surface.
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Welcome to! is a website devoted to the collection and dissemination of information relevant to the commutative algebra community. This information is collected in six areas:
  • Conference Announcements. This is where we post information about upcoming conferences that focus, at least partially, on commutative algebra. Use this form to submit a conference announcement. Imminent conferences can be found in the right sidebar. Preprint Announcements. This is where we provide links to preprints in commutative algebra. Unfortunately, is not a preprint server, that is, we do not store preprints here. Thankfully, the arXiv preprint server ( what? ) has a section devoted to Commutative Algebra . We encourage you to post your own preprints to the arXiv server, even if you already post them to your personal webpage ( why? ). Use this form to submit information regarding new or previously unannounced preprints. News. This is an area for general information about the commalg community not included in the sections above. Examples of news include, but are not restricted to, announcements of awards being made to commutative algebraists, photos from conferences being posted, or (other things we haven't thought of yet). Use this form to submit news to be posted.
  • 2. AC Commutative Algebra
    Articles cover commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.
    Fri 4 Jun 2004 Search Submit Retrieve Subscribe ... iFAQ
    AC Commutative Algebra
    Calendar Search
    Authors: AB CDE FGH IJK ... U-Z
    New articles (last 12)
    4 Jun math.AC/0406057 Gorenstein projective dimension for complexes. Oana Veliche AC RA
    28 May math.AC/0405526 Semi-dualizing modules and related Gorenstein homological dimensions. Henrik Holm , Peter Jorgensen . 25 pages. AC
    28 May math.AC/0405523 Cohen-Macaulay injective, projective, and flat dimension. Henrik Holm , Peter Jorgensen . 18 pages. AC
    27 May math.AC/0405499 Associated primes and cofiniteness of local cohomology modules. Mohammad T. Dibaei , Siamak Yassemi . 9 pages. AC
    28 May math.AT/0405525 Andrew Baker , Birgit Richter . 6 pages. Glasgow University Mathematics Department preprint no. 04/20. AT AC
    27 May math.CV/0405491 La trace via le calcul residuel: une nouvelle version du theoreme d'Abel-inverse, formes abeliennes. Martin Weimann . 33 pages. CV AC
    27 May math.CO/0405490 The ring of multisymmetric functions. F. Vaccarino . 12 pages. CO AC RT
    25 May math.AG/0405464 Restriction of the cotangent bundle to elliptic curves and Hilbert-Kunz fnctions. Holger Brenner , Georg Hein AG AC
    2 Jun math.AC/0405499

    3. Sundry Algebraic Geometry And Commutative Algebra Sites
    A list of personal home pages.
    I have compiled this list from a number of sources; if you know
    of addresses (your own or others) involving Algebraic Geometry
    or Commutative Algebra that I could include, please send me a note!
    Paolo Aluffi

    Kevin Coombes

    Duke archive

    Brian Harbourne
    Mika Seppala

    Mail Comments to:

    4. - The Center For Commutative Algebra
    commutative algebraists (AL). Click on any letter below to jump to the commutative algebraists whose last name begins with that letter. Happy clicking!
    @import "/style.css";
    Commutative Algebraists (A-L)
    Click on any letter below to jump to the commutative algebraists whose last name begins with that letter. Happy clicking! A B C D ... XYZ A Abbott, John
    web Aberbach, Ian University of Missouri
    web Abhyankar, Shreeram Purdue University
    web Abo, Hirotachi Colorado State University
    web Anderson, Daniel University of Iowa
    web Anderson, David The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    web Aramova, Annetta Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
    web Arnold, Elizabeth
    web Arslan, Feza Middle East Technical University, Turkey
    web Asadollahi, Javad IPM and Shahre-Kord University, Shahre-Kord, Iran
    web Avramov, Luchezar University of Nebraska-Lincoln email web back to top B Badawi, Ayman Birzeit University, Palestine email web Stockholms Universitet, Sverige email web Badra, Abdallah email Bahiano, Carlos Eduardo Nogueira Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil email web Barile, Margherita email web Barucci, Valentina email web Bayer, Dave

    5. Commutative Algebra
    Calendar. commutative algebra. Of course, the existing body of work in commutative algebra is not tailored to suit all new demands.
    Commutative Algebra
    August 19, 2002 to May 16, 2003
    at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California Organized by: Luchezar Avramov, Mark Green, Craig Huneke, Karen E. Smith and Bernd Sturmfels
    A significant development over the last 20 years is the role that commutative algebra is taking as a tool for solving problems from a rapidly expanding list of disciplines. In oversimplified terms, the process could be described as follows: Mathematicians with various backgrounds discover ways of encoding information of interest into commutative rings and their modules, then use algebraic concepts, methods, and results to analyze that information efficiently. A famous example of such encoding is the translation of an abstract finite simiplicial complex into an ideal represented by the zeroes of square-free monomials in a set of variables corresponding to the vertices of the simplicial complex. Of course, the existing body of work in commutative algebra is not tailored to suit all new demands. This is precisely where the subject benefits most from the recent surge of external interest, as it receives an influx of novel questions, points of view, and expertise.
    Our year-long program will highlight these recent developments and will include the following areas:
    Tight closure and characteristic p methods
    Toric algebra and geometry
    Homological algebra
    Representation theory
    Singularities and intersection theory
    Combinatorics and Grobner bases

    6. Introductory Workshop In Commutative Algebra
    Calendar. Introductory Workshop in commutative algebra. September 9, 2002 to September 13, 2002. CA Intro Schedule. Parent Program commutative algebra.
    Introductory Workshop in Commutative Algebra
    September 9, 2002 to September 13, 2002
    Organized by: Luchezar Avramov, Mark Green, Craig Huneke, Karen E. Smith and Bernd Sturmfels The introductory workshop in the Comutative Algebra program will feature three lectures each from six speakers: David Benson, David Eisenbud, Mark Haiman, Melvin Hochster, Rob Lazarsfeld, and Bernard Teissier. The talks will cover aspects of the relationship of commutative algebra to group cohomology, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry, as well as covering major themes in commutative algebra today.
    The titles of the talks-series are:
    All talks will be aimed at a graduate level.
    Additional Information: CA Intro Schedule Parent Program: Commutative Algebra Lectures on Streaming Video: This event is now over. Resources from this event, including

    7. Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra And Combinatorics -- Erice 2001, NATO Ad
    Exterior Algebra Methods and Other New Directions. Erice, Sicily, Italy; 9 15 September 2001.

    Event photos
    The workshop in Erice will address a wide range of new developments in classical Algebraic Geometry such as curves and their moduli, surfaces, higher dimensional varieties, vector bundles, and toric varieties. A special focus will be on exterior algebra methods which have recently grown in importance in Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Combinatorics, and their computational aspects (Bernstein-Gel'fand-Gel'fand correspondence, Beilinson monad, theory of Chow forms and resultants, algebraic shifting, free resolutions over the exterior algebra, linear syzygies, hyperplane arrangements, ...) Organizing Committee: David Eisenbud Lucian Badescu Sorin Popescu and Alfio Ragusa Speakers (tentative): The following people have responded positively to our invitation: Sponsors: NATO Scientific Affairs Division EAGER: European Algebraic Geometry Research Training Network and the University of Catania , Sicily. Registration: The cost of staying at the Ettore Majorana Centre will be approximately $80 per night (lodging/meals/transfer from/to the airport/1/2 day trip included), and there will be a fee of $100 for the social events. We will be able to offer financial assistance to some of the participants, particularly to younger mathematicians and speakers.

    8. Macaulay 2 Home Page
    A new software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra.
    Macaulay 2 home page
    Macaulay 2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, whose development has been funded by the National Science Foundation. We hope you will download it, try it out, and give us useful feedback as we continue the development of the program. COPYING The software is available now in source code for porting, and in compiled form for Linux, SunOS, Solaris, Windows, and a few other unix machines.
    • The new book about Macaulay 2 , published by Springer. The online documentation provided with Macaulay 2 in html form, ready for viewing, equipped with a convenient search engine. Search the documentation:
    • Download Macaulay 2 binaries, source, and documentation, from our web page , or from our ftp site If you are compiling the source code for version 0.9 or newer, download source code for the external libraries we use:
      Other downloads:
      • Download Macaulay 2 binaries, in RPM format, for GNU/Linux Intel (RedHat) and Power PC (yellowdog) machines, from Nebraska , thanks to Rex A. Dieter

    9. Home Page Of Robert B. Ash
    University of Illinois. Downloadable texts in Abstract Algebra, Algebraic Number Theory, commutative algebra (PDF).
    Robert B. Ash
    Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
    Dept. of Mathematics
    University of Illinois
    1409 W Green St.
    Urbana, IL 61801

    Books etc. On Line
    Abstract Algebra: The Basic Graduate Year
    A Course In Algebraic Number Theory
    A Course In Commutative Algebra
    A Pari/GP Tutorial
    Click below to read/download chapters in pdf format. PDF files can be viewed with the free program Adobe Acrobat Reader
    Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome.
    Abstract Algebra: The Basic Graduate Year (Revised 11/02)
    This is a student-oriented text covering the standard first year graduate course in algebra. Solutions to all problems are included and some of the reasoning is informal.

    10. Commutative Algebra From MathWorld
    commutative algebra from MathWorld Let A denote an \mathbb{R}algebra, so that A is a vector space over R and A\times A\to A (x y)\mapsto x\cdot y. Now define Z\equiv\{x\in A x\cdot y=0 {\rm\

    11. Buy Commutative Algebra, Singularities And Computer Algebra At
    commutative algebra, Singularities and Computer Algebra in Hardcover. ISBN 1402014864.

    12. Scratchpad's View Of Algebra I Basic Commutative Algebra
    Scratchpad's View of Algebra I Basic commutative algebra . While computer algebra systems have dealt with polynomials and rational functions with integer coefficients for many years, dealing with

    13. - The Center For Commutative Algebra
    Preprint announcements and links.
    @import "/style.css";
    Below are the most recent additions to our files. Click on a name to see the announcement. Click here for previous months' preprints. Holm-Jorgensen : Cohen-Macaulay injective, projective, and flat dimension; Semi-dualizing modules and related Gorenstein homological dimensions, May 28, 2004

    : Associated primes and cofiniteness of local cohomology modules, May 27, 2004
    : La trace via le calcul residuel: une nouvelle version du theoreme d'Abel-inverse, formes abeliennes, May 27, 2004
    : The ring of multisymmetric functions, May 27, 2004
    : A linear bound for Frobenius powers and an inclusion bound for tight closure, May 26, 2004
    : Restriction of the cotangent bundle to elliptic curves and Hilbert-Kunz fnctions, May 26, 2004
    : Invariants of unipotent transformations acting on noetherian relatively free algebras , May 25, 2004

    : The Regularity of Tor and Graded Betti Numbers, May 20, 2004
    : Bigraded structures and the depth of blow-up algebras, May 20, 2004

    14. Algebra Cohomology Over A Commutative Algebra Revisited
    Algebra cohomology over a commutative algebra revisited The aim of this paper is to give a relatively easy bicomplex which computes the Shukla, or Quillen cohomology in the category of associative

    15. 13: Commutative Rings And Algebras
    A commutative algebra is a commutative ring which contains a field (usually as a subring over which the entire ring is finitelygenerated).
    Search Subject Index MathMap Tour ... Help! ABOUT: Introduction History Related areas Subfields
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    13: Commutative rings and algebras
    Commutative rings and algebras are sets like the set of integers, allowing addition and (commutative) multiplication. Of particular interest are several classes of rings of interest in number theory, field theory, algebraic geometry, and related areas; however, other classes of rings arise, and a rich structure theory arises to analyze commutative rings in general, using the concepts of ideals, localizations, and homological algebra. A commutative ring is a set endowed with two binary operations "+" and "*" subject to familiar associative, commutative, and distributive laws. (It is usually but not universally assumed that the rings contain an identity element "1" for multiplication.) Examples include the rings of integers in algebraic number fields; here, the interest is number-theoretic: common questions concern factorization and the class group, the action of the Galois group, and the structure of the group of units. A commutative algebra is a commutative ring which contains a field (usually as a subring over which the entire ring is finitely-generated). Examples include coordinate rings of algebraic varieties, that is, quotients of polynomial rings over a field; here, the interest is geometric: how are the local rings different at singular points, and how do subvarieties intersect? In some sense the theory of commutative rings and algebras can be seen as the search for common features of these two classes of examples, and the effort to explain features of a general commutative ring as being like these two types. We can clarify these fields of inquiry by reviewing the subfields of section 13.

    16. On Commutative Algebra Homology In Prime Characteristics
    On commutative algebra Homology In Prime Characteristics We give decompositions of the Hochschild and cyclic homology of a commutative algebra in characteristic p into p \Gamma 1 parts, and show

    17. 13P: Computational Aspects Of Commutative Algebra
    13P Computational aspects of commutative algebra. For now this page is largely a placeholder; more information is on the parent page for commutative algebra.
    Search Subject Index MathMap Tour ... Help! ABOUT: Introduction History Related areas Subfields
    POINTERS: Texts Software Web links Selected topics here
    13P: Computational aspects of commutative algebra
    Perhaps the title makes it clear what this section is! For now this page is largely a placeholder; more information is on the parent page for commutative algebra
    Applications and related fields
    The computational tools described on this page are used in other areas, particularly algebraic geometry and its subfields (e.g. one can compute the envelope of a curve ). Roughly speaking we have included here the comments which are best exemplified with varieties of dimension zero (finite sets of points) and in section 14 the comments which involve more geometry than computation. Computation in polynomial rings overlaps 12F: Field extensions (Galois theory). In particular, look there for computational questions involving the factorization of univariate polynomials. There have been a number of applications to topics in robotics and the motions of linked systems See Also 68W30
    • Polynomials, factorization, See also 12Y05

    18. Minimal Deformations Of The Commutative Algebra And The Linear Group
    Minimal deformations of the commutative algebra and the linear group GL(n) We consider the relations of generalized commutativity in the algebra of formal series $ M_q (x^i ) $, which conserve a

    19. Commutative Algebra -- From MathWorld
    commutative algebra. Let A denote an algebra, so that A is a vector space over R and, Atiyah, M. F. and MacDonald, I. G. Introduction to commutative algebra.
    INDEX Algebra Applied Mathematics Calculus and Analysis Discrete Mathematics ... Alphabetical Index
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    MATHWORLD - IN PRINT Order book from Amazon Algebra Named Algebras Miscellaneous Algebras ... Renze
    Commutative Algebra Portions of this entry contributed by John Renze Let A denote an -algebra, so that A is a vector space over R and
    Now define
    where An Associative -algebra is commutative if for all Similarly, a ring is commutative if the multiplication operation is commutative, and a Lie algebra is commutative if the commutator A, B ] is for every A and B in the Lie algebra The term "commutative algebra" also refers to the branch of abstract algebra that studies commutative rings . Commutative algebra is important in algebraic geometry Abelian Group Abstract Algebra Commutative ... search
    Atiyah, M. F. and MacDonald, I. G. Introduction to Commutative Algebra. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 9-10, 1969. Cox, D.; Little, J.; and O'Shea, D.

    20. Personal Homepage Of Johannes Heinrich
    Contains some work on commutative algebra, Differential Modules and K¤hler Differents.
    Personal Homepage of Johannes Heinrich At the moment there is only a list of my mathematical publications to be found here. Here are some biographical facts, which might help you decide if we've met in real life or not ...
    • From 1990 to 1994 I studied Mathematics at the Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken. Later on I worked there (in the department of mathematics) with Professor Berger on Commutative Algebra. In 1999 I left academia and turned to IT security, working in a consulting company. I now live in the area of Frankfurt (am Main), Germany. (The biggest clue might be the picture on the right ...)
    To send me an email, address it to: www @ Last modified: 05.01.2002

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