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         Cellular Automata:     more books (100)
  1. Zoning grassland protection area using remote sensing and cellular automata modeling-A case study in Xilingol steppe grassland in northern China [An article from: Journal of Arid Environments] by C. He, Q. Zhang, et all
  2. An artificial-neural-network-based, constrained CA model for simulating urban growth.(cellular automata) : An article from: Cartography and Geographic Information Science by Qingfeng Guan, Liming Wang, et all 2005-10-01
  3. In traffic flow, cellular automata=kinematic waves [An article from: Transportation Research Part B] by C.F. Daganzo, 2006-06-01
  4. The effect of disaggregating land use categories in cellular automata during model calibration and forecasting [An article from: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems] by C. Dietzel, K. Clarke,
  5. Characterizing the scale sensitivity of the cellular automata simulated urban growth: A case study of the Seberang Perai Region, Penang State, Malaysia ... Computers, Environment and Urban Systems] by N. Samat, 2006-11-01
  6. Simulating the impact of forest management scenarios in an agricultural landscape of southern Quebec, Canada, using a geographic cellular automata [An article from: Landscape and Urban Planning] by A. Menard, D.J. Marceau, 2007-03-02
  7. The use of Cellular Automata in the learning of emergence [An article from: Computers & Education] by G. Faraco, P. Pantano, et all 2006-11-01
  8. Cities and Complexity: Understanding Cities with Cellular Automata, Agent-Based Models, and Fractals.(Book review): An article from: Journal of the American Planning Association by Ray Wyatt, 2007-01-01
  9. Solving advanced network reliability problems by means of cellular automata and Monte Carlo sampling [An article from: Reliability Engineering and System Safety] by C.M. Rocco S, E. Zio,
  10. The Global Dynamics of Cellular Automata: An Atlas of Basin of Attraction Fields of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata (Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity Reference Volumes) by Andrew Wuensche, Mike Lesser, 1992-07
  11. Parcella '88: 4th International Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays Berlin, Gdr, October 17-21, 1988 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) by G. Wolf, T. Legendi, 1989-07
  12. Errors and uncertainties in urban cellular automata [An article from: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems] by A.G.O. Yeh, X. Li,
  13. Theory and Application of Cellular Automata (Advanced Series on Complex Systems, Volume 1) by Stephen Wolfram, 1986-06
  14. Essays on Cellular Automata

61. Cellab Downloads From Rudy Rucker's Website
The Cellab cellular automata Laboratory is the Windows version of a package originally called CA Lab the Rudy Rucker cellular automata Laboratory, and sold by
Cella b Downloads Home Page Biography Works Online ... Email Seek Ye the Gnarl! This is a public domain freeware program by John Walker and Rudy Rucker. The Cellab Cellular Automata Laboratory is the Windows version of a package originally called CA Lab: the Rudy Rucker Cellular Automata Laboratory , and sold by Autodesk, Inc. The main Cellab program JC.EXE was written by John Walker and includes some rules by Rudy Rucker. Enjoy it, back at last, the fastest and best 2D cellular automata program ever written! Download John Walker and Rudy Rucker's Cellular Automata Laboratory Software as an archive file, CELLAB2.ZIP If you live in Europe and have trouble with the download, go to John Walker 's site, which is in Switzerland. CELLAB2.ZIP includes the JC.EXE program by John Walker, which is a Windows port of a the CA.EXE program which was formerly sold by Autodesk as CA LAB. In addition there are a number of new JC rules which were not in the CA LAB release. The CA LAB DOS-window program RC.EXE by Rudy Rucker is included as well. The CelLab software and its support files are being distributed as public domain freeware and may be used for any purpose without obtaining permission from Walker and/or Rucker.

62. Cellular Automata
An interactive cellular automata generator with C++ source code available for downloading; by Kevin McDermott.
Main Generate Cellular Automata The Cellular Automaton The source code to my Cellular Automaton image generator can be found here . It is C++ source code that outputs a raw pgm image file to stdout. It should compile under most C++ compilers, although it has only been tested with the g++ compiler on Linux. I am releasing it under the GNU Public License (GPL), so do with it as is appropriate under that license. The cellular automaton consists of a line of cells, each colored either black or white. At every step there is then a definite rule that determines the color of a given cell from the color of that cell and its immediate left and right neighbors on the step before. -Stephen Wolfram (A New Kind of Science, 2004) Cellular automata are extreamly simple computational systems that create interesting images which show some even more interesting behaviours. Essentially, these images show the product of thousands of simple computations based on rules that should be followed regarding a pixel's imediate neighbours. These cellular automata images are a bunch of black and white pixels that are built from the top down, where each scanline is based on the colour of the pixels on the scanline above it. More specifically, the pixels imediately above it, above it and to the left, and above it and to the right. So each pixel's colour is determined by three other pixels.

63. Homepage Alexander Schatten - Portal
A cellular automata tutorial that covers the structure, behaviour and some applications of CA and offers a philosophical background as well; by Alexander Schatten.
Homepage Alexander Schatten - Portal Home



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[2004-05-18] Photos - Bike Tour
A holiday week with my bike in Austria; some impressions... more...

Five cellular automataWindows software for exploring five cellular automata qstate Life (a generalization of Conway s Life), the Belousv-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Togetherness, Viral

65. Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Homeworld
QCA is QuantumDot cellular automata, leading research in more powerful computing with faster microelectronics. This page
This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

66. Symbolic Dynamics & Tiling
Contains papers and other documents by Abdiel Caceres Gonzalez related with computability in normal evolutions of cellular automata, in particular with evolution rule 110, some studies about entropy and tiling with software for mac os X .
Tels. (55) 5747-3758, 5747-7000
Sponsors Visitors since
JUL/2002 var go_mem="abdiel"; Last update

67. Gliders In "Life"-Like Cellular Automata
other definite class4 two-dimensional cellular automata were found in a random sample of several thousand outer totalistic rules. Are gliders really so rare?
Which "Life"-Like Systems Have Gliders?
John Conway's "Game of Life" has fascinated and inspired many enthusiasts, due to the emergence of complex behavior from a very simple system. One of the many interesting phenomena in life is the existence of "gliders": small patterns that move across the grid. Some authors have asserted that the gliders and other complex behaviors occurring in Life are unusual, for instance Wolfram: "Except for a few simple variants on the Game of Life, no other definite class-4 two-dimensional cellular automata were found in a random sample of several thousand outer totalistic rules." Are gliders really so rare? I have investigated whether gliders exist in many semitotalistic rules similar to Life, where the behavior of a cell depends only on its own state and the number of live neighbors. The results show that the existence of gliders is commonplace, contradicting Wolfram and calling into question his classification of cellular automata Jason Summers' c/5 diagonal spaceship in Life Online interactive database of rules with gliders Paper describing my glider search program and MSRI talk on streaming video Rules with self-replicating patterns
New! Replicators in rules with B0, July 2002

68. Cellular Automata Packages
cellular automata Packages. CAMEX. (The CAM/PC exerciser CAMEX). Program collection of LCAU. (Linear cellular automata for DOS). Reference Manual LCAU.
Cellular Automata Packages
(The CAM/PC exerciser CAMEX)
Reference Manual
The CAM/PC exerciser CAMEX.
This manual is available in PDF (camex.pdf)
Program collection of LCAU
(Linear Cellular Automata for DOS)
Reference Manual
Linear Cellular Automata Documentation.
This manual is available in PDF (lcaudoc.pdf)
Cellular Automata(k,r). CA(k,r) k: states and r: radio.
CA(2,1): (94.4 KBytes) DOS PKZIP
CA(2,2): (101 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(2,3): (117 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(2,4): (113 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(2,5): (99 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(2,6): (99 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(3,1): (92.1 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(3,2): (93.3 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(3,3): (76.8 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(4,1): (76.6 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(4,2): (99.2 KBytes) DOS PKZIP CA(5,1): (107 KBytes) DOS PKZIP
Program collection of NXLCAU
(Linear Cellular Automata for NeXTSTEP)
Reference Manual LCAU.

69. Capow98
A Windows application that can simulate and analyze various onedimensional and two-dimensional cellular automata, part of the cellular automata and Electric Power project lead by Dr. Rudy Rucker.

70. Cellular Automata Applications
Graphics Applications of cellular automata. Cluster shape modeling (Y.Takai, T.Saito, Y.Tomikawa, and NK.Takai A Particle Cluster
Graphics Applications of Cellular Automata

71. Five Cellular Automata
Windows software implementing five cellular automata qstate Life, Belouzov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Togetherness, Viral Replication and Diffusion-Limited Aggregation; by Hermetic Systems.

Powered by Bravenet

Five Cellular Automata Introduction The five cellular automata:
  • q-state Life
  • The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction
  • Togetherness
  • Viral Replication ...
  • Demo version Here are successive images (reduced by 50% in width and height) showing typical screens for all five cellular automata (these are snapshots of dynamic screens): Fullsize screenshots are given in the subsections of this documentation. Introduction A cellular automaton consists of:
    (b) A set of values or "states" such that each cell is associated with a particular state.
    A simple and well-known example of a cellular automaton is John Conway's Life. In this we consider a square array of cells, each of which is either "dead" or "alive". The eight cells immediately adjacent to a cell are called its "neighbors". The rules governing the dynamics of the system are as follows: (i) In the transition from one "generation" to the next the state of each cell is changed once according to rules (ii) and (iii).
    (ii) A cell which is alive will remain alive in the next generation if there are two or three cells among its eight neighbors which are alive; otherwise it dies.
  • 72. ACRI 2004
    From individual to collective behaviour. Sixth International conference on cellular automata for Research and Industry. October 2527, 2004.
    From individual to collective behaviour Sixth International conference on
    Cellular Automata for Research and Industry October 25-27,
    News : Paper Submission is now closed !

    Date: October 25 - 27, 2004
    Location: University of Amsterdam Science Park Amsterdam , The Netherlands
    Scope of the conference: Cellular Automata, in spite of their apparent simplicity represent a very powerful approach to study spatio-temporal systems in which complex phenomena build up out of many simple local interactions. They often provide solutions to real problems for which other, conventional approaches fail. John von Neumann, who is recognized as the father of cellular automata, would have been a hundred years old in 2004. ACRI 2004 wants to commemorate this important date by inviting researchers to submit contributions related to von Neumann's work or to the emergence of organisation in systems in which collaboration between components wins over the individual behaviour. The goal of this conference is to collect contributions concerning Cellular Automata in various fields such as theory, implementations and applications.

    73. Moshe Sipper, A Brief Introduction To Cellular Automata
    This page requires FRAMES

    74. The Primordial Soup Kitchen
    Colorful images and Java movies of cellular automata, with recipes to explain their genesis. Also some tasty Real Recipes. By David Griffeath.
    Introduction What's Cooking? 2000 PSK Calendar PSK Search ... CAffeine (Java) Kitchen Shelf Kitchen Sink Lagniappe Specialties I II Sign the Guestbook Research I II EAT (Real Recipes) Download Software: © David Griffeath Vita kudos browser issues

    75. Cellular Automaton - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    History of cellular automata. cellular automata were invented by John von Neumann in his study of selfreplicating systems. The simplest cellular automata.
    Cellular automaton
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    A cellular automaton (plural: cellular automata ) is a discrete model studied in computability theory and mathematics . It consists of an infinite, regular grid of cells , each in one of a finite number of states . The grid can be in any finite number of dimensions. Time is also discrete, and the state of a cell at time t is a function of the state of a finite number of cells called the neighborhood at time t-1 . These neighbors are a selection of cells relative to some specified, and does not change (Though the cell itself may be in its neighborhood, it is not usually considered a neighbor). Every cell has the same rule for updating, based on the values in this neighbourhood. Each time the rules are applied to the whole grid a new generation is produced. One example of a cellular automaton (CA) would be an infinite sheet of graph paper, where each square is a cell, each cell has two possible states (black and white), and the neighbors of a cell are the 8 squares touching it. Then, there are 2 = 512 possible patterns for a cell and its neighbors. The rule for the cellular automaton could be given as a table. For each of the 512 possible patterns, the table would state whether the center cell will be black or white on the next time step. This is an example of a two dimensional cellular automaton. See

    76. Cellular Automaton - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    cellular automata Music A class of mathematical models known as cellular automata plays a central role in my research. Cellular top cellular automata. Cellular
    Cellular automaton
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    (Redirected from Cellular automata A cellular automaton (plural: cellular automata ) is a discrete model studied in computability theory and mathematics . It consists of an infinite, regular grid of cells , each in one of a finite number of states . The grid can be in any finite number of dimensions. Time is also discrete, and the state of a cell at time t is a function of the state of a finite number of cells called the neighborhood at time t-1 . These neighbors are a selection of cells relative to some specified, and does not change (Though the cell itself may be in its neighborhood, it is not usually considered a neighbor). Every cell has the same rule for updating, based on the values in this neighbourhood. Each time the rules are applied to the whole grid a new generation is produced. One example of a cellular automaton (CA) would be an infinite sheet of graph paper, where each square is a cell, each cell has two possible states (black and white), and the neighbors of a cell are the 8 squares touching it. Then, there are 2 = 512 possible patterns for a cell and its neighbors. The rule for the cellular automaton could be given as a table. For each of the 512 possible patterns, the table would state whether the center cell will be black or white on the next time step. This is an example of a two dimensional cellular automaton. See

    77. Moshe Sipper's Home Page
    Fine theoretical and practical introduction to cellular automata, ALife, and Complex Adaptive Systems.

    78. Cellular Automata Music
    CAMUS. A cellular automata Music Generator. Eduardo Reck Miranda. CAMUS is a cellular automatabased music generator. From many different
    A Cellular Automata Music Generator
    Eduardo Reck Miranda
    Introduction to CAMUS
    Since cellular automata produce large amounts of patterned data and if we assume that music composition can be thought of as being based on pattern propagation and formal manipulation of its parameters, it comes as no surprise that researchers started to suspect that cellular automata could be mapped into a music representation in order to generate compositional material. CAMUS is a cellular automata-based music generator. From many different cellular automata algorithms available today, two have been selected for CAMUS, namely Game of Life (invented by John Horton Conway) and Demon Cyclic Space (designed by David Griffeath). top
    Game of Life
    From one tick of the clock to the next, the cells of the Game of Life cellular automaton can be either alive (i.e., black) or dead (i.e., white), according to the following rules devised by Conway:
    • if a cell is dead at time t , it comes alive at time

    79. Hexatron :A Cellular Automaton
    A Java demonstration of cellular automata on a hexagonal grid.
    home last next Hexatron presents: A Cellular Automaton
    You need Java to for this.

    This is a demonstration of cellular automata on a hexagonal grid. You can find out about cellular automata by starting at Yahoo/Science/Artificial_Life/Cellular_Automata
    A cell is alive if it is colored red. A live cell is generated by the arrangement of live cells in the six cells around it, and itself (see the rules below). The board shown wraps aroundthe top connects to the bottom and the sides are connected too. A bigger and slower version of this page The controls are:
    • Run animates the automata Stop ceases animation.
      When Stop is on, the mouse can draw or erase live cells Step shows the next generation of cells Clear empties the field of live cells Spray makes a random selection of the cells live
    • Glider drops a glider onto the board.
      A Glider is an arrangement of live cells that reproduces itself in a different position after a few generations.
    • Puffer drops a puffer onto the board.
      A Puffer is a glider that leaves a trail.
    • Spinner drops a spinner onto the board.

    80. Welcome To Zooland!
    A big (200+) collection of resources for those interested in studying Artificial Life and cellular automata.
    Last update: 28 May 03, 13:51 MET DST
    Welcome to Zoo land:
    "The Artificial Life Resource"
    ["Is this is for carbon-based life forms only?" -Ed.] "What's the color of a chameleon put onto a mirror?" -Stewart Brand
    A B C D ... Z
    What is Artificial Life?
    by Chris G. Langton
    B iology is the scientific study of life - in principle, anyway. In practice, biology is the scientific study of life on Earth based on carbon-chain chemistry. There is nothing in its charter that restricts biology to carbon-based life; it is simply that this is the only kind of life that has been available to study. Thus, theoretical biology has long faced the fundamental obstacle that it is impossible to derive general principles from single examples. Without other examples, it is difficult to distinguish essential properties of life - properties that would be shared by any living system - from properties that may be incidental to life in principle, but which happen to be universal to life on Earth due solely to a combination of local historical accident and common genetic descent. In order to derive general theories about life, we need an ensemble of instances to generalize over. Since it is quite unlikely that alien lifeforms will present themselves to us for study in the near future, our only option is to try to create alternative life-forms ourselves - Artificial Life - literally ``life made by Man rather than by Nature.''

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