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         Cellular Automata:     more books (100)
  1. A combination of Monte Carlo simulation and cellular automata for computing the availability of complex network systems [An article from: Reliability Engineering and System Safety] by E. Zio, L. Podofillini, et all
  2. Design and Test of Digital Circuits by Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata by Fabrizo Lombardi, Jing Huang, 2007-10-31
  3. Modeling Chemical Systems Using Cellular Automata by Lemont B. Kier, Paul G. Seybold, et all 2005-11-28
  4. Cellular Automata
  5. Cellular Automata: Research Towards Industry: ACRI'98 - Proceedings of the Third Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Trieste, 7-9 October 1998
  6. Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems (NATO Science Series C:)
  7. Computational Analysis of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science. Series a, Vol 15) by Burton H. Voorhees, 1996-02
  8. Assessing cellular automata model behaviour using a sensitivity analysis approach [An article from: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems] by V. Kocabas, S. Dragicevic, 2006-11-01
  9. Cellular automata-based forecasting of the impact of accidental fire and toxic dispersion in process industries [An article from: Journal of Hazardous Materials] by C. Sarkar, S.A. Abbasi, 2006-09-01
  10. Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays
  11. Biocomplexity of deforestation in the Caparo tropical forest reserve in Venezuela: An integrated multi-agent and cellular automata model [An article from: Environmental Modelling and Software] by N. Moreno, R. Quintero, et all 2007-05-01
  12. Cellular Automata, Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks (Mathematics and Its Applications)
  13. Cellular Automata: Theory and Experiment by Howard [editor] Gutowitz, 1990
  14. Forest planning using co-evolutionary cellular automata [An article from: Forest Ecology and Management] by A.H. Mathey, E. Krcmar, et all 2007-02-15

41. Cellular Automata FAQ
cellular automata FAQ. NonJava version. Edited by Tim Tyler. What is the status of the cellular automata FAQ? Will there be a text version of the FAQ?
Cellular Automata FAQ
Non-Java version Edited by Tim Tyler . Originally edited by Howard Gutowitz
var image_directory = "lib/tree/images/";
About this FAQ; What is the status of the Cellular Automata FAQ? Will there be a text version of the FAQ? Is the original FAQ still available? Why are Java applets stealing my CPU cycles? ... Generalities Definitions - and general references on cellular automata; What are Cellular Automata (CA)? How do I contribute bibliographic material to the FAQ? Where are cellular automata discussed? What should I work on in CA for my Ph.D. thesis? ... Cellular automata software Packages for running cellular automata - and related systems; What general-purpose CA simulators are available? What simulators for the Game of Life are available? How can I make CA simulations run fast? What other CA software is available? ... Cellular automata hardware Running cellular automata in hardware; What hardware implementations exist for CA? Are there any simulators for CAM? What about running CA's on parallel or distributed machines? References ... Conway's game of life All about Conway's Game of Life [life-specific software here]; Where do I start?

42. Alexander Holroyd's Home Page
University of British Columbia. Research interests Probability theory, including cellular automata, percolation, matching, coupling.
Alexander E. Holroyd
Email: holroyd at math dot ubc dot ca
Math Annex
Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics University of British Columbia , 121 - 1984 Mathematics Rd, Vancouver , BC V6T 1Z2, CANADA
Bootstrap Percolation
A Stable Marriage of
Poisson and Lebesgue
UBC Probability
Period of Concentration in Probability C.V. Change Ringing
Research Interests:
Probability theory , with emphasis on discrete spatial models, including cellular automata, percolation, matching, coupling.

43. Caos
A Java applet running onedimensional cellular automata; by Martin Schaller.
alt="Your browser understands the APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason." Your browser is completely ignoring the APPLET> tag!
One-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Simulation
a Java 1.1 capable browser is required to see the applet alt="Your browser understands the APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason." Your browser is completely ignoring the APPLET> tag! starts caos in a resizable window description


... X

44. Automatous Monk: The Cellular Automata Music Composition Program
Uses cellular automata to generate musical pieces. Java.
Automatous Monk: The Cellular Automata Music Composition Program
Automatous Monk is an algorithmic music composition program that uses cellular automata to generate musical pieces. Automatous Monk, the second-onliest Monk!
Greatest Hits
Listen to some of Monk's oldies but goldies
AM (Automatous Monk) Radio
Turn off that smooth 'jazz' FM nonsense and listen to some AM Radio for a change, Automatous Monk Radio , that is.
The Well-Tempered Cellular Automaton
Monk has just finished composing his first punk rock/hard bop work, ... Apple GarageBand loops. They're available for free download
Automatous Monk Installation
The following applications can be installed and run as Java webstart applications: After you have run a Java Web Start application once or more from the webpage, you will be able to run it without the webpage by running the Java Web Start Application manager. If you are running on a Windows platform, you can use the Java Web Start Application manager to make a short cut on your desktop. Don't have JWS?

45. Web Search Home Page - MetaCrawler
Michael D. Bayne's CA survey. Is a good description of many topics from cellular automata to artificial life
Web Search Yellow Pages White Pages Web Pages Images Audio Multimedia News Shopping Advanced Search

Exact Phrase Metacrawler makes searching more of the Web easier by returning the best results from these leading engines: Google Yahoo Ask Jeeves
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46. Cellular Automaton -- From MathWorld
was one of the first people to consider such a model, and incorporated a cellular model into his universal constructor. cellular automata were studied in the
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MATHWORLD - IN PRINT Order book from Amazon Discrete Mathematics Cellular Automata
History and Terminology
... Animated GIFs
Cellular Automaton A cellular automaton is a collection of "colored" cells on a grid of specified shape that evolves through a number of discrete time steps according to a set of rules based on the states of neighboring cells. The rules are then applied iteratively for as many time steps as desired. von Neumann was one of the first people to consider such a model, and incorporated a cellular model into his "universal constructor." Cellular automata were studied in the early 1950s as a possible model for biological systems (Wolfram 2002, p. 48). Comprehensive studies of cellular automata have been performed by S. Wolfram starting in the 1980s, and Wolfram's fundamental research in the field culminated in the publication of his book A New Kind of Science (Wolfram 2002) in which Wolfram presents a gigantic collection of results concerning automata, among which are a number of groundbreaking new discoveries.

47. Hiji Bij Bij
Describes the Hiji Bij Bij stream cipher devised by Palash Sarkar and the Cryptology Research Group at the India Statistical Institute. Like many new stream ciphers, it has two parts to its state, one part updated linearly and one part updated nonlinearly. The linear part is implemented as cellular automata. The cipher can run in a self-synchronizing mode. The C source code is in this postscript document.

48. Elementary Cellular Automaton -- From MathWorld
The simplest class of onedimensional cellular automata. Elementary cellular automata have two possible values for each cell (0
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MATHWORLD - IN PRINT Order book from Amazon Discrete Mathematics Cellular Automata
Recreational Mathematics
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Elementary Cellular Automaton
The simplest class of one-dimensional cellular automata . Elementary cellular automata have two possible values for each cell (0 or 1), and rules that depend only on nearest neighbor values. As a result, the evolution of an elementary cellular automaton can completely be described by a table specifying the state a given cell will have in the next generation based on the value of the cell to its left, the value the cell itself, and the value of the cell to its right. Since there are possible binary states for the three cells neighboring a given cell, there are a total of elementary cellular automata, each of which can be indexed with an 8-bit binary number (Wolfram 1983, 2002). For example, the table giving the evolution of rule 30 is illustrated above. In this diagram, the possible values of the three neighboring cells are shown in the top row of each panel, and the resulting value the central cell takes in the next generation is shown below in the center.

49. Center For Complex Systems Research
Founded in 1986, the Center for Complex Systems Research studies systems that display adaptive, selforganizing behavior and systems that are usually characterized by a large throughput, such as turbulent flow, lightning, and the flow of information through the internet. Models and techniques drawn from nonlinear dynamics and chaos, neural nets, cellular automata, artificial life, and genetic algorithms are then developed to describe these complex systems. A collection of technical reports and scientific publications of CCSR researchers is available.
Center for Complex Systems Research
University of Illinois
The Center for Complex Systems Research (CCSR) studies systems that display adaptive, self-organizing behavior and systems that are usually characterized by a large throughput, such as turbulent flow, lightning, and the flow of information through the internet. We develop models and techniques drawn from nonlinear dynamics and chaos, neural nets, cellular automata, artificial life, and genetic algorithms to describe these complex systems. Each year CCSR organizes and hosts the conference Understanding Complex Systems The Center for Complex Systems Research has a rich history. Founded in 1986 by Stephen Wolfram, the center was later led by Norman Packard and E. Atlee Jackson. A collection of technical reports and scientific publications of CCSR researchers ranging from cellular automata to entrainment control of chaos, experimental studies of turbulent flows, chaotic electronic circuits, and fractal agglomeration patterns is available. The research at CCSR is supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. NSF PHY 01-40179, NSF DMS 03-25939 ITR, and NSF DGE 03-38215

50. Hoke.html
III. OneDimensional cellular automata. Hercule Poirot tapped his forehead. These little grey cells. IV. Two-Dimensional cellular automata.
I. Introduction: A Brief History
...O fill me
With strength against those who would freeze my
humanity, would dragoon me into a lethal automaton,
would make me a cog in a machine... Louis MacNeice, 1944
In the early 1950's, the well-known mathematician John Von Neumann was trying to develop what he termed a self-replicating automaton; that is, a machine whose computer brain was capable of devising instructions to effect the construction of itself. Von Neumann never actually intended for the machine to be built. Rather, he was interested in arriving at rules by which a computer could be programmed such that it could fashion an exact replica of itself. He envisioned initially a robot wandering around a warehouse littered with spare parts, identifying the relevant pieces, and fashioning an exact replica of itself.
As the legend goes, Von Neumann fooled around with various approaches for a while but was not satisfied with the results. The physical movement of pieces by the robot did not seem to fit the mathematical theory he desired, nor did the complexity of various attempts at solution suit his liking. Von Neumann sought a solution that was simple, elegant, and general.
Stanislaw Ulam, a fellow mathematician, suggested to Von Neumann a different approach. Consider a rectangular array of cells, much like a chessboard, in which each cell can exist in one of a finite number of states: 0, 1, 2, ... Time would progress discretely (i.e. in jumps, rather than continuously. Each increment of time would be a chance for cells to change their state. The rule governing the change of state for each cell would depend only upon the states of the cell's immediate neighbors and possibly upon the state of the cell itself. The rule would be the same for each cell and all cells would change (or not change) according to the rule with each time step. All cells would initially be in the 0, or quiescent, state; to start the automaton, place some cells in nonzero states and start the clock. Watch the cells and see how they changed according to their localbut commonrule. Ulam's grid was an example of a cellular automaton.

51. Lotus Artificial Life - Hardware Artificial Life
Lotus Artificial Life's Java cellular automata substrate capable of supporting evolving, selfreproducing organisms which are capable of universal computation.
HAL - Hardware Artificial Life
Unfortunately, your browser does not support Java.
A Java applet is the central focus of this page.
You're encouraged to try again using a Java-aware browser.
A version of this applet using Sun's Java plug-in is available here
This applet displays a cellular automata substrate capable of supporting evolving, self-reproducing organisms which are capable of universal computation. The applet is fully interactive, allowing you to apply selection based on organisms visual characteristics using a variety of implements. Selection may also applied automatically. Currently the built in selection methods are for size and shape only. The cellular automata uses a strict von-Neumann neighbourhood and is based on an innovative, multi-layered design. The whole architecture is designed to be implemented on massively parallel hardware.
Central to HAL's design is the use of fine-grained massive parallelism which, on appropriate hardware, should allow maximum possible performance to be reached. Note: if you're playing with wiping out organisms manually you'll probably want to have the 'No selection at all' checkbox ticked - this causes all cells to be born pregnant and removes some constraints which abort malformed offspring.

52. Cellular Automata
cellular automata. FAQ. cellular automata FAQ Life and its relatives. B2348/S234567 wallpaper A pretty riff on the Sierpinski
Cellular Automata
Cellular Automata FAQ
Life and its relatives
B2348/S234567 wallpaper
A pretty riff on the Sierpinski Gasket generated from a block in the B2348/S234567 rule.
David Bell's Homepage
David Eppstein's selected cellular automata links
Heavy on spaceship and replicator info, in Conway's Life and other rules.
Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove of the Life C.A. How to kill a rectangle
A somewhat pointless exercise, but I had fun...
Jason's Life Page
Includes various pattern collections and the Status of Life page, which documents what is known and what is not known in the Game of Life concerning certain classes of patterns.
Paul Callahan's page of Conway's Life miscellany
Lots of info and links, though not frequently updated.
Robert T. Wainwright's LifePage
By the editor of Lifeline
Small spaceships under various rules
My own incomplete attempt to catalog them I've included links to more comprehensive surveys.
Stephen Silver's Life Page
Includes a lexicon of Life terms and various links.
Other CAs
Rule 90 on a Line Segment
Some basic questions some unanswered about the periodicity of a 1-cell pattern under "Rule 90" on a bounded 1-dimensional universe.

53. CAML (Cellular Automata Modelling Language)
An XML application for cellular automata. These can be described by an XML document which can be interpreted or translated by software generators. By Christian Veenhuis.

samples publication download ... impressum
Cellular Automata Modelling Language
CAML (Cellular Automata Modelling Language) is an XML application for Cellular Automata (CA). A CA can be described by an XML document. Such a document can be interpreted or translated by software-generators. This web site offers the Document Type Definition (DTD), the documentation, and an interpreter for CAML documents.
When developing or applying Cellular Automata (CA) it is useful to handle a specific CA on a more abstract level than the level of programming languages or function-calls. CAML is an XML application (i.e. it is described by XML). XML applications are not traditional programmer-languages that specify a computation flow. They are developed to specify and characterize elements of an environment.
CAML abstracts several elements by adapted constructs and support their hierarchical order within a document.
Every CA is built up by a hierarchical order of elements which represent the different rules and properties.

54. Publications ( Moshe Sipper )
Interesting papers on evolutionary computation and on computation in artificially evolved, nonuniform cellular automata.

55. Mathematics Archives - Topics In Mathematics - Cellular Automata
Topics in Mathematics. cellular automata. AI Courses ADD. PascGalois Triangles Hexagons and other Grouprelated cellular automata ADD.
Topics in Mathematics Cellular Automata

56. Cellular Automata Pages At LIIN
IFIP WG cellular automata and Machines home page. Resources on CA.
The Cellular Automata Pages
These are some WWW pages on Cellular Automata. If you have suggestions for improvements or additions, please let me know. Several people have already provided help; see the acknowledgements for a complete list.
IFIP Working Group 1.5
The home page of the IFIP Working Group 1.5 on Cellular Automata and Machines.
This list includes packages for the simulation of CA as well as packages which are useful e.g. for viewing the space of configurations for a certain rule or doing statistics.
Interesting Links
Books on CA
A list of some books on cellular automata.
A list of all people who have kindly provided additional informations for the CA pages. Please send questions, remarks, updates, suggestions to Thomas Worsch

57. Introduction To Cellular Automata 01
Introduction to cellular automata illustrated by two programs. The text is available in PDF. Introduction to cellular automata. There

Introduction to Cellular Automata


The Game of Life

Other Cellular Automata
... Download that text in PDF Introduction to Cellular automata There is a wealth of literature about cellular automata, as well as many Internet resources (you'll find some of them in the links section). The aim is here much more limited. This site being devoted to laymen, I will content myself with answering both main questions any person discovering cellular automata often ask, generally after a period of intense perplexity :
  • What might this be ? What could be the applications for such a thing ?
  • The answer to these questions is unfortunately far from being simple. cellular automata are abstract constructions with quite complex properties not very accessible.
    A- History
    As a sideline, John von Neumann, relying on A. Turing's works, interested himself on the theory of self-reproductive automata and worked on the conception of a self-reproductive machine, the "kinematon". Such a machine was supposed to be able to reproduce any machine described in its programs, including a copy of itself . The most famous of his machines is the monolith of the series "

    58. George Maydwell's Cellular Automata Page
    George Maydwell s cellular automata Page. Home of SARCASim. (The Super AnimationReduction cellular automata Simulator). The Glass CA on SARCASim.
    George Maydwell's Cellular Automata Page
    Home of SARCASim
    (The Super Animation-Reduction Cellular Automata Simulator)
    The Glass CA on SARCASim I'm interested in fast programmable cellular automata. This is a hobby page mostly devoted to SARCASim, first generation ARCA software for Windows. Its also a repository for odds and ends which aren't quite appropriate for my "slick" cellular automata sites, which I will attempt to direct you towards. NEWS FLASH! Here's an example of a page produced by my latest downloadable software. AuthorXY is a tool for generating simple cellular automata comparison experiments: As you can see, I've added hexagonal cellular automata support to Modern Cellular Automata making it suitable for viewing some Collidoscope rules. I've added a Hexagonal Extension to the site where many Collidoscope rules can be viewed. A new map will assist you in finding your way around the site. Collidoscope represents the next generation of ARCA, a quantum leap forward. It installs as a cellular automata screensaver and runs large hexagonal simulations at roughly sixty generations per second. Collidoscope allows anyone to surf cellular automata rule space, even if they are not aware that they are surfing. One thousand six hundred and seventy three copies of Collidoscope were downloaded from ZDNet alone in a single day when they made Collidoscope their screen saver of the day. Check out ZDNet's Collidoscope review . Released in May 2001

    59. Searching For Chaos In Cellular Automata
    New tools for CA classification by Paola Flocchini and Fr©d©ric Geurts

    60. Article{adler91, Author = {Roy Adler And Leopold Flatto}, Title
    complex\_systems/anu92/papers/}} } @article{allinson92, author = {NM Allinson and MJ Sales}, title = {{CART} {A} cellular automata Research Tool

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