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Home - Pure_And_Applied_Math - Cellular Automata |
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1. Cellular Automata And The Edge Of Chaos cellular automata. And the Edge of Chaos type of automaton that has received a lot of attention is cellular automata. For one thing, they make pretty pictures http://math.hws.edu/xJava/CA | |
2. Cellular Automata Laboratory An extendable DOS/Windows application for exploring cellular automata, accompanied by a thorough user guide; by Rudy Rucker and John Walker. http://www.fourmilab.ch/cellab/ | |
3. Stephen Wolfram: Articles On Cellular Automata cellular automata. Stephen Wolfram Articles on cellular automata. Cellular Automaton Supercomputing ( 1988) Note Since 1987 Stephen Wolfram's intellectual efforts. have primarily been described in http://www.stephenwolfram.com/publications/articles/ca | |
4. Cellular Automata cellular automata. cellular automata are discrete dynamical systems whose behaviour is completely specified in terms of a local relation. http://www.brunel.ac.uk/depts/AI/alife/al-ca.htm | |
5. Mirek's Cellebration, 1D And 2D Cellular Automata Viewer, Editor And Explorer A collection of information relating to cellular automata. http://www.mirwoj.opus.chelm.pl/ |
6. EvCA Main Page Welcome to the Evolving cellular automata (EvCA) group home page! genetic algorithms are used to evolve cellular automata to perform computational tasks that require global http://www.santafe.edu/~evca | |
7. Modern Cellular Automata - Live Color Cellular Automata Java powered plethora of live color cellular automata with traditional, fractal, pattern, and unique hexagonal cellular automata. Fast free software. http://www.collidoscope.com/modernca/ | |
8. Artificial Life - Cellular Automata. cellular automata. New Conway's life in Flash. To go with this section I have created a mini version of conway's life. Click here to launch. . The father of cellular automata, and aLife come to that, is John von Neumann. one that can do this. A cellular automata is an array of 'cells' that interact with http://www.webslave.dircon.co.uk/alife/cellular.html | |
9. Cellular Automata cellular automata. Reversible cellular automata. Introduction to reversible automata. cellular automata optimisation. Definition of cellular automata. http://cell-auto.com/ | |
10. Java CA Applet Christopher Osborn's Java applet exploring selfreproducing patterns. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/cdosborn/ | |
11. Stephen Wolfram: Articles And Reports Technical articles by one of the leading CA researchers, concerning both 1D and 2D cellular automata. http://www.wolfram.com/s.wolfram/articles/indices/ca.html | |
12. Cellular Automata cellular automata Examples. The applet on this page is a simple Greenburg Hastings type cellular automaton (CA). In a CA, each cell http://www.cnd.mcgill.ca/bios/bub/CAs.html | |
13. Introduction To Cellular Automata Introduction to cellular automata illustrated by two programs. The text is available in PDF. Introduction to cellular automata. cellular automata Viewer. http://www.rennard.org/alife/english/acgb.html | |
14. Cellular Automata http://www.santafe.edu/~shalizi/notebooks/cellular-automata.html | |
15. Cellular Automata Links JCASim cellular automata simulation system. Java applet traffic simulation using CA. EDEVO - Synthesized Evolution using Self-Reproducing cellular automata. http://cell-auto.com/links/index.php | |
16. THE COMPUTATIONAL NOTION OF LIFE Claus EMMECHE, 1994. This paper makes an interesting link between concepts of computation, cellular automata and the definition of the concept of information. http://www.nbi.dk/~emmeche/cePubl/compnolife.html | |
17. About Cellular Automata Introdution to. Onedimensional cellular automata. A one-dimensional cellular automaton consists of two things a row of cells and a set of rules . http://math.hws.edu/xJava/CA/CA.html | |
18. QuikCAT Technologies Specializing in data compression software technologies for wireless transmission, Internet acceleration, Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes Email acceleration, and PDA video conferencing, using cellular automata transforms. http://www.quikcat.com | |
19. Elementary Cellular Automaton From MathWorld Elementary Cellular Automaton from MathWorld The simplest class of onedimensional cellular automata. Elementary cellular automata have two possible values for each cell (0 or 1), and rules http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ElementaryCellular |
20. Cellular Automata Laboratory Exploring cellular automata. by Rudy Rucker and John Walker. cellular automata Theory Neighbors; Vote and Other Totalistic Rules; Life; Brain; Semitotalistic Rules; http://www.fourmilab.ch/cellab/manual/ | |
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