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Categorical Algebra And Logic: more detail | |||||||||||
61. PSSL 98 logic 15.20 Rolf Rother (Bremen) Strengthening of homogeneity in categorical algebra 16.20 Libor Polák (Brno) On equational logic (for semigroups) 17.00 http://www.wraith.u-net.com/PSSL/1998.html | |
62. Category Theory (M24) tool for anyone doing research in topology, abstract algebra, mathematical logic or theoretical F. Borceux Handbook of categorical algebra, Cambridge UP, 1994. http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/CASM/courses/descriptions/node30.html |
63. Category Theory (M24) 2. Francis Borceux, Handbook of categorical algebra , Cambridge University Press (1994). next up previous Next Set Theory (M24) Up logic Previous logic Part http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/CASM/courses/02-03/descriptions/node26.html |
64. Handbook Of Categorical Algebra: Volume 1, Basic Category Theory History of Calculus. History of logic. Mathematicians. Philosophy of Mathematics. Les Clewlow. Handbook of categorical algebra Volume 1, Basic Category Theory. http://mathematicsbooks.org/0521441781.html |
65. IntroductionEssay the study of truth values and categorical the study of appears to be only one important algebraic structure that is common to topology, logic and (more http://mcs.open.ac.uk/cft36/IntroductionEssay.htm | |
66. ECS EPrints Service - On Specification Logics For Algebra-coalgebra Structures: 4. F. Borceux. Handbook of categorical algebra, volume 2. CUP, 1994. 7. B. Jacobs. Manysorted coalgebraic modal logic A model-theoretic study. Theoretical. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/archive/00009116/ | |
67. Homepage For Prof. Erwin Engeler Categories in model theory Models with prescribed secondorder properties. J. Symbolic logic 37 (1962) 476. categorical algebra, eds S. Eilenberg et al. http://www.math.ethz.ch/~darms/WWW/engeler/engeler-cv.html | |
68. Mia Pagina Web My research interests include modal logics, categorical and algebraic logic, natural language semantics and automated reasoning. http://homes.dsi.unimi.it/~ghilardi/ | |
69. From Owner-sbc-l@rio.cos.ufrj.br Thu Dec 5 072356 1996 Return within the framework of categorical logic, which will the the interpretation of intuitionistic logic in sheaves over a complete Heyting algebra, with examples http://www.di.ufpe.br/~ruy/categorical/concurrency | |
70. CoMeta - Computational Metamodels - Home approaches to concurrency and mobility (such as Tile Logics, double categories, graph transformation systems, bialgebras, and the categorical algebra of cospan http://cometa.dimi.uniud.it/ | |
71. Fields Of Research Work Hyperequational Theory and Hyperequational logic. Algebraic properties of monoids of hypersubstitutions categorical Equivalences of Quasivarieties and of Clones. http://users.math.uni-potsdam.de/~denecke/forschun.htm | |
72. Comp.compilers: Final CfP: AMAST'93 build programs from such specifications, extraction of programs from constructive proofs, categorical, algebraic and logic programming, deductive databases http://compilers.iecc.com/comparch/article/92-12-013 |
73. A Report On LACS A Tribute To Helena Rasiowa valued logic, philosophical roots of logic, lambda calculus, proof theory, finite model theory, algebraic and categorical methods in logic, reasoning about http://www.iarcs.org.in/activities/newsletter/vol2-1/rasiowa.html | |
74. Concurrency-1993: Algebraic And Categorical Methods In Computer Science Tempus Summer School for Algebraic and categorical Methods. in Computer Science. PJ Freyd (Philadelphia), Cartesian logic and Cartesian Categories. http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Forschung/MCS/Mailing_List_archive/con_h | |
75. Step By Step - Building Representations In Algebraic Logic Step by Step Building Representations in Algebraic logic We consider the problem of finding and classifying representations in algebraic logic. This is approached by letting two players build a http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/259280.html&y=0 |
76. Non-Orthomodular Models For Both Quantum Logic And Standard Classical NonOrthomodular Models for Both Quantum logic and Standard Classical logic Repercussions for Quantum Computers It is shown that propositional calculuses of both quantum and classical logics are http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?i |
77. IEEE Symposium On Logic In Computer Science -- 1988 A categorical semantics of constructions. Complete axiomatizations of the algebras of finite, rational Proceedings, Third Annual Symposium on logic in Computer http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~dmjones/LICS/lics88.html | |
78. Elsevier Author Gateway Elsevier s Science of Computer Programming and Theoretical Computer Science by its focus on the foundations of logical, algebraic and categorical methods for http://authors.elsevier.com/JournalDetail.html?PubID=621520&Precis=DESC |
79. Algebra General Logic Featured Books. logic as algebra logic as algebra This book reviews some ideas Halmos worked on in the 1950s the algebraization of predicate logic. http://mathematicsbooks.org/Algebra_General_Logic.html | |
80. The Logic Of Bunched Implications 1. Introduction to Part I. 2. Natural Deduction for Propositional BI. 3. Algebraic, Topological, categorical. 8. Bunched Logical Relations. http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/~pym/BI.html | |
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