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         Approximations Expansions:     more books (26)
  1. A Unified Approach to Uniqueness, Expansion and Approximation Problems by Chiu-Cheng Chang, 1994-11
  2. Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansions (Probability & Mathematical Statistics) by Rabindranath Bhattacharya, Ramaswamy Ranga Rao, 1976-05
  3. Asymptotic Approximation of Integrals (Classics in Applied Mathematics) by R. Wong, 2001-08-01
  4. Constructive Approximation: An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions (Vol. 10, No. 4, 1994)
  5. Approximation methods and orthogonal expansions: Abstracts of the International Conference on Approximation Methods and Orthogonal Expansions, Kaariku, ... 60th birthday of Professor Gennadi Vainikko
  6. Multipliers for (C, a)-bounded Fourier expansions in Banach spaces and approximation theory (Lecture notes in mathematics 329) by Walter Trebels, 1973
  7. Mathematical Approximation of Special Functions: Ten Papers on Chebyshev Expansions by Geza Nemeth, 1992-05
  8. Series Approximation Methods in Statistics (Lecture Notes in Statistics) by John E. Kolassa, 2006-04-28
  9. Principles of Applied Mathematics: Transformation and Approximation (Advanced Book Program) by James P. Keener, 2000-02-01
  10. Macroscopic Transport Equations for Rarefied Gas Flows: Approximation Methods in Kinetic Theory (Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics) by Henning Struchtrup, 2005-07-22
  11. Analysis II: Convex Analysis and Approximation Theory (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
  12. Dimensionality Reducing Expansion of Multivariate Integration by Tian-Xiao He, 2001-03-30
  13. The effects of dynamic feedbacks on LS and MM estimator accuracy in panel data models [An article from: Journal of Econometrics] by M.J.G. Bun, J.F. Kiviet, 2006-06-01
  14. The effects of dynamic feedbacks on LS and MM estimator accuracy in [An article from: Journal of Econometrics] by M.J.G. Bun, J.F. Kiviet, 2006-06-01

61. Mathematics And Its Applications
such as general orthogonal series expansions, general integral transforms, splinesapproximation, and continuous as well as discrete wavelet approximations.

62. MSC2000
41XX approximations and expansions ( 0 Dok.). 41A60 Asymptotic approximations,asymptotic expansions (steepest descent, etc.) ( 0 Dok.);

63. [41Xxx] --  Approximations And Expansions
41Xxx approximations and expansions. 41A17 . Inequalities inapproximation (Bernstein, Jackson, Nikolprime skiitype inequalities).
Approximations and Expansions Inequalities in approximation (Bernstein, Jackson, Nikolprime skii-type inequalities) Padé approximation Rate of convergence, degree of approximation Approximation by other special function classes Best approximation, Chebyshev systems Approximate quadratures Miscellaneous topics Editors R.P. Agarwal
G. Anastassiou
T. Ando
H. Araki
A.G. Babenko
D. Bainov
N.S. Barnett
H. Bor
J. Borwein
P.S. Bullen
P. Cerone S.H. Cheng L. Debnath S.S. Dragomir N. Elezovic A.M. Fink A. Fiorenza T. Furuta L. Gajek H. Gauchman C. Giordano F. Hansen D. Hinton A. Laforgia L. Leindler C.-K. Li L. Losonczi A. Lupas R. Mathias T. Mills G.V. Milovanovic R.N. Mohapatra B. Mond M.Z. Nashed C.P. Niculescu I. Olkin B. Opic B. Pachpatte Z. Pales C.E.M. Pearce J. Pecaric L.-E. Persson L. Pick I. Pressman S. Puntanen F. Qi A.G. Ramm T.M. Rassias A. Rubinov S. Saitoh J. Sandor S.P. Singh A. Sofo H.M. Srivastava K.B. Stolarsky G.P.H. Styan L. Toth R. Verma F. Zhang School of Communications and Informatics Victoria University of Technology JIPAM is published by the School of Communications and Informatics which is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Science , located in Melbourne, Australia. All correspondence should be directed to the

64. Lai, T. L. And Wang, J. Q. Z. (1993). Edgeworth Expansions For Symmetric Statist
addition, Edgeworth expansions are also developed for the bootstrap distributionsof these symmetric statistics, showing that the bootstrap approximations are
Statistica Sinica

Tze Leung Lai and Julia Qizhi Wang
Stanford University and University of Minnesota
Edgeworth expansions are developed for a general class of symmetric statistics. Applications of the results are given to obtain approximations to the sampling distributions of statistics in the random censorship model and of linear combinations of order statistics. In addition, Edgeworth expansions are also developed for the bootstrap distributions of these symmetric statistics, showing that the bootstrap approximations are accurate to the order of O p n
Key words and phrases:
Efron-Stein ANOVA decomposition, asymptotic U -statis- tics, Edgeworth expansions, bootstrap, random censorship model, cumulative hazard function, log-rank statistics, linear combinations of order statistics.

65. Approximations Of The Navier-Stokes Equations For High Reynolds Number Flows Pas
approximations of the NavierStokes equations at high Reynolds number near boundariesare studied by using a method of successive complementary expansions.

66. Project Euclid Journals
Asy mptotic expansions of Integrals. Dover, New York. BOOTH, JG, BUTLER, RW, HUZURBAZAR,S. and WOOD, ATA (1995). Saddlepoint approximations for pvalues of
Current Issue Past Issues Search this Journal Editorial Board ... Guidelines for Referees Roland W. Butler and Andrew T. A. Wood
Laplace approximations for hypergeometric functions with matrix argument
Source: Ann. Statist. Abstract: References Primary Subjects:
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Euclid Identifier: euclid.aos/1031689021
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1214/aos/1031689021 To Table of Contents for this Issue
ABRAMOWITZ, M. and STEGUN, I. A. (1972). Handbook of Mathematical Functions, 9th ed. Dover, New York. Mathematical Reviews: Mathematical Reviews: Mathematical Reviews: BLEISTEIN, N. and HANDELSMAN, R. A. (1975). Asy mptotic Expansions of Integrals. Dover, New York.

67. MSC 41-XX
JAMS Electronic Preprint Service. 41XX approximations and expansions.
JAMS Electronic Preprint Service
41-XX: Approximations and expansions
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68. Generalized Poisson Models And Their Applications In Insurance And Finance: Cont
formula for the ruin probability in the classical risk process approximations forthe ruin probability with small safety loading Asymptotic expansions for the
Generalized Poisson Models and their Applications in Insurance and Finance
Modern Probability and Statistics
Random variables, their distributions and moments
Generating and characteristic functions
Random vectors. Stochastic independence
Weak convergence of random variables and distribution functions
Poisson theorem
Law of large numbers. Central limit theorem. Stable laws
The Berry-Esseen inequality
Asymptotic expansions in the central limit theorem
Elementary properties of random sums
Stochastic processes
The definition and elementary properties of a Poisson process
Poisson process as a model of chaotic displacement of points in time
The asymptotic normality of a Poisson process
Elementary rarefaction of renewal processes
Characteristic features of the problem
Approximation of distributions of randomly indexed random sequences by special mixtures
The transfer theorem. Relations between the limit laws for random sequences with random and non-random indices
Convergence of distributions of randomly indexed sequences to identifiable location or scale mixtures. The asymptotic behavior of extremal random sumsNecessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of distributions of random sequences with independent random indices

69. Uniform Acceleration Expansions For Markov Chains With Time-varying
Uniform acceleration expansions for Markov chains with timevarying rates We study uniform acceleration (UA) expansions of finite-state continuous-time Markov chains with time-varying transition

70. Analytic Expansions Of Max-plus Lyapunov Exponents
Analytic expansions of maxplus Lyapunov exponents We give an explicit analytic series expansion of the (max, plus)-Lyapunov exponent $\gamma(p)$ of a sequence of independent and identically

71. EEVL | Mathematics Section | Browse
Mathematics Numerical Analysis and Optimization approximations and expansionsspey 2 vaich 1 This browse section has 14 records spey 1 vaich 1 Browse&brows

72. [physics/9901005] Numerical Approximations Using Chebyshev Polynomial Expansions
211605 GMT (253kb) Numerical approximations Using Chebyshev PolynomialExpansions. Authors Bogdan Mihaila, Ioana Mihaila Comments
Physics, abstract
From: Bogdan Mihaila [ view email ] Date ( ): Thu, 7 Jan 1999 17:19:43 GMT (27kb) Date (revised ): Wed, 11 Jul 2001 22:30:03 GMT (124kb) Date (revised v3): Wed, 31 Oct 2001 21:16:05 GMT (253kb)
Numerical Approximations Using Chebyshev Polynomial Expansions
Authors: Bogdan Mihaila Ioana Mihaila
Comments: minor wording changes, some typos have been eliminated
Subj-class: Computational Physics
Journal-ref: J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35, 731 (2002)
We present numerical solutions for differential equations by expanding the unknown function in terms of Chebyshev polynomials and solving a system of linear equations directly for the values of the function at the extrema (or zeros) of the Chebyshev polynomial of order N (El-gendi's method). The solutions are exact at these points, apart from round-off computer errors and the convergence of other numerical methods used in connection to solving the linear system of equations. Applications to initial value problems in time-dependent quantum field theory, and second order boundary value problems in fluid dynamics are presented.
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73. Personal
10. Uniform approximations of Bernoulli and Euler polynomials in terms of hyperbolic Asymptoticexpansions of the Whittaker functions for large order parameter
Professor of Mathematics Education Degree in Physics, 1990 . University of Zaragoza.
Ph. Degree in Physics, 1995. University of Zaragoza.
Degree in Mathematics, 1997 . University of Zaragoza.
Employment History University of Zaragoza, 1995-1999. Associate Professor.
State University of Navarra, 1999-present. Full Professor.
Research Interests Asymptotic Approximation of Integrals.
Analytical Aspects of Special Functions.
Singular Perturbation Problems: Asymptotic Approximation.
Limit Cycles of Dynamical Systems.
Recent Publications (since 1998) 1. Several Series containing Gamma and Polygamma Functions. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 90 (1998) 15-23. 3. A family of multiple integrals analytically solvable. Appl. Math. Lett. 12 (1999) 119- 125. 4. The Whittaker function M as a function of k. Const. Approx. 15 (1998) 83-95. With J. Sesma

74. Publications
With Bente Clausen. 1994. {Saddlepoint approximations, Edgeworth expansionsand normal approximations from independence to dependence.} Memoirs No.
Publication list of Jens Ledet Jensen
Arranged in reverse chronological order.
  • Saddlepoint Approximations. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995.
Publications in journals and proceedings
  • Light, atoms, and singularities. Co-authors: O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen and F.E. Benth. Progress in Probability, 52,
  • A dependent rates model and MCMC based methodology for the maximum likelihood analysis of sequences with overlapping reading frames. Co-author: A-M.K. Pedersen. Mol Biol Evol, 18,
  • A class of risk neutral densities with heavy tails. Co-authors: N.V. Hartvig and J. Pedersen Finance and Stochastics, 5,
  • Markov jump processes with a singularity. Co-authors: O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen and F.E. Benth. Adv. Appl. Probab, 32,
  • Spatial mixture modelling of fMRI data. Co-author: N.V. Hartvig. Human Brain Mapping, 11,
  • Probabilistic models of DNA sequence evolution with context dependent rates of substitution. Co-author: A-M.K. Pedersen. Adv. Appl. Probab. 32,
  • Asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator in state space models. Co-author: N.V. Petersen. Ann. Statist. 27

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