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41. Applied Mathematics 8th WSEAS International Conference. Sessions on Linear Algebra and Applications, Numerical Analysis and Applications, Differential Equations and Applications, Probabilities, Statistics, Operational Research, Optimization, Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, Systems, Communications, Control, Computers, Education. Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands; 1618 December 2005. http://www.worldses.org/conferences/2005/tenerife/math/ |
42. Sean's Applied Math Book Sean s applied math Book. Download. Unabridged version. This version includes exercises and solutions. (Access is restricted to outside http://www.its.caltech.edu/~sean/book.html | |
43. Welcome To Applied Math Department of applied mathematics. http://www.math.nsysu.edu.tw/english/eindex.html |
44. UTSA Mathematics Internet Gateway - Home Page Applied, Matemática. Department of applied mathematics The University of Texas at San Antonio 6900 North Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 782490664. Aplicada. http://applied.math.utsa.edu/ |
45. Pure Math, Applied Math, And C&O Club Home Page Pure Math, applied math, and Combinatorics and Optimization Club. Books, events and links. http://www.student.math.uwaterloo.ca/~pmclub/ | |
46. Welcome To JHU Applied Mathematics And Statistics Home Page and Statistics Double Undergraduate Majors Minor in applied mathematics and Statistics Procedures Options Thesis Filing Learn Math Course Homepages http://www.mts.jhu.edu/ | |
47. Applied Mathematics Laboratory, Courant Institute, New York University - AML applied mathematics Laboratory, Courant Institute, New York University, NY. http://www.math.nyu.edu/aml/ | |
48. Stanford University Applied Mathematics http://math.stanford.edu/~applmath/ |
49. Dept. Of ISSE, KONAN Univ. Department of applied mathematics http://www.math.konan-u.ac.jp/index-e.html | |
50. CRSC Home Specializes in computational science, engineering and applied mathematics. At North Carolina State University. http://www2.ncsu.edu/math/CRSC/ | |
51. Sci. Comp. And Applied Math Resources mathematics; Oxford University OCIAM; New York University Courant (CIMS); NYUCourant applied math laboratory; Cambridge University http://www.math.duke.edu/~witelski/scamr.html | |
52. Applied Mathematics 7th WSEAS International Conference. Cancun, Mexico; 1215 May 2005. http://www.worldses.org/conferences/2005/mexico/math/ |
53. Duke University Mathematics Department Video Archive Duke University Multimedia Classroom Video Archives. applied math Seminars. This page contains all recorded lectures produced in the http://www.math.duke.edu/computing/Broadcasts/Applied.html | |
54. Gardner, Robert A. applied mathematics, partial differential equations http://www.math.umass.edu/~gardner | |
55. UNC Applied Math affiliations, applied math Title, UNC applied math Images. Department of Mathematics University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. http://www.amath.unc.edu/ | |
56. Department Of Applied Mathematics Department of applied mathematics. http://www.math.nctu.edu.tw/e_index.htm | |
57. UNC Applied Math applied math Title SEMINARS COLLOQUIA AT applied mathEMATICS, UNCCH Current Schedule Other UNC Seminars Duke Seminars NC State http://www.amath.unc.edu/Seminar/ | |
58. University Of Akron Theoretical And Applied Mathematics Welcome to the Department of Theoretical and applied mathematics. Department of Theortical and applied mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences. http://www.math.uakron.edu/ | |
59. Education World® : Lesson Planning Center : Teacher Lesson Plans : Mathematics applied mathEMATICS. Sports and Hobby Math Melissa Thomas, who teaches at Dacula (Georgia) Middle School, submitted this lesson, in which students write about http://www.education-world.com/a_tsl/archives/math.shtml | |
60. Conference On Applied Mathematics University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK, USA; 2527 October 2002. http://www.math.ucok.edu/dms/CAM/cam.html | |
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