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         Algebraic Topology:     more books (100)
  1. Algebraic and Geometric Topology (Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, V. 32, Prt. 1-2) by Symposium in Pure Mathematics Stanford University 1976, 1980-06
  2. Algebraic K-Theory: Connections with Geometry and Topology (NATO Science Series C: (closed))
  3. Applications of Algebraic Topology: Graphs and Networks: The Picard-Lefschetz Theory and Feynman Integrals (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Solomon Lefschetz, 1975-01
  4. Algebraic Topology by Edwin Spanier, 1966
  5. Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties and Related Topics (American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2) by V. Kharlamov, A. Korchagin, et all 1996-04
  6. Homology Theory an Introduction To Algebraic Topology by P. J. Hilton and S. Wylie, 1960
  7. Algebraic Topology and Transformation Groups
  8. Simplicial and Operad Methods in Algebraic Topology (Translations of Mathematical Monographs) by V. A. Smirnov, 2001-02-01
  9. Studies in Algebraic Topology (Advances in mathematics : Supplementary studies)
  10. Boundedly Controlled Topology: Foundations of Algebraic Topology and Simple Homotopy Theory (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol 1323) by Douglas R. Anderson, Hans J. Munkholm, 1988-06
  11. Algebraic Topology: Oaxtepec 1991 : Proceedings of an International Conference on Algebraic Topology, July 4-11, 1991 With Support from the National (Contemporary Mathematics) by China) International Conference on Advances in Structural Dynamics (2000 : Hong Kong, National Science Foundation (U. S.), et all 1993-06
  12. Algebraic topology (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics)
  13. Introduction to Differential and Algebraic Topology (Texts in the Mathematical Sciences) by Yu. G. Borisovich, N. M. Bliznyakov, et all 1995-05-31
  14. Algebraic Topology by C.R.F. Maunder, 1972

101. Algebraic Topology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
algebraic topology. algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics in which tools from abstract algebra are used to study topological spaces.

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Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questions answered about algebraic topology. see previous page. algebraic topology.
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Algebraic topology
Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics in which tools from abstract algebra are used to study topological spaces.
The method of algebraic invariants
The goal is to take topological spaces, and further categorize or classify them. An older name for the subject was combinatorial topology , implying an emphasis on how a space X was contructed from simpler ones. The basic method now applied in algebraic topology is to investigate spaces via algebraic invariants: for example by mapping them to groups , which have a great deal of manageable structure, in a way that respects the relation of homeomorphism of spaces. Two major ways in which this can be done are through fundamental groups, or more general homotopy theory , and through homology and cohomology groups. The fundamental groups give us basic information about the structure of a topological space; but they are often

103. Vietnam, August, 2004
Conference and Summer School in algebraic topology. in honor of Huynh Mui s 60th birthday. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, August, 2004.
Conference and Summer School in Algebraic Topology
in honor of Huynh Mui's 60th birthday
Vietnam National University, Hanoi, August, 2004
School: August 914
Conference: August 1620
Summer School Courses:
John Hubbuck: Invariant theory and the Steenrod algebra
Haynes Miller: Maps between classifying spaces
Stewart Priddy: Stable splittings of classifying spaces of finite groups
Confirmed Speakers at the Conference:
Tilman Bauer, Muenster
Carlos Broto, Barcelona
Jesper Grodal, Chicago
Le Minh Ha, Lille
Hans-Werner Henn, Strasbourg
Masaki Kameko, Toyama
Ran Levi, Aberdeen
Nitu Kitchloo, Johns Hopkins Nick Kuhn, Virginia John Martino, Western Michigan Mamoru Mimura, Okayama Pham Anh Minh, Hue Dietrich Notbohm, Leicester Tran Ngoc Nam, Hanoi Mara Neusel, Texas Tech Geoffrey Powell, Paris XIII Antonio Viruel, Malaga Clarence Wilkerson, Purdue Nobuaki Yagita, Ibaki
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Nguyen H. V. Hung, Vietnam National University, John Hubbuck, University of Aberdeen,

104. M.I.T. Algebraic Topology Seminar
MIT algebraic topology Seminar. Monday, 430pm530pm Room 2- 131. This page has move to http//

5 CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY AND algebraic topology edited by ShiingShen Chern, Lei Fu (Nankai Institute of Mathematics, PR China) Richard
Home Browse by Subject Bestsellers New Titles ... Browse all Subjects Search Keyword Author Concept ISBN Series New Titles Editor's Choice Bestsellers Book Series ... Nankai Tracts in Mathematics - Vol. 5
edited by Shiing-Shen Chern, Lei Fu (Nankai Institute of Mathematics, P R China) (Duke University, USA)
About the Editors
Professor S S Chern retired from UC Berkeley and is now based in the Nankai Institute of Mathematics, which he founded in 1985. He is also the founding director of the Mathematical Science Research Institute, Berkeley (1981).
He was awarded the National Science Medal in 1975 and Wolf Prize in Mathematics in 1983/4. His area of research was differential geometry where he studied the (now named) Chern characteristic classes in fibre spaces.
The Chern Visiting Professorship, begun in 1996, honors the Berkeley professor emeritus widely regarded as the greatest geometer of his generation. "Chern's belief in young people and his encouragement of them had a lot to do with the spectacular growth of geometry in the second half of this century" mathematician Blaine Lawson has said. "It is not easy to find a geometer who was not for some period of time either a student or a post-doctoral fellow in the orbit of Chern. (
Professor Chern is also the editor of the book – Selected Papers of Wei-Liang Chow, also published by World Scientific Publishing.

106. MAS426 Algebraic Topology 2003-2004
MTHM014 algebraic topology 20032004. (For MSci this course is known as MAS426 algebraic topology). LevelM. Semester7. Lecturer Prof
MTHM014 Algebraic Topology 2003-2004
(For MSci this course is known as MAS426 Algebraic Topology) Level: M. Semester:
Prof S Bullett (Room 252, Maths Building)
e-mail: tel:
Lecture times:
Wed 11-1 Room G2, Maths Building, beginning Wednesday 1st October (the first lecture will finish at 12.30). (Please contact the lecturer if these times are inconvenient.)
Lecturer's office hours: Mon 1-2, Tues 1-2, Fri 11.30-12.30. There will also be a one hour non-compulsory exercise class/discussion group in G2 on Wednesdays 2-3.
100% final examination (May 2004).
Fundamental groups, covering spaces, homotopy equivalence, functoriality, CW complexes. [4 weeks, including introductory lecture]
Simplicial Complexes

Triangulation, simplicial homology, examples and applications. [2 weeks]
Singular Homology

Singular homology, homological algebra, relative homology, Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. [3 weeks] Degree and Fixed Point Theorems Degrees of maps of spheres, vector fields and their zeros, Euler-Poincare-Hopf theorem, Lefschetz fixed point theorem. [1 week] Cohomology and its Applications Singular cohomology, duality, products, applications.

107. Browder, W., Ed.: Algebraic Topology And Algebraic K-Theory: Proceedings Of A Sy
of the book algebraic topology and Algebraic KTheory Proceedings of a Symposium in Honor of John C. Moore. (AM-113......
University Press SEARCH:
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Algebraic Topology and Algebraic K-Theory:
Proceedings of a Symposium in Honor of John C. Moore. (AM-113)
Edited by William Browder
567 pp.
Shopping Cart
Series: Subject Area: VISIT OUR MATH WEBSITE Cloth: Not for sale in Japan
Paper: Not for sale in Japan
Shopping Cart: For customers in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Asia, and Australia Paper: $60.00 ISBN: 0-691-08426-2 For customers in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and India Prices subject to change without notice File created: 5/7/04 Questions and comments to: Princeton University Press

108. Citations A Basic Course In Algebraic Topology - Massey
WS Massey, A Basic Course in algebraic topology, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, SpringerVerlag, 1991. WS Massey. A basic course in algebraic topology.

109. IT Faculty Expertise Search Results Algebraic Topology
Search results. Searched faculty experts for algebraic topology. 5 results found algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, homotopy theory, homotopy theory. topology

110. The Assayer Algebraic Topology I
algebraic topology I. Author, Allen Hatcher, Entered, 200205-05 060743 by kalkibagawan. Edit, information about this book, Freedom, Copyrighted

111. Basic Library List-Topology
MAA recommended books in General, Geometric, algebraic and Differential topology.
Back to Table of Contents
Topology: General Topology
* Alexandroff, Paul. Elementary Concepts of Topology Mineola, NY: Dover, 1961. Arkhangelski i, A.V. and Pontrjagin, Lev S., eds. General Topology I: Basic Concepts and Constructions, Dimension Theory New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1990. * Bing, R.H. Elementary Point Set Topology Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 1960. Bourbaki, Nicolas. Elements of Mathematics: General Topology New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1989. ** Chinn, William G. and Steenrod, Norman E. First Concepts of Topology Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 1966. Dugundji, James. Topology Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1966. Fuks, D.B. and Rokhlin, V.A. Beginner's Course in Topology: Geometric Chapters New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1984. Gamelin, Theodore W. and Greene, Robert E. Introduction to Topology Philadelphia, PA: Saunders College, 1983. Gemignani, Michael C. Elementary Topology, Mineola, NY: Dover, 1990. Second Edition. Hausdorff, Felix. Set Theory

112. The London Topology And Geometry Seminar
Held on Fridays in term with interests in topology, algebraic, differential and symplectic geometry, dynamical systems and mathematical physics.
The London topology and geometry seminar
The seminar is held jointly by Imperial College King's College , and Queen Mary , University of London, with visitors from Cambridge Oxford Warwick and other universities. It is designed for anyone visiting London on a Friday afternoon.
Between us we have interests in topology, algebraic, differential and symplectic geometry, dynamical systems and mathematical physics. So the audience can be very varied depending on the week's topic.
To be put on the email list to be notified about seminars, email "subscribe" to . Similarly to un subscribe.
The organisers are: Martin Bridson Shaun Bullett Simon Donaldson Bill Harvey , and Richard Thomas
Some older organisers of the London Geometry seminar: Du Val Roth , and Semple
Under construction... Apostolov ? Bielawski ? etc..
  • Friday 7th May . Room 2C, King's College. King's College Colloquium:
    Marcus du Sautoy (Oxford): Through the looking glass: groups from a number theoretic perspective
  • Friday 14th May Room 140, Huxley Building

113. The Arithmetic, Geometry And Topology Of Algebraic Cycles
Morelia, Mexico; 15 June 7 July 2003.

114. Abramovich, Dan
Boston University. algebraic number theory group and topology. Pictures, research papers, notes, transparencies.

115. ANU - Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) - Events - Special Year 2003
Australian National University, Canberra; 2003.
Skip Navigation ANU Home Search ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) Events - Special Year 2003 MSI Home People Research Study ... Jobs Special Year 2003 Home Events Programs Participants ... Algebra and Topology Program MSI Intranet Internal pages Quick Links Search MSI Contact us
Special Year on Algebraic Geometry and Topology
with partial financial support provided by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
The year 2003 is a Special Year on Algebraic Geometry and Topology within the Mathematical Sciences Institute There have been some major events during this year, such as conferences, workshops and symposia. However, the Special Year is also a chance for local, national and international mathematicians to simply get together. Programs are available for the Workshop on Representation Theory , the Conference on Topology , and the Minimal Models Activity . There is also a map of locations including further accommodation and visitor details (1.1MB PDF file). Amnon Neeman

Contact ANU Page last updated: 2 October, 2003

116. EuroConference VBAC 2003
Vector Bundles on algebraic Curves. Emphasis is on moduli spaces and topology. July 15, 2003 in Porto, Portugal.
EuroConference VBAC
Supported by the European Commission, High-Level Scientific Conferences, Contract no. HPCF-CT-2001-00248. 1-5 July, 2003 - Porto, Portugal
Dedicated to Andrei N. Tyurin
Final Report
The meeting will cover a range of topics in the area of Vector Bundles on Algebraic Curves with special emphasis on moduli spaces and topology. The workshop is intended expecially for young researchers, both as participants and speakers. We aim to have an informal and cooperative atmosphere and allow plenty of time for discussion.
Invited Speakers
The meeting will be held at the Universidade do Porto
Here you can find how to reach the Department and a Local Map of the area.

117. AGAT-2
algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra and topology. Mamaia, Constantza, Romania; 2226 September 2002.

118. Popular Texts
Textbook in Problems on Elementary topology by Viro, Ivanov, Kharlamov and Netsvetaev draft version in postscript. The page also includes several papers on real algebraic geometry.
Textbook in Problems on Elementary Topology
by O.Ya.Viro, O.A.Ivanov, V.M.Kharlamov and N.Y.Netsvetaev. This is a textbook on Elementary Topology. Still, it is not finished. Hopefully, it will not be yet another textbook. Here is Foreword where we describe the collection of pedagogical ideas and tricks, which can give the first impression about the project. To find out more, take a look on the Table of Contents
I would appreciate any criticism, or suggestions either on the general principles or any specific part of the text. The last version of the whole book (a PostScript file) can be taken here Russian version, which is even less complete, can be found here.
Configurations of Skew Lines in the 3-Dimensional Space
This is a survey of results on projective configurations of subspaces in general position written by Julia Viro and Oleg Viro in the form of a popular introduction to the subject, with much of the material accessible to advanced high school students. However, in the part of the survey concerning configurations of lines in general position in three-dimensional space we give a complete exposition.
The same paper in postscript format: Interlacings of Skew Lines
Introduction into Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties
Postscript files of the first sections of this text: The Early Topological Study of Real Algebraic Plane Curves
A Real Algebraic Curve from the Complex Point of View

The Topological Point of View on Prohibitions
A popular paper concerning a technique for constructing real algebraic varieties by gluing pieces together and counter-examples to the oldest conjecture about topology of real algebraic curves (published in the Intelligencer).

119. Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Fully refereed electronic journal. Free. Papers also deposited in the ArXiv.

120. CAT04 - Arolla Conference On Algebrac Topology
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