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         Algebraic Topology:     more books (100)
  1. Linear Algebraic Groups (Progress in Mathematics) by T.A. Springer, 1998-10-26
  2. Algebraic and Differential Topology (Classics of Soviet Mathematics) by R. V. Gamkrelidze, 1987-03-06
  3. Elements of Combinatorial And Differential Topology (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 74) (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) by V. V. Prasolov, 2006-07-01
  4. Elementary Topology: A Combinatorial and Algebraic Approach by D. Blackett, 1982-09
  5. High-dimensional Knot Theory: Algebraic Surgery in Codimension 2 (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) by Andrew Ranicki, 1998-09-18
  6. Sheaves in Topology (Universitext) by Alexandru Dimca, 2004-04-28
  7. Topology I: General Survey (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
  8. Topology: Point-Set and Geometric (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts) by Paul L. Shick, 2007-02-09
  9. Symposium on Algebraic Topology (Lecture notes in mathematics, 249)
  10. Algebraic Topology, Poznan 1989: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Poznan, Poland, June 22-27, 1989 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) by S. Jackowski, B. Oliver, 1991-07
  11. Lefschetz Centennial Conference, Part 2: Proceedings on Algebraic Topology (Contemporary Mathematics)
  12. Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis by George F. Simmons, 1982-06
  13. Cellular Structures in Topology (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) by Rudolf Fritsch, Renzo Piccinini, 1990-09-28
  14. Algebraic Homotopy (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) by Hans Joachim Baues, 1989-03-31

81. Mathematics 261: Algebraic Topology I
. This course is an introduction to algebraic topology.......Mathematics 261 algebraic topology I (Spring 2003). Instructor. Bill Pardon.
Mathematics 261: Algebraic Topology I (Spring 2003)
Bill Pardon
This course is an introduction to algebraic topology. A rough outline is as follows:
  • Introductory ideas
    • Basic ideas of category theory
  • Homotopy
    • Homotopy of maps
    • Fundemental group
    • Cell complexes
    • Van Kampen's Theorem
    • Covering spaces
    • Higher homotopy groups (very briefly)
  • Homology
    • Chain complexes
    • Simplicial homology
    • Singular homology
    • Relative homology
    • Homotopy invariance
    • Excision
    • Mayer-Vietoris Sequence
    • Cellular Homology
    • Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms
    Algebraic topology studies topological spaces by associating to them algebraic invariants. The principal algebraic invariants considered in this course are the fundamental group (also known as the first homotopy group) and the homology groups. This course is a prerequisite for Math 262 (Algebraic Topology II). It is fundamental for students interested in research in Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics, and Topology; it is also important for students in Algebra and in Number Theory.
    Basic algebra (Math 200 or 251) and Topology (Math 205), or consent from me.

82. HMC Math 177a -- Algebraic Topology
Math 177a Special Topics algebraic topology Text Munkres, Elements of algebraic topology. Doing the reading will be essential for success in this course.
Math 177a Special Topics
Algebraic Topology Professor Francis Su

x73616, su @
Office Hours: WED 1-2:30pm. Course Content: This course is an introduction to algebraic and combinatorial topology, with an emphasis on simplicial and singular homology theory. A major theme in the course will be the connection between combinatorial and topological concepts. Topics will include simplicial complexes, simplicial and singular homology groups, exact sequences, chain maps, diagram chasing, Mayer-Vietoris sequences, Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms, Jordan curve theorem, and additional topics as time permits. This is standard first-year graduate material in pure mathematics. Text: Munkres, Elements of Algebraic Topology . Doing the reading will be essential for success in this course. Prerequisites: Analysis I (Math 131), Algebra I (Math 171), and Topology (Math 147, or topology summer readings), or the permission of the instructor. I will try to set up a few extra sessions to meet with those who did the summer readings. A note about the course: Expect this course to be challenging, but also quite rewarding, as you see the interplay between algebra, topology, combinatorics, and analysis. I will run this course more like a graduate course. As such, I will expect a certain level of mathematical maturity. This means that sometimes I will not prove simple statements in class; you may have to work out some details for yourself or by doing the reading. My focus will be on proving the larger theorems and providing perspective on the material.

83. Algebraic Topology - InformationBlast
algebraic topology Information Blast. algebraic topology. algebraic topology is mappings. The problems of algebraic topology. The most
Algebraic topology
Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics in which tools from abstract algebra are used to study topological spaces The goal is to take topological spaces, and further categorize or classify them. An older name for the subject was combinatorial topology , implying an emphasis on how a space X was contructed from simpler ones. The basic method now applied in algebraic topology is to investigate spaces via algebraic invariants: for example by mapping them to groups , which have a great deal of manageable structure, in a way that respects the relation of homeomorphism of spaces. Two major ways in which this can be done are through fundamental groups , or more general homotopy theory , and through homology and cohomology groups. The fundamental groups give us basic information about the structure of a topological space; but they are often nonabelian and can be difficult to work with. The fundamental group of a (finite) simplicial complex does have a finite presentation Homology and cohomology groups, on the other hand, are abelian, and in many important cases finitely generated. Finitely generated abelian groups can be completely classified and are particularly easy to work with.

84. - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books.
algebraic topology. Everything you wanted to know about algebraic topology but had no clue how to find it.. Learn about algebraic topology here!
Math and Natural Sciences
Applied Arts Social Sciences Culture ... Interdisciplinary Categories
Algebraic topology
Categories Topology Algebraic Topology Abstract algebra Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics in whichtools from abstract algebra are used to study topological spaces Table of contents 1 The method of algebraic invariants 2 Results on homology 3 Setting in category theory 4 The problems of algebraic topology ... 5 External links
The method of algebraic invariants
The goal is to take topological spaces, and further categorize or classify them. An older name for the subject was combinatorial topology , implying an emphasis on how a space Xwas contructed from simpler ones. The basic method now applied in algebraic topology is to investigate spaces via algebraicinvariants: for example by mapping them to groups , whichhave a great deal of manageable structure, in a way that respects the relation of homeomorphism of spaces. Two major ways in which this can be done are through fundamentalgroups , or more general homotopy theory , and through homology and cohomology groups. The fundamental groups give us basic information about the structure of a topological space;but they are often

85. Rubriek: 31.61 Algebraic Topology
DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service, Rubriek 31.61 algebraic topology.
Rubriek: 31.61 algebraic topology
Algebraic topology discussion list / Don Davis

86. MA4101 Algebraic Topology
MA4101 algebraic topology. MA4101 algebraic topology. Credits 20, Convenor Prof. These ideas, and ones like them, constitute the subject of algebraic topology.
Department of Mathematics
Next: MA4141 Representations of algebras Up: Previous: MA4041 Methods in Molecular Simulation
MA4101 Algebraic Topology
MA4101 Algebraic Topology
Credits: Convenor: Prof. J.R. Hunton Semester: 2 (weeks 15 to 26) Prerequisites: essential: MA2102 or MA2111, MA2151 desirable: MA3151 Assessment: Coursework: 10% Examination: 90% Lectures: Problem Classes: Tutorials: none Private Study: Labs: none Seminars: none Project: none Other: none Surgeries: none Total:
Subject Knowledge
This module aims to introduce the basic ideas of algebraic topology and to demonstrate its power by proving some memorably entitled theorems.
Learning Outcomes
Students should have understood some of the common processes of translating topological or geometric infomation into algebraic information, seeing examples of this through singular and simplicial homology. They should have gained some understanding of the language and techniques of category theory and homological algebra. They will know some of the classical applications of algebraic topology such as the Ham Sandwich theorem, the Hairy Dog theorem and the Borsuk-Ulam theorem.
Lectures, example classes, example sheets.

87. Introduction To Algebraic Topology

88. Algebraic Topology
algebraic topology. View a some of disconnectivities play a role. Our EText on algebraic topology. Literature on algebraic topology.
Algebraic Topology
Algebraic topology revolves around to intimately interacting ingredients. These are:
  • The idea of continuously deforming a topological space or, more precisely, deforming a continuous function between topological spaces; Invariants from algebra (groups, rings etc.) associated to a topological space, or a continuous map, which remain unchanged by such deformations.
  • An informal overview Deformations are constrained by the disconnectivities in a space and the associated invariants from algebra constitute "measurements" of these disconnectivities. Let's describe this in some more detail Our E-Text on Algebraic Topology Literature on Algebraic Topology c1=" Frequently encountered examples of such invariants are: fundamental group, homotopy groups, homology groups, cohomology rings, Euler characteristic, various flavors of K-theory etc. " The collection of matrices with m rows and n columns " >

    89. Algebraic Topology Spring Semester 2004
    algebraic topology Spring Semester 2004. Practical information from SIS. Our textbook will be. Allen Hatcher algebraic topology. Cambridge University Press.
    Algebraic Topology Spring Semester 2004
    Practical information from SIS . The course will be taught in English.
    Abstract homotopy theory ( dvi pdf Classification of covering maps ( dvi pdf
    From singular chains to Alexander duality ( dvi pdf
    Latest news
    June 1: I have finished grading your exercises. April 22:Q: Given a (noncontractible) space X does there always exist a (nontrivial) group G that annihilates X in the sense that H_*(X;G)=G.
    A: No, if X=S^n is the n-sphere, then H_n(S^n;G)=G for all G (Morten)
    Q: What if one allows chains as coefficients? A: Answer Morten April 20: The dead-line for the homology exercises has been moved to April 29 March 26: I would like to cancel the lecture Tuesday April 6 and instead hold a lecture Tuesday April 13. March 24: Computational Topology March 9: You will get 100 points for all exercises minus 1.3.21 and you will get an extra 25 points if you do 1.3.21 Feb 19: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are office hours. I will be in my office and you are invited to drop by for a shorter or longer topology chat. Feb 18: The book is again available from the bookstore.

    90. MATH 734. Algebraic Topology
    MATH 734. algebraic topology (Spring 2004). Meeting times MWF, 1100am1150am (MTH 0102) Instructor Professor Jonathan Rosenberg.
    MATH 734. Algebraic Topology (Spring 2004)
    Meeting times: MWF, 11:00am-11:50am (MTH 0102)
    Instructor: Professor Jonathan Rosenberg . His office is room 1106 of the Math Building, phone extension 55059, or you can contact him by email . His office hours are Mondays and Fridays 1-2, or by appointment. Texts: Topology and Geometry by Glen E. Bredon , Graduate Texts in Math., vol. 139, Springer-Verlag, Corrected 2nd Printing, 1995, ISBN 0-387-97926-3, and Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher, available free on the web , also published by Cambridge University Press in a paperback edition (ISBN 0-521-79540-0) at $32. If you want still another reference that's not too expensive, I'd recommend A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology by J. Peter May , Chicago Lectures in Math., Univ. of Chicago Press, 1999, for $20. It's rather terse but covers everything. Prerequisite: MATH 403 (undergraduate-level abstract algebra). MATH 730 or equivalent is recommended, not 100% necessary if you are willing to take a few facts about the fundamental group on faith. Catalog description:
    Course Description:
    Basically, we will cover most of Chapters IV, V, and VI of Bredon, with some of the "starred sections" omitted. Much of this material is also in Hatcher, Ch. 2-3, with a slightly different point of view, and you might find a second presentation helpful.

    91. Algebraic Topology Innovations And Patents
    algebraic topology Innovations and Patents. © 2002, XQ23.COM Research. Recent US patents related to algebraic topology 6,307,551
    Algebraic Topology Innovations and Patents © 2002, XQ23.COM Research
    Recent U.S. patents related to Algebraic Topology:
    6,307,551: Method for generating and applying changes in the level of detail of a polygonal surface
    6,285,372: Multiresolution adaptive parameterization of surfaces
    6,256,603: Performing geoscience interpretation with simulated data
    6,128,577: Modeling geological structures and properties
    6,052,650: Enforcing consistency in geoscience models
    6,031,548: Progressive multi-level transmission and display of triangular meshes
    5,966,140: Method for creating progressive simplicial complexes
    5,905,657: Performing geoscience interpretation with simulated data
    5,850,229: Apparatus and method for geometric morphing 5,784,540: Systems for solving spatial reasoning problems via topological inference 5,667,069: Strengthened handles in membranous articles 5,602,964: Automata networks and methods for obtaining optimized dynamically reconfigurable computational architectures and controls 5,520,282: Strengthened handles in membranous articles

    92. 1997 -- Lecture Notes
    Lecture Notes of the 1997 Summer School FUNDAMENTAL algebraic topology . Ronnie Brown Groupoids and crossed objects in algebraic topology. PostScript file.
    Lecture Notes of the 1997 Summer School: "FUNDAMENTAL ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY"
    The following lecture notes are available:
    • Clemens Berger:
    • Ronnie Brown:
      • Groupoids and crossed objects in algebraic topology. PostScript file.
      • Sullivan minimal models. Dvi file.
    • Takuji Kashiwabara:
      • Homology of infinite loop spaces and cohomology operations. Dvi and PostScript files.
    • Jean-Louis Loday:
    • Lionel Schwartz:
      • Unstable modules and unstable algebras; applications to homotopy theory. Dvi and PostScript files.
    • Francis Sergeraert:
    • Hans Baues:
      • Homotopy types. Not available here: the lecture notes of Hans Baues' courses was the paper Homotopy Types , pages 1-72 of James' Handbook of Algebraic Topology, North-Holland, 1995.
    Contents of these papers
    Clemens Berger:

    93. Research Group: Algebraic Topology And Group Theory
    Algebra and Topology Research Group.
    Next: Who and where are
    Sorry, this requires a browser that supports frames!
    Try index_ct.html instead. Paul Igodt

    94. Algebraic Topology (M24)
    Coherent Sheaves algebraic topology (M24). I. Smith. algebraic topology permeates all of modern pure mathematics. This course
    Next: Knot Theory (M24) Up: Geometry and Topology Previous: Reading course on the Cohomology of Coherent Sheaves
    Algebraic Topology (M24)
    I. Smith Algebraic topology permeates all of modern pure mathematics. This course will introduce several of the basic ideas of the subject, developing them with a slightly geometric flavour. It should however be of interest to people across a broad spectrum. The course will be divided into three (unequal) parts:
  • Homology theory: (co)chain complexes, singular homology, computation methods and axioms. Products in cohomology, cohomology of manifolds. Homotopy theory: homotopy lifting, covering spaces and subgroups of the fundamental group. Higher homotopy groups, the homotopy exact sequence. Characteristic classes: vector bundles and classifying spaces. The Thom isomorphism theorem, the Euler class and applications.
  • Background reading I shall assume that you are familiar with basic analytic topology (topological spaces, compactness, connectedness etc). You can find this material quite concisely in, for example, Introduction to metric and topological spaces by W. A. Sutherland. You should also be confident with linear algebra and quotient spaces, and prepared to look things up!

    95. Algebraic Topology
    algebraic topology. Michaelmas term, 16 lectures Topology is the abstract study of continuity the basic objects of study are metric
    Next: Number Fields Up: COURSES IN PART II(B) Previous: Riemann Surfaces
    Algebraic Topology
    Michaelmas term, 16 lectures Topology is the abstract study of continuity: the basic objects of study are metric and topological spaces, and the continuous maps between them. (This course will be concerned exclusively with metric spaces, which were encountered in IB Analysis.) One important difference between topology and algebra is that in constructing continuous maps one has vastly more freedom than in constructing algebraic homomorphisms; thus problems which involve proving the non -existence of continuous maps with particular properties (e.g. the problem of showing that and are not homeomorphic unless m n ) are hard to solve using purely topological methods. The technique that has proved most successful in tackling such problems is that of developing algebraic invariants , which assign to every topological space (in a suitable class) an algebraic structure such as a group or vector space, and to every continuous map a homomorphism of the appropriate kind. Thus questions of the non-existence of continuous maps are reduced to questions of non-existence of homomorphisms, which are easier to solve. Two particular algebraic invariants are studied in this course: the fundamental group, and the simplicial homology groups. Of these, the former is easier to define, but hard to calculate except in a few particular cases; the latter requires the erection of a considerable amount of machinery before it can even be defined, but one this is done it becomes relatively easy to calculate. The course concludes with a classic example of the application of simplicial homology: the classification of all compact 2-manifolds up to homeomorphism.

    96. A Concise Course In Algebraic Topology (Chicago Lectures In Mathematics Series(P
    A Concise Course in algebraic topology (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series(Paper)). There is more to this book than just classical algebraic topology.
    A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series(Paper))
    A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series(Paper))

    by Authors: J. Peter May , Peter J. May
    Released: June, 1999
    ISBN: 0226511839
    Sales Rank:
    List price:
    Our price: Book > A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series(Paper)) > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
    A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series(Paper)) > Customer Review #1: Lucid and elegant, but not for beginners

    This tiny textbook is well organized with an incredible amount of information. If you manage to read this, you will have much machinery of algebraic topology at hand. But, this book is not for you if you know practically nothing about the subject (hence four stars). I believe this work should be understood to have compiled "what topologists should know about algebraic topology" in a minimum number of pages.
    A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics Series(Paper)) > Customer Review #2: An Outstanding Achievement.

    97. Algebraic Topology
    algebraic topology. algebraic topology by Authors Allen Hatcher Released 15 November, 2001 ISBN 0521795400 Paperback Sales Rank 46,190,
    Algebraic Topology
    Algebraic Topology

    by Authors: Allen Hatcher
    Released: 15 November, 2001
    ISBN: 0521795400
    Sales Rank:
    List price:
    Our price: Book > Algebraic Topology > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
    Algebraic Topology > Customer Review #1: Its worth your money!

    This book is not just for topologists! If youre like me, then youve spent countless nights sans Hatchers book trying to figure out the fundamental group of a beer can. Look no further, the answers are here! Be sure to check out the vivid detail Hatcher brings to the Van Kampen theorem. Ive not actually read that part myself, as I do not trust german mathematics.
    Algebraic Topology > Customer Review #2: You would not regret if you buy this. There are many really good textbooks on algebraic topology and each has its own merit: Bredon for his effort in explaining everything that can be dealt without using spectral equences, Fomenko and Novikov for their effort in unifying differential geometry and algebraic/differential topology. Hatchers book is intended as one of the series that cover every aspect of the subject. Separate books on vector bundles and K-theory, and spectral sequences respectively, are to appear sometime in the future. Thus this one covers ordinary homology/cohomology and homotopy theory only. His writing style is helpful and user-friendly, not demanding extensive "mathematical maturity".

    98. Algebraic Topology
    Click to enlarge algebraic topology CRF Maunder. extremely valuable addition to the literature of algebraic topology. The Mathematical Gazette. Unabr.
    American History, American...... American Indians Anthropology, Folklore, My...... Antiques Architecture Art Bridge and Other Card Game...... Business and Economics Chess Children Clip Art and Design on CD-...... Cookbooks, Nutrition Crafts Detective, Ghost , Superna...... Dover Patriot Shop Ethnic Interest Features Gift Certificates Gift Ideas History, Political Science...... Holidays Humor Languages and Linguistics Literature Magic, Legerdemain Military History, Weapons ...... Music Nature Performing Arts, Drama, Fi...... Philosophy and Religion Photography Posters Puzzles, Amusement, Recrea...... Science and Mathematics Sociology, Anthropology, M...... Sports, Out-of-Door Activi...... Stationery, Gift Sets Stationery, Seasonal Books...... Summer Fun Shop Summer Reading Shop Travel and Adventure Women's Studies
    By Subject
    Science and Mathematics Mathematics Topology
    Algebraic Topology
    C. R. F. Maunder Our Price (Table of Contents) Availability: In Stock
    (Usually ships in 24 to 48 hours) Format: Book ISBN: Page Count: Dimensions: 5 3/8 x 8 1/2 Thorough, modern treatment, essentially from a homotopy theoretic viewpoint. Topics include homotopy and simplicial complexes, the fundamental group, homology theory, homotopy theory, homotopy groups and CW-Complexes and other topics. Each chapter contains exercises and suggestions for further reading. 1980 corrected edition.

    99. Algebraic Topology
    algebraic topology. Although algebraic topology can be considered, by and large, as a creation of the 20th century, it has a long prehistory.
    Algebraic Topology
    Brief historical introduction
    Although algebraic topology can be considered, by and large, as a creation of the 20th century, it has a long pre-history. It is generally considered to have its roots in Euler's polyhedron theorem (1752). This is the relation $$ E+F=K+2$$ where $E$ is the number of vertices, $K$ the number of edges, and $F$ the number of faces. In the first half of this century many mathematicians defined homology for more and more extended classes of topological spaces. Thus, for instance singular homology was first defined by Lefschetz in 1933. Finally, in 1945, Eilenberg and Steenrod developed an axiomatic approach to homology. It turned out that within the class of all topological spaces the Eilenberg and Steenrod axioms uniquely characterize singular homology. A parallel development took place in homotopy. Thus, higher homotopy groups were defined by Hurewicz in 1935 and their properties were developed. In the 1950's several new concepts were invented such as cobordism and $K$-theory. The course will be based mainly on Greenberg and Harper's book quoted below.

    100. Dror Bar-Natan:Classes:2001-02:Algebraic Topology
    Fundamental Concepts in algebraic topology. Instructor Agenda Learn how algebra and topology interact in the field of algebraic topology. Syllabus
    Dror Bar-Natan Classes
    Fundamental Concepts in Algebraic Topology
    Instructor: Dror Bar-Natan Classes: Tuesdays 12:00-14:00 at Mathematics 110 and Thursdays 12:00-14:00 at Sprintzak 213. Review sessions: Thursdays 14:00-15:00 with Boris Chorny Office hours: Tuesdays 14:00-15:00 in my office, Mathematics 309. Agenda: Learn how algebra and topology interact in the field of Algebraic Topology. Syllabus: Prerequisites: Point set topology and some basic notions of algebra - groups, rings, etc. Reading material: (each student must have a copy) Weekly Material: (Also use the primitive Class Notes Browser March 12, 14 Class notes for March 12th (the basic idea of algebraic topology, Brouwer's theorem, the fundamental group, the fundamental group of the circle).
    Homework assignment #1: Ex1.png (category theory, fundamental group calculations, an application of Brouwer's theorem).
    Class notes for March 14th
    (the lifting property for covering spaces, the fundamental theorem of algebra, Brouwer's fixed point theorem)

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