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         Algebraic Topology:     more books (100)
  1. An Introduction to Algebraic Topology (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Joseph J. Rotman, 1998-07-22
  2. Algebraic Topology by Edwin H. Spanier, 1994-12-06
  3. Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Raoul Bott, Loring W. Tu, 1995-04-21
  4. Essential Topology (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) by Martin D. Crossley, 2007-11-20
  5. Elements of Algebraic Topology by James R. Munkres, 1993-12-01
  6. Algebraic Topology: Homology and Cohomology (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Andrew H. Wallace, 2007-10-19
  7. Lectures on Algebraic Topology (Classics in Mathematics) by Albrecht Dold, A. Dold, 1995-02-15
  8. Topology: An Introduction to the Point-Set and Algebraic Areas by Donald W. Kahn, 1995-07-19
  9. Simplicial Objects in Algebraic Topology (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics) by J. P. May, 1993-01-15
  10. Topology and Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Glen E. Bredon, 1997-10-17
  11. Algebraic Topology from a Homotopical Viewpoint by Marcelo Aguilar, Samuel Gitler, et all 2002-06-13
  12. Lectures on algebraic topology (Mathematics lecture note series) by Marvin J Greenberg, 1967
  13. Algebraic Topology: A Student's Guide (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) by J. F. Adams, 1972-06-30
  14. Homology Theory: An Introduction to Algebraic Topology (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by James W. Vick, 1994-01-07

21. The Realization Space Of A -algebra A Moduli Problem In Algebraic
The Realization Space of a algebra A Moduli Problem in algebraic topology The homotopy theory of topological spaces is often studied by appealing to algebraic data { cohomology, for example,

22. 57: Manifolds And Cell Complexes
very precise answers to questions about existence of maps and embeddings; they are particularly amenable to calculations in algebraic topology; they allow a
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57: Manifolds and cell complexes
Manifolds are spaces like the sphere which look locally like Euclidean space. In particular, these are the spaces in which we can discuss (locally-)linear maps, and the spaces in which to discuss smoothness. They include familiar surfaces. Cell complexes are spaces made of pieces which are part of Euclidean space, generalizing polyhedra. These types of spaces admit very precise answers to questions about existence of maps and embeddings; they are particularly amenable to calculations in algebraic topology; they allow a careful distinction of various notions of equivalence. These are the most classic spaces on which groups of transformations act. This is also the setting for knot theory.
See the article on Topology at St Andrews. Perhaps it is easiest to use classic literature to understand differential topology: Flatland ; here are two Backup sites and the home page for Project Gutenberg
Applications and related fields
There are two other topology pages: Algebraic topology definitions and computations of fundamental groups, homotopy groups, homology and cohomology. This includes

23. Hopf Topology Archive, Revised Version
algebraic topology and related areas. (~400 articles)
Hopf Topology Archive
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  • Nishida Conference Pictures from Prof. V. Tsukiyama,Shimane U. Nishida Conference Pictures from Clarence Wilkerson Uploading Preprints Latest maintained by Mark Hovey. Back issues of Mark's What's New!

    24. Constructive Algebraic Topology
    Constructive algebraic topology The classical ``computation'' methods in algebraic topology most often work by means of highly infinite objects and in fact +are_not+ constructive. Typical examples

    25. TQFT - A New Direction In Algebraic Topology
    TQFT a new direction in algebraic topology We give an introduction for the non-expert to TQFT (Topological Quantum Field Theory), focussing especially on its role in algebraic topology. We

    26. Programming Symbolic Computation Team Research Of The University Of La Rioja
    Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of La Rioja, Logro±o, Spain. Research has been focused on the design, specification and construction of symbolic computation systems for algebraic topology.
    P rogramming and Sy mbolic Co mputation T eam O f U niversidad de La R ioja We are the Programming and Symbolic Computation Team, at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of La Rioja Symbolic computation systems are an important tool for the scientific calculation and discovery. Apart from well-known commercial products (Mathematica, Maple,…), there exists a great variety of systems developed in the academic context, without many connections with the current trends in Software Engineering. Our previous experience has been focused on the design, specification and construction of symbolic computation systems for Algebraic Topology. In particular, our main research area has been the formal analysis of one of these tools, namely, the EAT system. At this moment, we are involved in a more holistic approach, one that deals with software verification, conceptual modelling and Internet-based services; that is, to devise algebraic manipulation systems in the Software Engineering framework. Our objective is then to make progress towards a methodology for the analysis, specification, development, verification and maintenance of symbolic computation systems. Research Areas Members Last Papers

    27. Nantes 3-7 Sept 2001
    University of Nantes, France; 37 September 2001. En francais
    last modified: July 19, 2001
    UMR 6629 G.D.R.E.1110
    Algebraic Topology Conference
    University of Nantes
    September 3 - 7 , 2001
    Deadline for registration: July 6, 2001. Registration is now closed Check your registration: please check that your name appears in the List of registered participants . If you do not appear on the list, although you sent us registration, please re-send the form at
    Get updated information
    Scientific program
    Schedule of talks

    List of registered participants

    The scientific program concerns main research fields in Modern Homotopy Theory: Algebraic Homotopy Theory, Unstable Modules over the Steenrod algebra, MacLane Homology, Operads, Loop space homology, Cyclic Homology, Algebraic K-theory. Algebraic Topology coming from problems of Geometric Topology, e.g. Knot Theory, Low dimensional Manifolds, Foliations, will also be included.
    The Program will contain one hour keynote talks by invited speakers, three lectures on Knot Invariants

    28. AT Algebraic Topology (Front For The Mathematics ArXiv)
    AT algebraic topology (Front for the Mathematics ArXiv) algebraic topology preprints, from the U.C. Davis front end for the ePrint archive, a major site for mathematics preprints

    29. Algebraic Topology -- From MathWorld
    algebraic topology. The discipline of algebraic topology is popularly known as rubbersheet geometry and can also be viewed as the study of disconnectivities.
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    MATHWORLD - IN PRINT Order book from Amazon Topology Algebraic Topology
    Algebraic Topology The study of intrinsic qualitative aspects of spatial objects (e.g., surfaces spheres tori circles ... links , configuration spaces, etc.) that remain invariant under both-directions continuous one-to-one homeomorphic ) transformations. The discipline of algebraic topology is popularly known as " rubber-sheet geometry " and can also be viewed as the study of disconnectivities . Algebraic topology has a great deal of mathematical machinery for studying different kinds of hole structures, and it gets the prefix "algebraic" since many hole structures are represented best by algebraic objects like groups and rings A technical way of saying this is that algebraic topology is concerned with functors from the topological category of groups and homomorphisms . Here, the

    30. Andrew Baker's Home Page
    University of Glasgow. algebraic topology. Publications, preprints, course information, and mathematical links.
    Andrew Baker's Home Page
    I am a member of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Glasgow . Most of the links below are mathematical and especially related to Algebraic Topology which is my main research area. More mathematical links can be found on my Department's internet intranet ) site.
    If you are interested in doing a PhD on Algebraic Topology in Glasgow, have a look at the list of possible topics and the general information on postgraduate degrees in my department I maintain the
    British Topology Home Page

    The Hopf map I was involved in running the
    Workshop on structured ring spectra and their applications
    21-25 January 2002 Richard Huish Home Page (my old school's web site)
    Mathematical events I am involved in organising this year Moonshine - the First Quarter Century and Beyond
    5 to 15 July 2004 19th British Topology Meeting
    13-14th September 2004 Workshop on Structured Ring Spectra
    20-24 September 2004
    Mathematical publications and preprints

    31. Algebraic Topology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    algebraic topology. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. algebraic topology is mappings. The problems of algebraic topology. The most
    Algebraic topology
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics in which tools from abstract algebra are used to study topological spaces Table of contents 1 The method of algebraic invariants
    2 Results on homology

    3 Setting in category theory

    4 The problems of algebraic topology
    The method of algebraic invariants
    The goal is to take topological spaces, and further categorize or classify them. An older name for the subject was combinatorial topology , implying an emphasis on how a space X was contructed from simpler ones. The basic method now applied in algebraic topology is to investigate spaces via algebraic invariants: for example by mapping them to groups , which have a great deal of manageable structure, in a way that respects the relation of homeomorphism of spaces. Two major ways in which this can be done are through fundamental groups , or more general homotopy theory , and through homology and cohomology groups. The fundamental groups give us basic information about the structure of a topological space; but they are often nonabelian and can be difficult to work with. The fundamental group of a (finite)

    32. List Of Algebraic Topology Topics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    List of algebraic topology topics. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is a list of algebraic topology topics, by Wikipedia page. Table of contents.
    List of algebraic topology topics
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    This is a list of algebraic topology topics , by Wikipedia page. Table of contents 1 Homology (mathematics) 2 Homotopy theory 3 Further developments 4 Homological algebra ...
    Homology (mathematics)
    Main article: Homology theory

    33. Index
    The emphasis of the conference is on categorical decomposition techniques, especially calculus of functors and homology decompositions of classifying spaces, but the conference is intended to have a broad scope with talks on a variety of topics of current interest in topology. Isle of Skye, Scotland; 24 30 June 2001.
    International Conference in Algebraic Topology
    Isle of Skye - Scotland
    24- 30 June 2001
    Research Centre in Topology and Related Areas

    Department of Mathematical Sciences

    University of Aberdeen

    An international Algebraic Topology conference is planned for the last week of June 2001 (June 24 - 30, 2001). The conference will take place on the Isle of Skye - a scenic island off the west coast of Scotland. The emphasis of the conference is on categorical decomposition techniques, especially calculus of functors and homology decompositions of classifying spaces. But the conference is intended to have a broad scope, with talks on a variety of topics of current interest in topology. A London Mathematical Society invited lecture series will take place in Aberdeen the week before the conference (June 18 - 23, 2001). Prof. T. Goodwillie will give a series of ten lectures on calculus of functors. Participants who wish to attend both meetings are encouraged to do so and will enjoy reduced registration fees. The following mathematicians have agreed to attend and give a plenary talk.

    34. Algebraic Topology
    Next Previous Contents algebraic topology. Andries Brouwer, v1.0, 991111 Some fragments of algebraic topology. 1. Introduction. 2. Topology.
    Next Previous Contents
    Algebraic Topology
    Andries Brouwer,
    Some fragments of algebraic topology.

    35. Algebraic Topology Authors/titles Recent Submissions
    algebraic topology. Authors and titles for recent submissions. D. Thesis (in french) Subjclass Quantum Algebra; algebraic topology
    Algebraic Topology
    Authors and titles for recent submissions
  • Thu, 3 Jun 2004 Wed, 2 Jun 2004 Tue, 1 Jun 2004 Fri, 28 May 2004 ... Thu, 27 May 2004
  • Thu, 3 Jun 2004
    math.AT/0406037 abs ps pdf other
    Title: The cone length and category of maps: pushouts, products and fibrations
    Authors: Martin Arkowitz (Dartmouth College), Donald Stanley (University of Regina), Jeffrey Strom (Western Michigan University)
    Comments: 32 pages
    Subj-class: Algebraic Topology
    MSC-class: 55M30 (primary), 55P99 (secondary), 55R05 (secondary)
    Wed, 2 Jun 2004
    math.DG/0406008 abs ps pdf other
    Title: Boundary case of equality in optimal Loewner-type inequalities
    Authors: Victor Bangert Christopher Croke Sergei V. Ivanov Mikhail G. Katz
    Comments: 20 pages
    Subj-class: Differential Geometry; Algebraic Topology; Geometric Topology; Metric Geometry
    Tue, 1 Jun 2004
    math.AG/0405589 abs ps pdf other
    Title: Weights in cohomology and the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence
    Authors: Matthias Franz Andrzej Weber
    Comments: 14 pages Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry; Algebraic Topology
    Fri, 28 May 2004

    36. Stable Algebraic Topology 1945-1966, By J.P. May
    Stable algebraic topology 19451966, by JP May. This is a reasonably comprehensive treatment of the history of stable algebraic topology
    Stable algebraic topology 1945-1966, by J.P. May
    This is a reasonably comprehensive treatment of the history of stable algebraic topology during the cited period. The table of contents gives an idea of the scope and limitations of the study. The emphasis is on the evolution of ideas, but some mathematical exposition of most of the main results is given. This paper will appear in a volume on the history of topology that is being edited by Ioan James. Contents:
  • Setting up the foundations
  • The Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms
  • Stable and unstable homotopy groups
  • Spectral sequences and calculations in homology and homotopy
  • The introduction of cobordism
  • The route from cobordism towards K-theory
  • Bott periodicity and K-theory
  • The Adams spectral sequence and Hopf invariant one
  • S-duality and the introduction of spectra
  • Oriented cobordism and complex cobordism
  • K-theory, cohomology, and characteristic classes
  • Generalized homology and cohomology theories
  • Vector fields on spheres and J(X)
  • Further applications and refinements of K-theory
  • Bordism and cobordism theories
  • Further work on cobordism and its relation to K-theory
  • High dimensional geometric topology
  • Iterated loop space theory
  • Algebraic K-theory and homotopical algebra
  • The stable homotopy category The Bibliography lists over 300 items.
  • 37. Algebraic Topology & Concurrency
    Applications of algebraic topology to computer science.
    No frames No frames

    38. 1982 Workshop On Algebraic Topology
    Workshop on algebraic topology Bellaterra, March 23 to 26, 1982. Organizing Committee J. Aguadé and M. Castellet Proceedings Workshop
    Workshop on Algebraic Topology
    Bellaterra, March 23 to 26, 1982
      Organizing Committee: Proceedings: Workshop on Algebraic Topology Proceedings,
      List of Participants
      A. H. Assadi (Bures-sur-Yvette)
      M. Aubry (Nice)
      M. Castellet (Barcelona)
      B. Cenkl (Boston)
      J. Ewing (Newcastle)
      L. Franco (Santiago de Compostela)
      E. Frau (Barcelona) M. Golasinski (Torun) M. J. Hopkins (Oxford) J. Hubbuck (Aberdeen) U. Koschorke (Siegen) M. Ladra (Santiago de Compostela) J.-M. Lemaire (Nice) I. Llerena (Barcelona) P. Merle (Nice) J. L. Navarro (Zaragoza) R. A. Piccinini (St. John's) C. F. Ribeiro (Lille) H. Schulte-Croonenberg (Wuppertal) X.-Y. Shen (Pekin) R. Sivera (Valencia) J. L. Viviente (Zaragoza) C. Wilkerson (Detroit) Z. Wojtkowiak (Oxford) A. Zabrodsky (Jerusalem) Titles of Talks (articles based on these talks can be found in the proceedings)
    B. Cenkl and R. Porter, Cup-i product and higher homotopies in the de Rham complex. Notes on proper homotopy theories associated with compact PL -manifolds. J. Ewing and A. Edmonds, Periodic surface diffeomorphisms which bound, bound periodically.

    39. Title Details - Cambridge University Press
    Home Catalogue algebraic topology. Related Areas New titles email For updates on new titles in Pure Mathematics. algebraic topology. Allen Hatcher. £20.99.

    40. Index
    International Conference in algebraic topology Isle of Skye Scotland 24- 30 June 2001 Research Centre in Topology and Related Areas Department of
    International Conference in Algebraic Topology
    Isle of Skye - Scotland
    24- 30 June 2001
    Research Centre in Topology and Related Areas

    Department of Mathematical Sciences

    University of Aberdeen

    An international Algebraic Topology conference is planned for the last week of June 2001 (June 24 - 30, 2001). The conference will take place on the Isle of Skye - a scenic island off the west coast of Scotland. The emphasis of the conference is on categorical decomposition techniques, especially calculus of functors and homology decompositions of classifying spaces. But the conference is intended to have a broad scope, with talks on a variety of topics of current interest in topology. A London Mathematical Society invited lecture series will take place in Aberdeen the week before the conference (June 18 - 23, 2001). Prof. T. Goodwillie will give a series of ten lectures on calculus of functors. Participants who wish to attend both meetings are encouraged to do so and will enjoy reduced registration fees. The following mathematicians have agreed to attend and give a plenary talk.

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