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Algebraic Number Theory: more books (100) | ||
141. Home Page For Cristina Ballantine College of the Holy Cross. number theory, representation theory, automorphic forms, and algebraic combinatorics. Curriculum vitae and publications. http://mathcs.holycross.edu/~cballant/index.html | |
142. Kenneth S. Williams Carleton University. algebraic, analytic and computational number theory; binary quadratic forms and the arithmetic of fields of small degree. http://www.math.carleton.ca/profints/williams.html | |
143. Wen-Chen Chi National Taiwan Normal University. number theory, Arithmetic algebraic geometry. http://math.ntnu.edu.tw/~wchi/EnglishPage.html | |
144. Prof. A.J. Scholl University of Cambridge. number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, modular forms. Preprints, notes. http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/site2002/People/scholl_aj.html | |
145. Mathematics Archives - Topics In Mathematics - Number Theory reader; DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA Extra Volume ICM 1998 - Section 3. number theory and Arithmetic algebraic Geometry ADD. KEYWORDS http://archives.math.utk.edu/topics/numberTheory.html | |
146. Liang-Cheng Zhang 's Homepage Southwest Missouri State University. algebraic and analytic number theory. http://math.smsu.edu/~zhang/ | |
147. Ellenberg, Jordan Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University. Subjects arithmetic algebraic geometry, number theory. http://www.math.princeton.edu/~ellenber | |
148. Macquarie University, Australia Interests Security techniques for wired and wireless networks, fixed and mobile distributed applications, practical quantum cryptography, Cryptography and Information Security, Computational number theory, algebraic and Combinatorial Algorithms. http://www.ics.mq.edu.au |
149. Frederik Vercauteren University of Bristol. Algorithmic number theory and computational algebraic geometry; applications to cryptography. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~frederik/index.html | |
150. NSF Program Description Algebra, Number Theory And Combinatorics in algebra, including algebraic structures, general algebra, and linear algebra; number theory, including algebraic, analytic number theory, arithmetic geometry http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/progdesc/2004/mps/1264.html |
151. Seminar Of Theory Of Number (Algebraic And Analytic) In The Area Of Taipei City National Taiwan University and Academia Sinica number theory (algebraic and Analytic) Seminar in the area of Taipei City, Taiwan. Contacts, schedules. http://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/~r2lan/seminar_taipei.html | |
152. LiDIA - A Library For Computational Number Theory LiDIA is a C++ library for computational number theory which provides a over finite fields (V. Shoup s algorithms), Factoring ideals of algebraic number fields http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/TI/LiDIA/ | |
153. Local Fields And Their Extensions, Second Edition, By I.B. Fesenko, S.V. Vostoko I.B. Fesenko, S.V. Vostokov. PostScript. http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/Algebraic-Number-Theory/0319/ | |
154. Jing Yu Academia Sinica, Taiwan. number theory, Arithmetical algebraic geometry. Arithmetic of function fields, transcendence theory. Symbolic computation. http://www.sinica.edu.tw/math/html/research/JY-e.html | |
155. Algebra And Number Theory At Queen S University Algebra and number theory. Eddy Campbell (eddy@mast.queensu.ca) Invariant theory of finite groups over finite fields, algebraic topology. http://www.mast.queensu.ca/faculty-algebra.html |
156. Bruinier, Jan Universit¤t zu K¶ln. Automorphic forms, number theory, and algebraic geometry. Research papers, preprints, and links. http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/~bruinier/ | |
157. The USC Number Theory Home Page Research Interests number theory, including Analytic, Classical algebraic, Combinatorial, Computational, Elementary, and Transcedence topics. http://www.math.sc.edu/~filaseta/numthry.html | |
158. Yuri Tschinkel University of Illinois at Chicago. algebraic geometry, number theory and harmonic analysis. http://www2.math.uic.edu/~yuri/ | |
159. Wayne Aitken California State University, San Marcos. algebraic and geometric number theory. Reseach and publications. http://coyote.csusm.edu/public/aitken_html/waitken.html | |
160. 4th Panhellenic Conference On Algebra And Number Theory The topics of the lectures basically refer to number theory; Group theory; Ordered algebraic Structures; Homological Algebra; Topological Groups; http://www.math.upatras.gr/algebra/conf/ | |
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