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61. Lemmermeyer, Franz Bilkent University. algebraic number theory, elliptic curves. Papers, lecture notes, texts. http://www.fen.bilkent.edu.tr/~franz/ | |
62. Claus Fieker Technische Universit¤t Berlin. algebraic number theory; computational class field theory; the KANT computer algebra system. http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~fieker/ | |
63. NUMBER THEORY CENTRES Cambridge University Cardiff Number Theory Centre The Durham Geometry and Arithmetic Group North of England algebraic number theory Group Number Theory at http://www.maths.uq.edu.au/~krm/ntw/N2.html | |
64. MATH 814, Algebraic Number Theory MATH 814, algebraic number theory. JS Milne, algebraic number theory These notes are obviously attractive because of their free online availability. http://www.math.sfu.ca/~nbruin/math814/ | |
65. Number Theory gerth@math.utexas.edu) algebraic number theory, including class numbers, class groups, discriminants, class field theory, density theorems, Iwasawa theory. http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/voloch/numberthy.html | |
66. UR Department Of Mathematics - Naomi Jochnowitz University of Rochester. algebraic number theory, modular forms, padic modular forms. http://www.math.rochester.edu/people/faculty/what/ | |
67. Algebraic Number Theory Fall Semester, 2004. Course Title Topics in Number Theory, algebraic number theory. Unique Number M390C (58965). Time and place TTh http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/voloch/algnoth.html | |
68. Midwest Algebraic Number Theory Day University of Illinois at Chicago; 18 April 1998. http://raphael.math.uic.edu/~jeremy/mwants.html | |
69. Private Page Berge University Bordeaux. algebraic number theory and geometry of numbers. Publications, recent work, and links. http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/~berge/ | |
70. Suggested Readings In Algorithmic Number Theory computer science SerNo 1423 Status HERE Editor Cassels, JWS (John William Scott) ed. / Frölich, Albrecht ed. Title algebraic number theory; proceedings of http://www.msri.org/local/library/reading_lists/0001-ant.html | |
71. Algebraic Number Theory next up previous Next About this document Up References Previous Analytic Number Theory algebraic number theory. (G = Global http://math.dartmouth.edu/graduate-students/syllabi/graduate-syllabi/number-theo | |
72. Algebraic Number Theory: next up previous Next Global Theory Up Number Theory Previous Analytic Number Theory algebraic number theory Global Theory Local Theory root 199812-03. http://math.dartmouth.edu/graduate-students/syllabi/graduate-syllabi/number-theo | |
73. Dr Chris F. Woodcock University of Kent at Canterbury. Commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory; padic analogues of classical functions and their applications in number theory. http://www.kent.ac.uk/ims/people/cfw/index.htm | |
74. Seminar On Number Theory And Algebra Recommended readings Graduate courses Number Theory in Cryptography (A. Dujella) (2003/2004); Introduction to algebraic number theory (I. Gusic) (2002/2003); http://www.math.hr/~duje/semeng.html | |
75. Hisao TAYA -Math. Lab. GSIS Tohoku Univ.- English Tohoku University. algebraic number theory, Iwasawa theory. http://www.math.is.tohoku.ac.jp/~taya/index-e.html | |
76. Algebraic Number Theory Resources algebraic number theory resources. Recommended References. see index for total category for your convenience Best Retirement http://futuresedge.org/mathematics/Algebraic_Number_Theory.html | |
77. Abramovich, Dan Boston University. algebraic number theory group and topology. Pictures, research papers, notes, transparencies. http://math.bu.edu/INDIVIDUAL/abrmovic/index.html |
78. Pietro Cornacchia's Home Page University of Pisa. algebraic number theory ideal class groups for cyclotomic fields, and Ktheory of the rings of integers of an abelian number field. http://www.dm.unipi.it/pages/cornac/public_html/cornacchia.html | |
79. Algebraic Number Theory - Course Details - Computing - Imperial College London device. algebraic number theory. Lecturer A An introduction to algebraic number theory, with emphasis on quadratic fields. In such fields http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/teaching/coursedetails/M3P15 | |
80. Algebraic Number Theory algebraic number theory MAS 6215 (15287) Spring 2004. Instructor Dr. Klingler Office SE 228 Phone (561) 2973257 Email klingler@fau.edu Course Links http://www.math.fau.edu/Klingler/spring04/alg-num-theory/home.html | |
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