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41. Henri Darmon - Home Page - Math McGill McGill University. algebraic number theory, with a special emphasis on elliptic curves, modular forms, and their associated Lfunctions. http://www.math.mcgill.ca/~darmon/ | |
42. Instructional Conference On Algebraic Number Theory HarishChandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India; 825 November 2000. http://www.mri.ernet.in/~mathweb/numbertheory2000/ | |
43. Math 129: Introduction To Algebraic Number Theory Mathematics 129. Introduction to algebraic number theory. Final Exam Now Available! By William Stein. Course Textbook (all notes combined into a book). http://modular.fas.harvard.edu/edu/Spring2004/129/ | |
44. Algebraic Number Theory A Brief Introduction To Classical And Adelic algebraic number theory. William Stein (based heavily on works of SwinnertonDyer and Cassels). May 2004. http://modular.fas.harvard.edu/papers/ant/ | |
45. Ronald Van Luijk University of California Berkeley. Algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry and related topics. Catalogue of algebraic surfaces. http://math.berkeley.edu/~rmluijk/ | |
46. John Voight: Notes John Voight. Oberwolfach Explicit algebraic number theory. I took notes from the Oberwolfach Seminar on Explicit algebraic number theory held in November 2003. http://math.berkeley.edu/~jvoight/notes/ | |
47. Notes For Dick Gross' Algebraic Number Theory Course Notes for Dick Gross algebraic number theory Course Spring 1999. As many of you know, I have been typing up the notes for the Number http://www.math.utah.edu/~sather/notes.html | |
48. Tan, Victor National University of Singapore. Automorphic forms and representations, algebraic number theory, modular forms and elliptic functions, combinatorial designs and difference sets. http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~mattanv/ |
49. Algebra, Algebraic Number Theory, Quadratic, Cubic, Quintic Number http://www.algebra.at/ |
50. Dr V Abrashkin University of Durham. algebraic number theory. Publications and links. http://maths.dur.ac.uk/pure/temphome/va.html |
51. UR Math: Algebra And Number Theory Group algebraic number theory, modular forms, padic modular forms. Fall 2004, MTH 531 Intro. to algebraic number theory Instructor Tucker. http://www.math.rochester.edu/research/algebra_and_number_theory/ | |
52. Algebraic Number Theory - Encyclopedia Article About Algebraic Number Theory. Fr encyclopedia article about algebraic number theory. algebraic number theory in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Algebraic number theory | |
53. LookSmart - Directory - Algebraic Number Theory algebraic number theory Connect to papers, articles, and courses covering a variety of topics on number theory and algebra. Directory http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us328800/us1164188/us10022111/ | |
54. Tom Weston Similar to the relevant portion of Lang s algebraic number theory, but with more details and more of an emphasis on the underlying topology. http://www.cs.amherst.edu/~taweston/ | |
55. Paul Garrett's Lecture Notes, Exercises, Course Material With exercises and course material. Topics include algebraic number theory; Automorphic (Modular) Forms, Representations, Lfunctions. http://www.math.umn.edu/~garrett/m/ | |
56. Algebra And Number Theory At PSU This is the webpage for Penn State s group in algebra and number theory. Number Theory Web Have fun! algebraic number theory Archives Preprints appear here! http://www.math.psu.edu/vstein/alg/antheory/numtheory.html |
57. K-theory Preprint Archives Electronic preprint archives for mathematics research papers in Ktheory. Includes some papers in algebraic number theory. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/K-theory/ | |
58. Midwest Algebraic Number Theory Day This site contains information about Midwest algebraic number theory Day. Read about Midwest algebraic number theory Day or find http://www.blueglobus.com/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=Midwest Alg |
59. Jan Nekovar Universit© Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI). algebraic number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry. http://www.math.jussieu.fr/~nekovar/ | |
60. Walter De Gruyter - Algebraic Number Theory And Diophantine Analysis algebraic number theory and Diophantine Analysis. Subjects Mathematics / Mathematics, General. Mathematics / Algebra, Number theory. Language English. Back. http://www.degruyter.de/rs/bookSingle.cfm?id=IS-3110163047-1&fg=MA&l=E |
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