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         Psychology And Religion:     more books (100)
  1. The Psychology of Mature Spirituality Pb by Young Eisendrat, 2000-11-10
  2. Philosophy and the Turn to Religion by Hent de Vries, 1999-06-17
  3. Religion and Critical Psychology: The Ethics of Not-Knowing in the Knowledge Economy by Jeremy Carrette, 2007-12-14
  4. Celebrating Soul: Preparing for the New Religion (Studies in Jungian Psychology By Jungian Analysts) by Lawrence W. Jaffe, 1999-07
  5. Psychotherapy and Buddhism: Toward an Integration (Issues in the Practice of Psychology) by Jeffrey B. Rubin, 1996-09-30
  6. Religion, Culture and Mental Health by Kate Loewenthal, 2007-01-29
  7. Radical Grace: How Belief in a Benevolent God Benefits Our Health (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality) by J. Harold Ellens, 2007-10-30
  8. The Link between Religion and Health: Psychoneuroimmunology and the Faith Factor
  9. The Psychology of Religious Behaviour, Belief and Experience by Michael Argyle, 1997-09-18
  10. Religion, Science, and Magic: In Concert and In Conflict
  11. Dynamic Psychology of Religion by Paul Pruyser, 1976-01
  12. Taking a step back: Assessments of the psychology of religion (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis)
  13. Psychology in Christian Perspective: An Analysis of Key Issues by Harold W. Faw, 1995-06-01
  14. Religion and Science (Gifford Lectures Series) by Ian G. Barbour, 1997-09-10

61. Milne, Stephen Joseph - The Mystical Bearmaster
Sections on spirituality, science, psychology, religion, and philosophy. Writings, resume, and links.

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62. Saybrook 404 File
General reference aids, and specific resources in humanistic psychology, general psychology, sociology, religion, and philosophy.
Saybrook Home Contacts
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63. Teaching Clinical Psychology - Psychology Of Religion Syllabus
psychology of religion (Psy 370 Special Topics). Dr. John Suler Science and Technology Center, Rm 320 Rider University - (609-895-5430).
Psychology of Religion
(Psy 370 - Special Topics) Dr. John Suler Science and Technology Center, Rm 320
Rider University - (609-895-5430)
This course explores the psychological aspects of religious experiences and the social psychological dynamics of religious groups and organizations. Do not expect that we will answer such questions as "Does God exist" or "Which religion is right?" This is not what the course is about. We may, however, explore the psychological factors related to believing (or not believing) in "God" and to following particular religious traditions. The course mostly involves small and large group discussions, experiential exercises, and some videos. There are few "lectures." You will be strongly encouraged to think about and share your opinions, beliefs, and experiences. Grades are based on four exams (on the four required books) and on a journal. You will do A LOT of writing in this journal.
Readings The Empty Mirror: Experiences in a Japanese Zen Monastery, by Janwillem van de Wetering
On Life after Death, by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

64. Steiner, Rudolf
Steiner is the founder of Anthroposophy. Consider a philosopher and educator in his own right; his teachings embody philosophy, the social sciences, the natural sciences, psychology, and religion.
Back to Home Page or Contents Page or People or Index Steiner, Rudolf S teiner is the founder of Anthroposophy . Consider a philosopher and educator in his own right; his teachings embody philosophy, the social sciences, the natural sciences, agricultural, the arts, education, psychology, and religion. Commonly Anthroposophy is said to be based on what Steiner called Spiritual Science; however, in An Outline of Occult Science (1972) in a footnote Steiner writes: "The term 'spiritual science' as is apparent from the context, is here synonymous with the terms 'occult science' and supersensible knowledge.'" ( ) Anthroposophy is a unique combination of Rosicrucian, Theosophy, and Christianity. On February 27, 1861, Steiner was born in Kraljevic, then a part of Hungary and now in Yugoslavia. His parents were Austrian. His father was a railway clerk and intended his son to become a civil engineer. By the age of eight, Steiner possessed clairvoyance awareness of the unseen. The apparition of a dead relative and the visualization of energies produced by the plant kingdom were among his experiences. When discovering geometry in school, he perceived the geometric forms as living realities. Steiner, when fifteen, began learning the secret occult lore of plants from Felix Korgutski who eventually introduced him to an adept that was referred to as "the Master," who spiritually initiated him. Steiner never revealed the identity of this latter individual, according to occult tradition.

65. Dr Dick's Home Page
Articles in the area of philosophy, psychology of religion, and personal commentary.



Dr. Dick's Clinic
Dr. Dick's Web Site
As I continue to grow and gain experience with web design I will add pages for feed-back, questions, and etc's............ These are called forms. Please feel free at this point to email me with your inputs / concerns. click here to send email By the way, the title "Dr. Dick" is only an honory title of doctor. I hope to make it factual one day. May The Blessings of the Almighty Be With You Forever! AMEN
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66. Babujane's Archive
Articles on religion and psychology, Catholic married priests and those leaving the priesthood, commentary on the meaning of life and spirituality.
@import url(; babujane's archive
last update on: December 31, 2003 asatoma sat gamaya
doomsday prophets

midlife transition

judging others... a superstition

misuse of psychology in rel. formation
my jubilation

67. Content Pages Of The Encyclopedia Of Religion And Social Science
psychology OF religion. Takes religious phenomena as religious phenomena. Major Content Areas in the psychology of religion. Since its
Encyclopedia of Religion
and Society
William H. Swatos, Jr. Editor Table of Contents Cover Page Editors Contributors ... Web Version PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION
Takes religious phenomena as objects of inquiry either to be described or to be explained by principles of psychology. Relationships between psychology and religion are complicated by the fact that little consensus exists on the meaning of either of these terms. Psychology is less a single science than a generic discipline defined by the methods and procedures that, when consensually shared, identify the various schools of psychology. These schools have produced largely distinct literatures and research traditions that collectively constitute the current psychology of religion. Each school is itself heterogeneous so that even in identifying a particular school it is best to refer to it in the plural. Across schools of psychology, religion is approached substantively or functionally. Substantive approaches define religion by its content or by its specific practices, focusing upon such phenomena as belief in God, conversion, or prayer. Functional approaches define religion by specific processes that explain how religion operates in individual's lives. Debates continue as to whether or not there are unique contents or processes in the psychology of religion. Religious psychology argues for the latter while psychology of religion assumes that processes in religion are not different from in other areas of investigation.

68. Lee Kirkpatrick's Home Page
Evolutionary psychology; psychology of religion; adult attachment and close relationships; statistics, psychometrics, and research methods; social and personality psychology (College of William and Mary, Virginia).
Lee A. Kirkpatrick
Associate Professor of Psychology
Office: Millington Hall #249
Phone: (757) 221-3997
Fax: (757) 221-3896
Dog: Grunt
Primary Research Interests:
  • Evolutionary Psychology Psychology of Religion Adult Attachment and Close Relationships Social and Personality Psychology
Complete Vitae [ Acrobat (.pdf) format
Publications by Area:
Spring 2004 Course Syllabi:
Syllabus from Previous Semester:
  • Advanced Statistics (PSY 631/391) [Fall '03]
  • University Links:
    Recent Publications:
    • Group Processes and Intergroup Relations abstract
      International Journal for the Psychology of Religion abstract
      Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 41 abstract
      Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 41 abstract
      Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 82 abstract
    A Simple Guide to SPSS for
    Windows: for Versions 8.0, 9.0

    69. IAPR - Homepage
    Primarily European academic society. History of the organization, list of board members, activities, constitution, and membership form.
    IAPR I nternational A ssociation for the P sychology of R eligion Welcome to the Homepage of the I nternational A ssociation for the P sychology of R eligion - IAPR (Internationale Gesellschaft für
    Religionspsychologie - IGRP) Last update:
    January 2004 Webmaster: Sussan Namini Note: Home About the IAPR Board Activities ... Links

    70. EPR/IAPR Psychology Of Religion 2003 Conference
    Call for papers and registration details for European Psychologists of religion (EPR) and International Association for the psychology of religion (IAPR) joint conference in Glasgow, Scotland, August 2831, 2003.

    71. Chiron Publications
    Specializes in books on analytical psychology inspired by and extending the work of C. G. Jung. Titles also explore the psychology of religion, mythology, literature and feminism.
    [Chiron Publications, c/o Lantern Books
    One Union Square West, Suite 201 New York, NY 10003] [Phone] [Fax] Emails:
    For Editorials:
    For Publicity:
    For Sales:
    Click here for our distributor, Lantern Books
    or call 1-800-856-8664 Take a peek at our newest titles:
    Animal Life in Nature, Myth and Dreams

    Creative Envy and others

    Back In Print: Psych and Family Chiron Publications
    specializes in books on analytical psychology inspired by and extending the work of C. G. Jung. Many of our titles also explore the psychology of religion, mythology, literature and feminism, in addition to translations of seminal works from Europe. As implied by the name Chirona centaur and therefore an image bridging different modes of human existenceour selection embraces many areas of thought and discourse. Chiron is the most celebrated of the centaurs of Greek mythology. Chiron was entrusted with the rearing and education of many Greek heroes including the healer Aesculapius. Descended from an ancient race, half-human and half-beast, centaurs were liminal figures who linked the instinctual and spiritual dimensions of human existence. Figures like Chiron symbolize a link between the wisdom of the body and newer forms of human consciousness.

    72. Ecumenical Center
    Helping people to attain a healthy balance of mind, body and spirit with a spiritual based counseling center that brings the art of medical science and psychology together.
    New Article "Pastoral Counseling and Leadership" In times of pain and distress . . .
    In times of searching for meaning . . .
    In times of professional growth and exploration . . . The Ecumenical Center for Religion and Health
    embodies hope through . . . counseling . . .
    consultation . . .
    and education. Our Centers
    Our People

    Our News

    Contact Us
    ... Affiliated with the Samaritan Institute © 2002 Ecumenical Center for Religion and Health Contact Us

    73. History Of Psychology On-line: Raymond Lull
    His place in the history of science, particularly psychology and medicine. Rather flippant about religion and somewhat dismissive of Lull.
    Raymond Lull (c. 1235 - c. 1316) Raymond (or Ramon) Lull (or Lullus) was born about 1235 in Majorca, spent his youth as a courtier and troubadour, had a religious experience in the mountains when he was about 37 years of age and spent the rest of his life writing books about his Art. There's a movement afoot to make him an official saint, largely because he bravely but foolishly went to North Africa in about 1316 to use his art to persuade the local Arabs to convert to Christianity. They promptly stoned him to death.
    Some of the questions that Lull addressed are not difficult to understand, but his methods for answering them are very alien to the modern mind. (It doesn't help that Lullism became an underground intellectual movement supported by alchemical crackpots some of whom pretended to be Lull himself I think the historians have now sorted out which books are by the real Raymond Lull.) Lull's Research Agenda The questions that Lull asked himself can be thought of as a fair description of the "research agenda" for the early renaissance.

    74. CIHS - Mind Body Spirit Studies Energy Medicine Research
    Information on graduate level education and training services in the disciplines of Life Physics, Comparative religion and Philosophy, and ClinicalCounseling psychology. Includes message from president, program description, course schedule, admission information, and registration form.

    75. Rodopi
    Edited print volumes. Contents listing and ordering information.

    76. Department Of Religious Studies
    Department of Religious Studies. The academic study of religion at CSU, Chico, focuses on a) historical studies of Eastern and Western religious traditions; b)textual studies of the sacred writings in religious traditions; c) methodological studies which seek to understand and interpret religious traditions and cultural symbols; and d)cognate studies which relate religion to aspects of culture such as literature and the arts, ethics and law, psychology, sociology, and philosophy.
    239 Trinity Hall
    Chico, California
    Phone: 530/898-5661
    Fax: 530/898-5468
    Introduction to the Department of Religious Studies
    Welcome to the Department of Religious Studies at CSU, Chico. Religious Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines religious ideas, symbols, practices, and institutions from the perspectives of history, textual studies, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines. Our program is cross-cultural and comparative, and highlights the complex relationship of religion to other areas of culture. In addition to courses exploring the development of all the major religious traditions of the world, we offer courses that probe the role of religion in ethics and law, gender constructs, literature, the visual arts, and a variety of contemporary social and political issues. The Department has grown from its establishment in 1974 to a Department of 13 active scholars working in many areas of the discipline. We offer programs of study leading to a BA or minor in Religious Studies, and a minor in Ethics. Browse our website for information on courses, faculty, on- and off-campus resources, and information about careers and graduate school in Religious Studies. Our award-winning faculty consistently earn the highest marks for quality teaching and student-faculty encounters. We invite you to drop by the Department for a meeting with the academic advisor or any member of the faculty. They will be happy to talk with you about what they teach and what excites them about our field.

    77. Graduate Studies, School Of
    Offers graduate programs in administrative leadership; biblical studies; counselling psychology; and religion, culture, and ethics. Includes detailed program information, admissions and applications, faculty and staff profiles, event calendar, and student information.

    78. California Institute Of Integral Studies
    Degree program in comparative and crosscultural studies, philosophy, religion, psychology, cultural anthropology, health studies, and the arts.

    79. Category List
    This classic book has become famous as the standard scientific work on the psychology of religious impulses and of the varieties of religious experiences. 172

    80. Chattanooga, TN
    Small independently owned used and rare bookstore located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Primarily first editions, literature, psychology, philosophy and religion.

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