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81. Reszletes RÃSZLETES ADATOK FOLYÃIRATOK, Journal of Cultural and evolutionary psychology. Foszerkeszto, László, János. Menedzserszerkeszto, Velosy, Anita. http://www.akkrt.hu/kerdesek/reszletes_hjour.jsp?id=256 |
82. Science As Culture - SOCIOBIOLOGY SANITIZED: THE EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY AND GEN Sociopolitical overview of the circumstances leading to the development of evolutionary psychology as distinct from Sociobiology, by Val Dusek. This web page is associated with the Science-as-Culture mailing list and journal. http://human-nature.com/science-as-culture/dusek.html | |
83. Syllabus For PSY 470(03): Evolutionary Psychology evolutionary psychology. PSY 470, Section 03 (Spring 2003). COURSE SYLLABUS. FINAL EXAM Tue. 5/1 500 pm, back to top evolutionary psychology Links. http://faculty.wm.edu/lakirk/syll470.html | |
84. Times Online - Business What is the relationship between spatial ability, finger length, and sporting prowess? http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,2-91237,00.html | |
85. Evolutionary Psychology And Sociology What these are and what abilities and biases they give us at birth is the subject of evolutionary psychology, which we introduce here. http://www.calresco.org/lucas/evolpsy.htm | |
86. Will Wilkinson / Tools / Research / Evolutionary Psychology evolutionary psychology FAQ by Edward Hagen; evolutionary psychology A Primer by Leda Cosmides and John Tooby; DMOZ evolutionary psychology. http://willwilkinson.net/evolpsych.html | |
87. PTypes - Sociobiology Sociobiology (evolutionary psychology). http//www.egroups.com/group/evolutionarypsychology - the evolutionary psychology mailing list. http://www.geocities.com/ptypes/sociobiology.html | |
88. Guardian Unlimited | Archive Search Andrew Brown explains why 'Introducing evolutionary psychology', the latest in Icon Books' popular series of comic books on important subjects, has been withdrawn from sale while 10,000 stickers are pasted over the face of Steven Rose. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,3936439,00.html | |
89. Dylan Evans' Homepage INTRODUCING evolutionary psychology. These questions are at the centre of a rapidly growing research programme called evolutionary psychology. http://www.dylan.org.uk/evpsych.html | |
90. Guardian Unlimited | Archive Search The past decade witnessed the surge of evolutionary psychology . Its most thoughtful exponents, such as Robert Plomin, are confident that economics, education and sociology will all benefit from evolutionary psychology and gene mapping. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4150424,00.html | |
91. Synthetic Evolutionary Psychology Synthetic evolutionary psychology. evolutionary psychology is an approach to the study of the mind based on principles drawn from evolutionary biology. http://www.dylan.org.uk/syntheticEP14.html | |
92. Guardian Unlimited | Archive Search Applied to business, as Nigel Nicholson does in his book Managing The Human Animal (Texere, ã18.99), evolutionary psychology suggests that most organisational practice runs directly against the grain of human programming. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4116809,00.html | |
93. LibertyGuide.com - Evolutionary Psychology And The Social Sciences evolutionary psychology and the Social Sciences. This essay will not attempt to provide a comprehensive guide to the field of evolutionary psychology. http://www.theihs.org/libertyguide/hsr/hsr.php/36.html | |
94. Bmj.com Higgs 322 (7288): 740 Paul Higgs reviews the book edited by Hilary Rose and Steven P. R. Rose. http://bmj.com/cgi/content/full/322/7288/740 | |
95. Psychology 452Â Evolutionary Psychology Psychology 452, evolutionary psychology. Dr. Mills. Course syllabus. Spring, 2004 class OVERVIEW WHAT IS evolutionary psychology? UNDERSTANDING EVOLUTION, http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/faculty/mmills_fp/Evolpsyc/ | |
96. The Journal : Back Issues Muriel Egerton reviews 'Alas, poor Darwin Arguments against evolutionary psychology' edited by Hilary Rose and Steven Rose. http://www.thelancet.com/journal/vol357/iss9252/full/llan.357.9252.dissecting_ro | |
97. EVOLUTION MENU They are based mainly on the science of evolutionary psychology, and try to explain various things about the way humans are, by looking at the way they evolved http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/nikolas.lloyd/evolve/evolmenu.html | |
98. Neil Levy Reviews Evolutionary Origins Of Morality Edited By Leonard D. Katz Natural selection inevitably favors organisms which behave in selfserving manners, for it will be these organisms who leave the most descendants, and so how can evolutionary psychology ever explain morality? http://human-nature.com/nibbs/02/levy.html | |
99. Seven Deadly Sentiments evolutionary psychology holds that these shameful feelings are hardwiredstrategies that led to success on the Pleistocene savanna. http://www.psychologytoday.com/htdocs/prod/PTOArticle/pto-20040107-000004.asp |
100. 'Human Nature And The Limits Of Science' By John Dupre Reviewed By Leif Edward O Dupr©'s Human Nature and The Limits of Science is not a successful attempt at providing a criticism of evolutionary psychology. Quite literally because it is not about evolutionary psychology, rather, as an extreme statement, it is about the author's prejudice of what evolutionary psychology is about, writes Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair in this detailed analysis. http://human-nature.com/nibbs/02/leok.html | |
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