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1. Evolutionary Psychology FAQ Answers to frequently asked questions about evolutionary psychology. http://www.anth.ucsb.edu/projects/human/evpsychfaq.html | |
2. Evolutionary Psychology Primer By Leda Cosmides And John Tooby The goal of research in evolutionary psychology is to discover and understand the design of the human mind. evolutionary psychology is an approach to psychology, in which http://www.psych.ucsb.edu/research/cep/primer.html |
3. Great Ideas In Personality--Evolutionary Psychology Includes links to research papers, web sites, and other reference sources. http://www.personalityresearch.org/evolutionary.html | |
4. Evolutionary Psychology For The Common Person The best place to begin is this PBS website. Excellent. The evolutionary psychology Frequently Asked Questions website. Written by Edward Hagen, Dept. http://www.evoyage.com/ | |
5. Center For Evolutionary Psychology WHAT IS evolutionary psychology? What is CEP? evolutionary psychology primer. Interview with Leda Cosmides on evolutionary psychology. http://www.psych.ucsb.edu/research/cep/ |
6. Evolutionary Psychology EVOLUTION DIALOGUE. evolutionary psychology Challenges the Current Social Sciences. J. Raymond Zimmer* 3347 W. 66th Place. Chicago, IL 60629 evolutionary psychology is a new multidisciplinary field which promises to irrevocably This article introduces evolutionary psychology, explains how it challenges current social http://www.asa3.org/ASA/topics/Evolution/PSCF9-98Zimmer.html | |
7. What Is Evolutionary Psycholgy? ®. ©. What is evolutionary psychology? Simply put evolutionary psychology is the combination of two sciences evolutionary biology and cognitive psychology. http://www.evoyage.com/Whatis.html | |
8. Evolutionary Psychology The Rise of evolutionary psychology. evolutionary psychology is a created it . Principles of evolutionary psychology. Cosmides and http://salmon.psy.plym.ac.uk/year3/PSY339EvolutionaryPsychology/EvolutionaryPsyc |
9. Anthro.Net: Evolutionary Psychology evolutionary psychology. This site contains links and references for evolutionary psychology. Recommended Reading The Biology and Psychology of Moral Agency by William A. Rottschaefer 1998 http://home1.gte.net/ericjw1/evpsych.html | |
10. Ethology And Evolutionary Psychology Curato dall'etologo Prof. Camperio Ciani, contiene la propria biografia, progetti e ricerche in corso, pubblicazioni, materiali e novit per il corso di Etologia presso la Facolt di Psicologia dell'Universit di Padova. In italiano e inglese. http://www.psy.unipd.it/~eto/ |
11. The SFU Evolutionary Psychology Research Group Home Page Located in the Psychology department. Includes definition, current research projects, laboratory members, lecture series and photos of members. http://www.sfu.ca/~janicki/ | |
12. Behavior OnLine: Evolutionary Psychology Behavior OnLine hosts a forum on evolutionary psychology. ALL IN THE FAMILY evolutionary psychology, SOCIOBIOLOGY, AND CLINICAL PHENOMENA. James Brody, Ph.D. http://www.behavior.net/column/brody/ | |
13. Evolutionary Psychology evolutionary psychology. This paper addresses a fundamental limitation in most attempts to apply the findings of evolutionary psychology to the human condition. http://www4.tpg.com.au/users/jes999/evpsy.htm | |
14. Evolutionary Psychology Notebooks evolutionary psychology. Recommended The evolutionary psychology section of CogPrints; Daniel Dennett, DarwinÂs Dangerous Idea Review by Danny Yee; http://cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/notebooks/evol-psych.html | |
15. Evolutionary Psychology [Editor Ian Pitchford B.Sc (Open), B.Sc (Hons), MA, PhD, evolutionary psychology aims to foster communication between experimental and theoretical work, on the one hand, and historical, conceptual and http://human-nature.com/ep/ | |
16. Evolutionary Psychology: An Elegant Solution evolutionary psychology is a relatively new approach that treats the human mind as a product of evolution. According to EP, the http://www.elsol.org/f_ep.html |
17. University Of New England NEI - Conference Call for papers and registration details for 2nd Annual Conference of the New England Institute for Cognitive Science and evolutionary psychology (NEI). Portland, Maine, August 1213, 2003. http://www.une.edu/nei/conference/conference.html | |
18. Evolutionary Psychology Roots The Roots of evolutionary psychology Evolution and Theories of Behaviour From Darwin to evolutionary psychology. Principles of evolutionary psychology. http://salmon.psy.plym.ac.uk/year3/PSY339EvolutionaryPsychologyroots/Evolutionar |
19. Evolutionary Psychology Index evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary Theory, Paleoanthropology, Adaptationism. ( revised 30 September 2001; search engine) Introduction(Bibliography) Tooby and Cosmides The evolutionary psychology http://cogweb.english.ucsb.edu/EP | |
20. Biological Anthropology @ UCLA Graduate program focusing on evolutionary theory, primate behavior, hominid evolution, and evolutionary psychology and ecology. Features faculty interests and current research. http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/anthro/bioanthro/ | |
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