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41. Omaha Symphony News Release 2003-04 2. Special guest pianist william wolfram performs Beethovens Piano Concerto No.1.This polished Romantic virtuoso has been compared to the young Van Cliburn http://www.omahasymphony.org/news/03 Season/final 7 concerts.html | |
42. 1921-2001: Omaha Symphony's 80th Anniversary Season Internationallyacclaimed pianist william wolfram has earned awards, praise andmillions of listeners, having appeared prominently in the public television http://www.omahasymphony.org/news/0102Season/091802.html | |
43. Grand Teton Music Festival -Summer Calender With special guests pianist Natasha Paremski, boy soprano Christian Lopes, sopranoTeri Johnson 1 with william wolfram, piano Brahms Piano Trio in B Major. http://www.gtmf.org/sumcal.html | |
44. Grand Teton Music Festival - Conductors And Soloists william wolfram pianist william wolfram was winner of the Silver Medal in boththe william Kapell and the Naumberg International Piano Competitions. http://www.gtmf.org/conduc.html | |
45. Press Release pianist, william wolfram has gained recognition as an artist who combines powerfulRomantic instincts with a truly formidable command of the keyboard. http://www.concordiaplayers.org/press4.htm | |
46. Jupiter Symphony Reviews Famous soloists like pianist Ruth Laredo and Sara Davis Buechner would concert featuringflutist Barry Crawford and pianists Adam Neiman and william wolfram. http://www.jupitersymphony.com/Reviews.htm | |
47. New Releases Following his Grammynominated album of music by Brahms, pianist Evgeny Kissin turnsto the music of fellow wolfram, william (pno), Complete Piano Music, Vol. http://www.hbdirect.com/Allnew4.cfm | |
48. Artist Roster s Best New Artist in 1998 Earl Wild Classical pianist, transcriber, composer NancyWeekley Robert Weirich The Wentworths Earl Wild John williams william wolfram, http://www.baldwinpiano.com/about/roster.html | |
49. Frank Almond - Biography of Mr. Almonds recording of the complete Brahms Sonatas, performed in collaborationwith pianist william wolfram, brought extraordinary critical acclaim. http://www.omicronarts.com/html/almond1.htm | |
50. Welcome To The Florida Orchestra Making their TFO debuts are Brazilian pianist Arnaldo Cohen in Grieg s PianoConcerto, and American pianist william wolfram performing Richard Strauss http://www.floridaorchestra.org/2004-05/piano.html | |
51. :: Maria Elena Tobon :: Sergei Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto N. 1. The Jupiter Symphony, AliceTully Hall, NY. william wolfram, pianist. Reorchestrated by MET. http://www.jamesarts.com/tobon/videosmusic.html | |
52. Metro Magazine pianist william wolfram, guest artist at NC Symphonys first classical concertof the season, featuring Alastair Willis, guest conductor; Sept. http://www.metronc.com/issues/issue09_03/Preview/previewq.html | |
53. The Seattle Times: Arts & Entertainment: In Depths Of Winter, A Pleasant, Summer featured violinist Ida Levin, cellist Ronald Thomas, and pianist Jeremy Denk delivereda short, yet stately opportunity for pianists Denk and william wolfram. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/artsentertainment/2001835081_winter13.html | |
54. March 2003 Music Calendar Opera of Chicago, Northwestern faculty pianist Elizabeth Buccheri the world premiereof william Bolcoms by mimes Alexander Neander and wolfram von Bodecker. http://www.northwestern.edu/univ-relations/media_relations/releases/2003_02/musi | |
55. MidAmerica Productions - Weill Recital Hall Chamber Music Series Concerts Helen Armstrong, violin; wolfram Koessel, cello viola; Qiang Tu, cello;L. william Kuyper, French Saxophonist Eric Nestler, pianist Kathryn Fouse, and http://www.midamerica-music.com/weill_artists.htm | |
56. Meet The Composer - Composer Contacts william Harper No Age music for stage and air; John Winsor; Steven Winteregg Composer,pianist, improviser and Kirk Whipple; Mark wolfram Includes musical samples http://www.meetthecomposer.org/contacts.htm | |
57. Santa Rosa Symphony / Calendar / 1999-2000 Season / Program 1 5 The brilliant American pianist william wolfram performs Chopin s Piano ConcertoNo. 1, a stirring work which perfectly represents 19th Century romanticism. http://www.santarosasymphony.com/pages/calprgm1.html | |
58. CD-tips en pianist, som skærer igennem alle udenværkerne og ind til kernen af musikken.I de to koncertetuder Gnomenreigen og Waldesrauschen når william wolfram http://www.peerkjaer.dk/CD-tips/cd-tips.htm | |
59. Bryn Terfel Fan Page -- Timeline February Records CD william Walton s Belshazzar s Feast Hall recital debut withMalcolm Martineau as pianist. Sometime Plays wolfram in Wagner s Tannhauser at http://www.terfel.com/timeline.html | |
60. CSIndy: All That: Jazz (January 22, 2004) of humanity as it is a vivid testimony to the stylistic ingenuity of the pianist. theirTop 10s (0108-04); Tri-kovsky Philharmonic and william wolfram to play http://www.csindy.com/csindy/2004-01-22/bangstrum.html | |
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