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21. Dallas Symphony Orchestra American pianist william wolfram was winner of the Silver Medal in boththe william Kapell and the Naumberg International Piano Competitions. http://www.dallassymphony.com/?crs=mm&mmi=guest&mmid=82 |
22. Dallas Symphony Orchestra American pianist william wolfram headlines concerts October 911,2003, which include Liszts popular tone poem Les Preludes. http://www.dallassymphony.com/?crs=pr&article=56 |
23. Kunstnerisk Leder For Minnesota Orchestra Sommerfest with the free, around the clock Marshall Fields Day of Music, will focus on themusic of Mozart and Beethoven with pianist william wolfram performing all http://www.scenekunst.no/pub/2003s/2003_3_6_18.48.26.shtml?cat=nyheter |
24. LISZT Etudes Wolfram 8.557014 [MC]: Classical CD Reviews- March 2004 MusicWeb(UK wolfram is a pianist in command of his technique and with a total belief in Topdrawerplaying from william wolfram who is an inspired choice in this repertoire http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2004/Mar04/Liszt_Wolfram.htm | |
25. Saint Louis Symphony william wolfram American pianist william wolfram was winner of the Silver Medalin both the william Kapell and the Naumberg International Piano Competitions. http://www.slso.org/0304notes/1-16-04.htm | |
26. Saint Louis Symphony This season, another young pianist on the verge of entering the realm of the masters,william wolfram, makes his first performance of the Emperor with http://www.slso.org/04-05Series/saturdayb2.htm | |
27. Notable Graduates Eleanor Sandresky Composer, pianist with the Phillip Glass Ensemble. in his words.Vorobiev250.jpg (21864 bytes). william wolfram International performing career. http://faculty.ncarts.edu/music/Piano/notable_grads.htm | |
28. Pianist Resources narcoleptic pianist; pianist william wolfram; dual pianists; san franciscopianist; the pianist outline; plot summary the pianist; russian http://www.play-station-2-cheats-online.com/pianist.html | |
29. RONDO-Archiv: Liszt, Etüden, Gnomenreigen, Waldesrauschen Etc. pianist auf den Mit dem amerikanischenpianisten william wolfram hat Naxos einen Musiker verpflichtet, der http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/l/liszt/fl22.htm | |
30. Evenings With The Orchestra of their times.American composer Dan Colemans Chamber Symphony harkens backto Mozarts formal structures.pianist william wolfram performs one of the http://www.mozartfestival.com/ecm/2004_Mozart_Festival/View_Festival_By_Series/E | |
31. JANUARY 24 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' 1, with San Francisco Symphony conducted by David Zinman, with pianist Richard Goode alsoperforming two Mozart piano concertos, with william wolfram as soloist http://www.angelfire.com/ab/day/jan24.html | |
32. Kansas City Star 03/14/2004 Familiar Guest List Leads 04- 05 every case, the guest artists are people that the conductors wished to work with,he added, citing Stefan Sanderling and pianist william wolfram and others. http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/entertainment/8163743.htm |
33. LaurelFestival.org: Festival Artist, William Wolfram American pianist william wolfram, Silver Medallist at both the william Kapelland Naumburg competitions, as well as Bronze Medallist at the Tchaikovsky http://members.aol.com/LFAatJT/wolfram.htm | |
34. Michael Gailit - Austrian Organist And Pianist - Repertoire Organ Piano Figured Contemporary compositions by william Albright, Rainer Bischof, Rainer Bonelli, Ivan Kropfreiter,Flor Peeters, Peter Planyavsky, Karl Schiske, wolfram Wagner. http://members.aol.com/gailit/reper_e.htm | |
35. School Of Music | Directory Detail As a chamber musician, Mr. Tsang is a member of the wolframYoo-TsangTrio with pianist william wolfram and violinist Scott Yoo. http://www.music.utexas.edu/directory/details.asp?id=154 |
36. The Philharmonics New Year Brings Three January Concerts With Favorite Music, The music is destined to please, but the special visit by pianist william wolfram,a beloved fixture at the Colorado College Summer Music Festival, will make http://www.hispanianews.com/archive/2003/12/24/07.htm | |
37. Welcome To St. Michael's Catholic Church, Glen Allen, Virginia Pops guests, in addition to Sykes and Wilson, will include the Bravo Broadway castof singers, pianist william wolfram in a Gershwin program, and clarinetist http://www.saint-mikes.org/music/symphony/rtd_03_16_03.html | |
38. Wisconsin Musical Groups: Celebrities Frank Almond Violinist Frank Almond and pianist william wolfram have a CD recordingof the Complete Sonatas for Violin and Piano by Johannes Brahms http://my.execpc.com/~regent/celeb.htm | |
39. NPR : Performance Today For Thursday, August 8, 2002 St. John and pianist william wolfram, at this year s Colorado CollegeSummer Music Festival. (Dave Thomas, recording engineer). ». http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=8-Aug-2002 |
40. NPR : Performance Today For Friday, October 17, 2003 In concert at the Colorado College Summer Music Festival, violinist Scott Yoo,cellist Bion Tsang and pianist william wolfram play Felix Mendelssohn s (1809 http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=17-Oct-2003 |
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