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21. Welcome To Chesky Records: The Premiere Audiophile Record Label The Piano Music of Nikolai Medtner, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky/Dohnanyi, PRESS. Even as he approaches 80, earl wild remains a pianist without pieties, an http://www.chesky.com/artist/body_artist.cfm?ARTISTID=100079 |
22. Welcome To Chesky Records: The Premiere Audiophile Record Label 2 by earl wild earl wild admits that Rachmaninoff probably influenced him more thanany other pianist. He remembers Rachmoninoff s toe, his tempi, his line. http://www.chesky.com/catalog/body_catalogdtl.cfm?PRODUCT=100205&CATEGORY=1 |
23. Ccm :: Wild, Earl Wild wild, earl 1915 USA, Pittsburgh pianist. Title, Parts. L Etude no4after George Gershwin. Piano Kirill Gerstein. Oehms Classics 323, http://composers-classical-music.com/w/WildEarl.htm | |
24. Famous People With Perfect Pitch Vai, Steve, Rock musician, guitarist, USA. Weber, Jon, pianist, USA. Wenger, Win,Writer, USA. wild, earl, pianist, USA. Wilson, Brian, Singer, USA. Wilson, Carl,Singer, USA. http://www.perfectpitchpeople.com/ | |
25. Earl Wild Calmer Passions, An Interview with the pianist earl wild This fall thelegendary pianist earl wild gave a concert, wild in Pasadena http://www.shumeiarts.org/article_wild.htm | |
26. Wild, Earl - Shop.Bon-A-Roo.com 8. earl wild Plays 20th 21st Century Piano Sonatas by Samuel Barber Price $14.99Customer Review I originally purchased (I am a classical pianist by trade http://shop.bon-a-roo.com/shop/type_browse/mode_63006/ | |
27. Famous L, Vai, Steve, Rock musician, guitarist, USA. Weber, Jon, pianist, USA. Wenger,Win, Writer, USA. wild, earl, pianist, Wonder, Stevie, Musician, USA. Yanni, Musician,Greece. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/lisa.griffiths/PP website/famous/Famous.htm | |
28. Chicago Tribune | Registration earl wild having a time 88year-old pianist shows few signs of slowing down, http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/chi-0404150457apr16,1,5586344.story | |
29. Biography Of Earl Wild With Gold-music.com Last Name. earl wild ( 1915 ). pianist; born in Pittsburgh, Pa. A child prodigy,he began performing as a teenager and made his New York debut in 1944. http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_6870.php | |
30. SCHARWENKA PADEREWSKI BALAKIREV career. earl wild may well be the most recorded concert pianist livingtoday, having made his first disc in 1934 for RCA. Since http://www.elanrecordings.com/historic/82266.htm | |
31. Great Pianists Of The 20th Century Earl Wild The Art Of The Transcription At Ink Find pianist Products in these categories inkshots.com Great pianistsof the 20th Century earl wild The Art of the Transcription, Page 1. http://www.inkshots.com/a/B00000IIYU/Great-Pianists-of-the-20th-Century-Earl-Wil | |
32. Great Pianist - The Worlds Greatest Piano Players earl wild, possibly the most underrated virtouso of our time. What other pianistwould be writing and playing such spectacular transcriptions at the ripe old http://www.pianoworld.com/pianist.htm |
33. MUSISCOPE - Instrumentistes - Piano What Is Argerich provides a biography of the pianist. wild, earl; Wong,David - provides schedule and background for the American pianist. http://www.musiscope.com/piano.htm | |
34. Great Pianists Of The 20th Century Earl Wild The Art Of The Transcription At Exp Find pianist Products in these categories experiencemp3.com Great pianistsof the 20th Century earl wild The Art of the Transcription, Page 1. http://experience-mp3.com/a/B00000IIYU/Great-Pianists-of-the-20th-Century-Earl-W | |
35. Buy Earl Wild (piano) / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Horenstein Rachmaninov: P Qty opuscds.com review. American pianist earl wild s classic performances ofthe Rachmaninov concertos still rank among the critic s top recommendations. http://www.opuscds.com/cd/33077 | |
36. Pianist - Reference Library A performing classical pianist usually starts playing piano at a very Arcadi Volodos;Andr?Watts; earl wild; Elisso Wirssaladze; Paul Wittgenstein; Christian http://www.campusprogram.com/reference/en/wikipedia/p/pi/pianist.html | |
37. Earl Wild Plays 20th & 21st Century Piano Sonatas At Labdealers.com that might sound much harsher and less interesting coming from a lesser pianist. EarlWild Plays 20th 21st Century Piano Sonatas, Ivory Classics Plays Duke http://www.labdealers.com/a/B00004UEGO/Earl-Wild-Plays-20th-and-21st-Century-Pia | |
38. Brahms: Earl Wild [CH]: Classical CD Reviews- Feb 2003 MusicWeb(UK) As befits a pianist in the oldschool-virtuoso mould, earl wild playsBrahms is definitely earl wild plays Brahms . If you listen http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2003/Feb03/Brahms_Earl_Wild.htm | |
39. Pianist - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A performing classical pianist usually starts playing piano at a very Arcadi Volodos;André Watts; earl wild; Elisso Wirssaladze; Paul Wittgenstein; Maria Yudina; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pianist | |
40. RONDO-Archiv: Earl Wild, Virtuose Klaviertranskriptionen Translate this page Darauf der Dirigent, selbst ein exzellenter pianist ?earl wild? Demtraue ich alles zu. Worin ein Quäntchen Ironie mitschwang. http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/p/portrait/p49.htm | |
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