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Home - Pianists - Thibaudet Jean-yves |
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41. Cecilia Bartoli - Live In Italy / Jean-Yves Thibaudet - George Frideric Handel , to perform in one of the great treasures of Italys cultural heritage and this ledto this live performance with concert pianist jeanyves thibaudet who seems http://www.classicalmusicreview.com/Cecilia_Bartoli__Live_in_Italy__JeanYves_Thi | |
42. Reneé Fleming And Jean-Yves Thibaudet - Night Songs (Fauré, Debussy, Marx, The masterful artistry of Ms. Flemings accompanist jeanyves thibaudet just addsthe hint of sheer colaboration, between the role of singer and pianist. http://www.classicalmusicreview.com/Rene_Fleming_and_JeanYves_Thibaudet__Night_S | |
43. Artist-Show - The Largest Art Link Site In The World! teacher. thibaudet, jeanyves - offers a profile of the French pianist,known for his red sox. Includes photos and audio clips. Townley http://www.artist-show.com/ArtFields/Music/MuLinks/Classical/Artists/Piano.html | |
44. Chicago Symphony Orchestra - May 5 2004 Accomplished French pianist jeanyves thibaudet has graciously agreed to replaceMr. Zimerman, appearing in recital on the already scheduled date of Sunday http://www.cso.org/main.taf?p=7,1,2,1,85 |
45. Pianist - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A performing classical pianist usually starts playing piano at a very Grigory Sokolov;Juan Maria Solare; Solomon; jeanyves thibaudet; Alexander Toradze; David http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pianist | |
46. ABC Shop - Portraits Jean-Yves Thibaudet Praised as one of the most exciting talents before the public today , pianist JeanYvesThibaudet is renowned for his eloquent phrasing, lustrous colours and http://shop.abc.net.au/browse/product.asp?productid=352746 |
47. ABC Shop - Magic Of Satie Jean-Yves Thibaudet of Erik Satie is both classic and contemporary, facets which mirror the qualitiesof jeanyves thibaudet, the quintessential contemporary French pianist . http://shop.abc.net.au/browse/product.asp?productid=339330 |
48. ArkivMusic The Chopin I Love / Jean-yves Thibaudet refined and James McMillan s striking photograph of the pianist is a Performer JeanYvesThibaudet (Piano) Country of Origin Paris, France Period Romantic, http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?album_id=2253 |
49. ArkivMusic Warsaw Concerto / Jean-yves Thibaudet For this disc of filmrelated music, pianist jean-yves thibaudet looks back tothe black-and-white movies of the 1940s and 50s, when piano-orchestral works http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?album_id=2647 |
50. Vancouver Recital Society | Recital Season | Renee Fleming And Jean-Yves Thibaud March. In April, Ms. Fleming travels to six cities in North Americafor a recital tour with pianist jeanyves thibaudet. Her only http://www.vanrecital.com/season/0001/concert11_bio.html | |
51. Vancouver Recital Society | Recital Season | Renee Fleming And Jean-Yves Thibaud Praised for his indefinable gift of magic, jeanyves thibaudet isacclaimed as both a solo and collaborative pianist. An elegant http://www.vanrecital.com/season/0001/concert11.html | |
52. Jean-Yves Thibaudet News - Topix.net jeanyves thibaudet News. Zimerman cancels recital; thibaudet to step in ChicagoSun-Times - Thursday May 6 - pianist Krystian Zimerman is recovering from http://www.topix.net/who/jean-yves-thibaudet | |
53. Zimerman Cancels Recital; Thibaudet To Step In French pianist jeanyves thibaudet will substitute in a program including Book2 of Debussy s Preludes and five works by Liszt, including concert http://www.suntimes.com/output/classical/cst-ftr-piano06.html |
54. Los Angeles Philharmonic Association - Performer Details An acknowledged master pianist, jeanyves thibaudet is in demand worldwidefor his elegant playing and poetically strong interpretations. http://www.laphil.org/resources/performer_detail.cfm?id=414 |
55. Chicago Tribune | Registration Published May 6, 2004 The French pianist jeanyves thibaudet will replace KrystianZimerman in the Piano Series recital at 3 pm Sunday at Symphony Center. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/printedition/chi-0405060358may06,1,4817454.st |
56. Search On Author Jean-Yves Thibaudet Displaying Results (1-2) Of Daydreams $29.95 jean-yves thibaudet Atmospheric arrangements of the timeless standardsof through the rarefied sound of world master pianist, Jea more ISBN http://www.dymocks.com.au/Search/Search.asp?Author=Jean-Yves Thibaudet |
57. Pianist A performing classical pianist usually starts playing piano at a very Craig Sheppard;Juan Maria Solare; Solomon; jeanyves thibaudet; Alexander Toradze; David http://www.fact-index.com/p/pi/pianist.html | |
58. Veteran Thibaudet Brought New Life To The DSO S Steinway Concert In the hands of French pianist jeanyves thibaudet, that Steinway revealeda whole new array of colors, timbral blends and dynamics. http://www.detnews.com/2004/events/0405/15/d03-153437.htm | |
59. NewStandard: 10/1/96 pianist doesn t play classical only. jeanyves thibaudet is not yourusual concert pianist. He gives solo recitals, of course, but http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/10-96/10-01-96/c04ae106.htm | |
60. The Oakland Press: Marquee: French Pianist Will Perform Grieg's Concerto French pianist jeanyves thibaudet will perform Grieg s grand Piano Concertoin three Detroit Symphony Orchestra concerts beginning Thursday. http://www.theoaklandpress.com/stories/050704/mar_20040507009.shtml | |
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